Carlos Danger
Top 20
Trigger warning for all the atheists but the Pope is coming to town. Hopefully Nigel gets a photo with him 

Keep an eye on this Chinese paid journalist. He is one of the most corrupt journalists in the DRC
Mills Tshibangu
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*Speaking of Crooks, I see where,Not sure if this has already been circulated. Jules absolutely feeding it to the crooks.
Trigger warning for all the atheists but the Pope is coming to town. Hopefully Nigel gets a photo with him
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Tough one to call. While Biselele has the obvious weight, height and reach advantage, Kabund just looks like someone that can throw serious hands. Plus he has 6 months of extra training time on the inside. Kabund in 8 for me.*Speaking of Crooks, I see where,
Makala Central Prison: altercation between JM Kabund and Fortunat Biselele
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Taken to the central prison of Makala last Friday, January 20, Fortunat Biselele was very badly received by Jean-Marc Kabund who has been there for more than six months.
Sources close to this prison inform us that the two former relatives of President Félix Tshisekedi almost came to blows.
For Kabund, say the same sources, if he finds himself in Makala, it is because of Fortunat Biselele.
The latter was protected by security on the spot, and settled far from pavilion 8 where he should be staying, the same building where JM Kabund is.
It should be remembered that the former first vice-president of the National Assembly had narrowly avoided a lynching on the part of François Beya, when he arrived in this penitentiary center.
In turn, François Beya was not welcome finding Vital Kamerhe in the same place.
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Food for thought on the Days of our DRC Lives
@Xerof…. A little light reading for you Arse, on the Minister of Mines.
I’m not overly interested in her any more but you and I wondered for months who’s side she is on. My last thoughts on her were that she had no prior experience in anything to do with mining, was out of her depth and lacked any sense of authority to act against Mupande and speak up on our behalf.
Hopefully she’s being removed from that position in the new cabinet reshuffle and maybe this is her pat on the back
As you pointed out previously, it looks like Guy Loanda has been moved on from his previous position in cabinet too, another minister you and I long suspected of corruption
Kinshasa, January 23rd, 2023 (CPA) – The woman’s prize was awarded on Friday to the Minister in charge of Mines, Antoinette N’samba Kalambayi, selected among the winners of the « Muana Mboka » Trophy evening organised at the Pullman Hotel in Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Wasn't it the MoM who introduced AJN (?) back into the mix quite some time ago . She made a statement along the lines of " I know they have had a bad reputation in the past , but rest assured I've done my due diligence and everything will be ok with them form now on " . Can anyone else recall if this was the case ?Mate, I've formed a view she's not corrupt, just incompetent when it comes to following the Mining Code. I know a few (Jens eg) think she's the bee knees, but let's see what happens.
On the other hand, the only competition for the 'woman's prize' might have been the green mamba, so she would win by default
Sieht nach Arroganz aus....Prollig...
Wasn't it the MoM who introduced AJN (?) back into the mix quite some time ago . She made a statement along the lines of " I know they have had a bad reputation in the past , but rest assured I've done my due diligence and everything will be ok with them form now on " . Can anyone else recall if this was the case ?
That was quite a depressing read.Kiki Kienge is generally "pro AVZ", but these recent tweets and replies make it sound as though he's wearing down too.
Always hard to know with Twitter though - short, translated phrases quickly become cryptic.
Apologies for format, hard to screen grab and translate tweets coherently, especially on the phone.
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" Someone posted here or on the crapper that Nigel was asked at one of the roadshows if it was better to not trade after Dathcom receives the ML until all of the ownership is sorted and he responded with something along the lines of 'that's the first time I've heard that shareholders would be okay with that'. "I don't recall anything about 'ML should wait until the ICC arbitrations comes to a conclusion too' being said at the AGM. There's nothing in the notes I have. May have been mentioned and I missed it.
Someone posted here or on the crapper that Nigel was asked at one of the roadshows if it was better to not trade after Dathcom receives the ML until all of the ownership is sorted and he responded with something along the lines of 'that's the first time I've heard that shareholders would be okay with that'.
As for a potential Plan B, I'm sure the board have contingencies for all possible scenarios. But there will be no deal with Zijin under any circumstances. They would have been a great partner if they went about things in the right way.
But now the lion won't let any of the jackals anywhere near the pride lands imo
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Yes, it worries me, but I guess it's only one view.That was quite a depressing read.
Educate me here.Yes, it worries me, but I guess it's only one view.
At the moment my concern is that IGF and ICC can make rulings and findings, but they can't/don't act or enforce them.
Responsibility for action sits with the polllies and bureaucrats. That's where lobbying and personal connections win out, and why it's so crucial for BoD to be over there... To me that's the key lesson learned from the COVID absence of 2020-21, and where Klaus trumps AVZ.
