" The only reason the contract has stalled is because management agreed to partition the northern part of the tenement and Mupande took advantage "
" the premise was that we returned the northern section to govt.....we havnt. "
Hmmmmm.....if i am to believe AVZ bod ( which i do ) and this is only the issue holding AVZ back, why hasnt FT taken Mupande to task ? Whats the hold up ?
" The alleged crimes by Cominiere, Zijin , MOP didnt occur until Q3 2021 "
Again, if FT had set up IGF in 2019 / 2020 and followed the developments of Manono closely( the biggest and most important project in DRC ), then those " alleged " crimes should never have come to pass in the first place and how the fuck was all that kept quiet until the ML decree was awarded ?
This is where the blow torch should also be directed to AVZ BOD and their " continuous disclosure " obligations
" IGF report complete.......sides with AVZ" ( May 2022 )
IGF report would be akin to the " royal commission " in Australia one would of thought, whereby Govt then acts on that report.
Why hasnt Felix acted on the IGF report ?...........its been 8 fucking months !!
Carlos, i am simply highlighting the gross inadequacy of a president who probably has good intentions, but in essence, is a weak piece of shit and has left AVZ out to dry, whilst stroking the cock of the real ruler in DRC.........the chinese.
Mark my words, what ever the out come is with AVZ, the reputational damage of the DRC thru this whole shit show has already been done, its immense and will be difficult to reverse going forward.
Lol, i have been running the ruler over a high grade gold play, just about ready to produce, ticks all the boxes ..........except its located in West Africa....................wont touch it !!!
Just sayin, just my opinion.