AVZ Discussion 2022


Being dumber than Leonard math is a real hard thing to do
AVZ hired him or was that klaus? we must have seen the light and got rid of him. Who knows how much damage he did


Being dumber than Leonard math is a real hard thing to do
My collection of slugs and snails tried so hard but ultimately disappointed themselves and couldn't achieve the goal.....
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Indeed - the suggestion that anyone can be dumber than Tolate is something I find hard to process!
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This was even more painful to listen to than yesterday’s press conference

Despite being purportedly arrested yesterday (which wasn’t shown) he is somehow back today talking smack about everyone that has gone after Cominiere for their illegal selling of state assets below market value

He accuses Jules Alingete of being a traitor for purportedly supporting a foreign company (AVZ) over the Congolese state and suggests the DRC constitution should be rewritten to get rid of the IGF

Says Jules Alingete can’t prove why 1% of Dathcom is worth 10m USD (It’s the DFS dipshit)

But then hilariously doubles down on AVZ’s acquisition of Dathomir’s 15% being purportedly illegal because it is done below market value

And still claims to have evidence that the 20m was purportedly stolen by Jules Alingete and a government minister but again refuses to show it and says he will release it next time

Mills Tshibangu is by far the dumbest person involved in this whole saga which is really saying something considering Leonard Math is a constant commentator on events
I made it about 8mins in and couldn't watch any longer.
A few extra points to show the level of intelligence we are dealing with in our opposition (just in the first 8mins mind you):
1) He thinks that AVZ raised $4bill in cash (doesn't know what market cap is).
2) Has no understanding of how the right of first refusal works.
3) He purports that the DRC always knew the lithium was there and knew that it would increase in value even before AVZ was involved.
4) He claims that he brought all this video and documentary evidence that no work had been done and the project hadn't advanced.

Absolute muppets 🤯
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Todays announcement is not the one promised, remember it was over the next few weeks
How are your Plums feeling today geo_au ?

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Biding my Time 1971
crickets GIF
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901 days since AVZ went into suspension.

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