It still amazes me how openly short sighted and corrupt Felix Tshisekedi is prepared to be with regard to the dishonouring of the mining licence with AVZ, especially when you consider now all the unrelenting international exposure and dirty laundry that has come to light, and has now been magnified about his family and their corrupt ways. Titles like "Mafia Family" the clan will do anything that serves their own financial gains, with little regard to the DRC and it's citizens future and well being, also the disregard and lack of respect for international investors that get caught up in his and his geedy grubby ministers corrupt ways and BS that he and his many cronies peddle to attempt to mask their distorted endeavour's, but we see through you as do many in this matter PAL.
One would have thought that a remotely intelligent leader with some common sense

would try to protect his

's somewhat sullied reputation from further exposure, surely an intelligent leader and not a racketeer would have had the foresight to say to X'ping "mate, it might be best in this case given the exposure about my families poor international reputation that you zinjin and co stump up a buck or two a share to make this go away!
But no, here we are 2.5yrs later and he and his families dirty laundry is now on display for everyone to see on the international stage, now being scrutinised openly and acknowledged warts and all by everyone who dares to look. I'd go further to suggest that even those that previously had no idea about the extent of his corrupt ways, that he as the main architect to this extensive corrosive behaviour within his own government, would so blatantly dishonour his countries laws and mining code at such a late stage of the process, leaving he and his country exposed to significant financial and reputational damage and recourse.
It would appear Felix is yet to workout that its not X'pings reputation (& the CCP) in this matter that's being further sullied as that has long since been clearly on the nose and shot to bits

, its his, (Felixs) rep imo that can ill afford further scrutiny, his enemies will continue to use this ammunition against him at every opportunity until the family and government fall.
I feel it really didn't need to be this way, simply neg/broker a sensible deal and your dirty laundry although it will never disappear (theres simply so much of it

) it would not have been exposed to the same extent over so many media platforms, not only but including your own countries press, exposing you and your families spleen to your enemies for ever, for which you have many it would seem. Who will likely use this and add it to your extensive list of grubby acts and deceitfulness, simply to gain a few more browny points from X'ping and co. Is it really worth the price to be his boy and instead not your peoples hero?
On NFs strategy going forward.. as much as I signed on for the whole shooting show and took on board at the time all the risks i could think of, which were quiet numerous all those years ago, such as, "is there even a commercial lithium deposit below the surface"....

I never thought the grubs would consider stealing it back after so much time and dedication by AVZ and its investors, its the height of such poor character that's clearly on display here, and I feel NF has little choice now but to try and partner up with a huge international company, be it to go mining or for the financial backing and subsequent payout that will be attributed to AVZ when it wipes all those adversaries before it within ICC & ICSID.
What a tough and personally taxing gig and lost opportunities to all those that trusted the DRC to have finally turned the page on its gov's previous greed and corrupt ways. Legitimate investors have been dragged into this sewer simply due to an unscrupulous President who can only think about gorging himself for the benefit of his own insatiable and gluttonous greed, he lives a lie and there's nothing democratic about him at all, he is a traitor to his people. He will eventually pay a huge price imo.