Unless the corrupt players are removed the ICC process is a waste of time and money . The problem is those that are in favour of AVZ have no power .Educate me here.
What's the point of going to the ICC if they can't enforce rulings??
Is it just to add weight to pollies and bureaucrats decisions??
I mean hypothetically IGF, ICC, the ministerial decree for awarding of ML all in AVZ's favour. Surely the balance of opinion and more importantly the law are all in AVZ's favour.
If the mining license is still not awarded after all this then surely this puts investment in the DRC at risk? As it shows the DRC is still ruled by corruption.
Investment from Japan, USA, Australia, Europe all gone. Is this not why twiggy was meeting with Felix? Investment in the DRC. Has not Felix been reviewing all exploitation licenses ?
Working and meeting with USA gov officials, changing the cabinet. I'd say this is all to change the systematic corruption, promote investment and drag the DRC out of poverty. (And moving away from the reliance of Chinese money)
No doubt it's a shit show, as is Africa in general. Blood diamonds, tribal conflict, scarce food and water resources, extreme poverty, corruption from the very top to the corrupt cop on the street corner.
I mean lithium could do to Africa what oil did to the middle east. Or am I completely wrong/naive and AVZ and the DRC are completely fucked, forever indebted, forever bound to corruption and poverty?
The ICC can't make any binding or enforceable decisions on the government of the DRC. All we can hope for is that the corrupt sections of the government are forced by public and international pressure to implement the decision. The IGF is a government body that reports to the President. If the government chooses to ignore the IGF there's not much we can do. We have a government in Victoria that continually ignores public & investigative bodies. If it can happen here, it can very easily happen in DRC.Educate me here.
What's the point of going to the ICC if they can't enforce rulings??
Is it just to add weight to pollies and bureaucrats decisions??
I mean hypothetically IGF, ICC, the ministerial decree for awarding of ML all in AVZ's favour. Surely the balance of opinion and more importantly the law are all in AVZ's favour.
If the mining license is still not awarded after all this then surely this puts investment in the DRC at risk? As it shows the DRC is still ruled by corruption.
Investment from Japan, USA, Australia, Europe all gone. Is this not why twiggy was meeting with Felix? Investment in the DRC. Has not Felix been reviewing all exploitation licenses ?
Working and meeting with USA gov officials, changing the cabinet. I'd say this is all to change the systematic corruption, promote investment and drag the DRC out of poverty. (And moving away from the reliance of Chinese money)
No doubt it's a shit show, as is Africa in general. Blood diamonds, tribal conflict, scarce food and water resources, extreme poverty, corruption from the very top to the corrupt cop on the street corner.
I mean lithium could do to Africa what oil did to the middle east. Or am I completely wrong/naive and AVZ and the DRC are completely fucked, forever indebted, forever bound to corruption and poverty?
My sincere apologies if my PLAN B makes you puke, i said it wouldnt be popular and trust me, the thought of going into bed with Zijin is my least preferred option, but if i had to make a choice between that and AVZ still stuck in the mud come election time, then i choose the former.......Very Interesting Beisha,
My thoughts (I'm being very loose with the word thoughts) are as follows :
That Plan B you so pleasantly projectile vomited through the screen and directly into my eyes and open mouth as my jaw had hit the floor, has evoked the words "Zijin get fucked"
This was my initial thought, upon reflection I can see the error of my ways and so "Zijin can go fuck themselves vigorously with a large rusty morning-star dipped lovingly in acid, the cunts"
On every single metric Zijin have failed the test, they cannot, simply cannot be trusted and more importantly allowed to have even half a percent in this project. They will lie, cheat, steal, con, bribe and god knows what else to get what they want. Not a good partner to co-own the largest hard rock mine on the planet with.
With Felix finally moving with determination and showing every part the rapid acceleration of a stoned tortoise while pulling out his finger from rectum to move on corruption within Government to sign off on changing up Lukondes special cesspit of corruption (yet we are supposed to believe he is clean).
These new snack-searchers coming in should basically know the score.
Therefore, one would reasonably expect there to be more support for the ML being granted and less support for Mupande, i.e Mamba gone. A new MOP together with the MOM making shit happen to get the ML, I'm thinking along the lines of suspend CAMI DG like has been done before, an within that small timeframe before he is once again brought back by Lukonde we have the feted ML in our hands. A plan B should in theory only be required if Mupande can't be removed, or convinced to stop with the snacks for just this one project.
Plan B should at this stage not be required good sir!
However I will play your evil game, but I will keep that dirty dirty word Zijin out of my mouth
Wait for ICC while cutting spending to essentials. BOD pay-cut 50% till ML (a gesture if nothing else).
Now I'm off to brush my teeth and use some mouthwash to get the taste of vomit out of my mouth, oh look a piece of carrot.
just read this back an its not so cohesive, apologies I have the missus whinging at me to hurry up as apparently, I have to watch a movie.