Hi, I realise this is an attendance thead, but for the sake of not opening another AGM thread, may I suggest we post some good questions to be asked at the AGM here so that we are ready with some very good questions at the AGM
We are all part owners of the company, so lets show some ownership and dig a little deeper!
Unfortunately I’m unavailable to attend this year.
I will start by suggesting :
1.Can you tell us more about your recent partnership with Arm. To what extent is this partnership?
2. In a recent interview it was said by( not sure who) that we are expecting explosive growth in 2022, can you elaborate more on this, will it show up in Quarterly reports etc.
3. Can you disclose anything regards to your NDAs or Early access partners? How many companies are you talking with, how far along are they from potentially signing a contract etc.They have had engineering boards available since 2020 how is that moving along? (LDN from the audience : it’s moving along nicely lol)
Agree,....and suggest that questions should be well thought out, be prepared in advance, and NOT be such that a simple "yes" or "no" answer can be given,...in other words, not close ended questions, but rather open ended (if possible) requiring more than a one word answer. When Sean Hehir was asked in a recent interview, "will you have any revenue in 2022 ?" his reply was...."Yes", and is such an example. Some additional color would have been nice, Sean. But the interviewer served up a softball question.
Don't let these folks off the hook with softball feel-good questions. We all love the Brainchip team but they need to produce revenue and a lot of it.
To me, partnerships without revenue attached is troubling. "Discuss", "explain", "define", "compare", "identify",....these are good action words that don't allow for one word answers from management.
Here are a couple of questions I have for consideration, ....
1) When ADR shares were made available, it was done so that U.S. commercial or institutional money could be invested in Brainchip (BCHPY) shares. Can you explain why volumes in these ADR shares has been so low, and what steps are being taken to increase the volumes of U.S. (and international) commercial broker and institutional ownership in these Brainchip shares?
2) Please estmate the earliest year that you can foresee Brainchip listing on the Nasdaq market based on the Nasdaq's minimum listing requirements?
3) Where is your home office located currently and what would be some reasons for relocating the home office to somewhere else? If you did relocate it, where would it be and why,....(for example, proximity to more customers)?
4) Can you identitify any financial institutions that have research analysts who are following and / or interviewing Brainchip management? If there are none, can you explain why that is? And as part of your answer are any research firms covering the company being compensated by Brainchip?
5) You have had a number of "partner" announcements recently. Although partnering up with other companies sounds positive, please explain how and when that strategy will result in new revenue? Can you cite one example, say ARM, and how specifically do you see the relationship generating revenue to Brainchip and when.....what year?
6) Are your recent partner relationship announcements more of a marketing strategy, or are they seen as revenue producing relationships in the form of intellectual property contracts that just haven't been announced yet? Why would you partner with a company if it did not result in revenue for Brainchip?
I reside in the U.S. and will not be attending, unfortunately. Regards, dippY