AVZ Discussion 2022


Interesting read, and a bit sobering too.

For some time I've wondered about the potential effect of lower spodumine prices on the value of future arbitral awards. Spodumine prices are already low, having come off their highs by 80-90% in two years, and they seem headed further south at least in the short term. African supplies are increasing, and they're all headed for China.

While Manono is large, homogenous and strategically important, (which has value) it is nonetheless a creature of the global contestable market and China's hegemony and manipulation.

And while AVZ is likely to prevail at the the international courts of arbitration, unfortunately we maybe we need to adjust our compensation expectations.

Go Blues
yes thats been my concern for sometime as well. This saga has fucked us over such that whenever we do come out of it, the price will be so low we'll get a fraction of previous pricing. Just look at the share destruction of pls, ltr, min, igo, etc to see what our new reality will be. still, getting something is better than nothing at all.
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yes thats been my concern for sometime as well. This saga has fucked us over such that whenever we do come out of it, the price will be so low we'll get a fraction of previous pricing. Just look at the share destruction of pls, ltr, min, igo, etc to see what our new reality will be. still, getting something is better than nothing at all.
Nigel obviously thought the threat of ICSID would persuade the DRC to do the right thing . As it turns out it's looking like he got it very wrong. It's like 'trying to herd cats.'
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Interesting read, and a bit sobering too.

For some time I've wondered about the potential effect of lower spodumine prices on the value of future arbitral awards. Spodumine prices are already low, having come off their highs by 80-90% in two years, and they seem headed further south at least in the short term. African supplies are increasing, and they're all headed for China.

While Manono is large, homogenous and strategically important, (which has value) it is nonetheless a creature of the global contestable market and China's hegemony and manipulation.

And while AVZ is likely to prevail at the the international courts of arbitration, unfortunately we maybe we need to adjust our compensation expectations.

Go Blues
Honestly we would all be more surprised of how and if/when it was enforced then the total compensation number.

Is CDL lumped in with the compensation claim?

Atleast ICC fine should be a test.

Awarded 9B asked for 21B.
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Nigel obviously thought the threat of ICSID would persuade the DRC to do the right thing . As it turns out it's looking like he got it very wrong. It's like 'trying to herd cats.'
He knew full well they would not give 2 fucks he only put the whole thing in place to cover his own ass. He fucked up and fucked us and wants to behave like it was all the DRC. He’s a victim and we are his bitches
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Nigel obviously thought the threat of ICSID would persuade the DRC to do the right thing . As it turns out it's looking like he got it very wrong. It's like 'trying to herd cats.'
The thing they got wrong in hindsight is they should have instigated the arbitration 2 years sooner. It's pretty clear DRC was never going to do the right thing regardless and management basically wasted two years trying to negotiate with liars and crooks.

It'll be very interesting to see how and if the 75+ million penalty owed to us by cominiere SA is enforced and if it makes the DRC change their tune whatsoever. Right now they're simply ignoring it and continue goading shareholders on X.
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WTF lol? My joke from last night got modded by Zeebot? Really? I have no idea why but ok.
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Is there no one with a social conscious in the government hierarchy that wants to actually create a better country and pull their people out of poverty instead of creating extreme gains for a few elites and the people as a whole being indebted to external countries forever...?

Freakin lol
No, nobody with a conscience.

My ex did a lot of high level work on this.
She came to the conclusion, put simply, that politicians (and high ranking public officials ) are a mix of psychopaths, narcissists and egotists.
They are the winners in the back- stabbing competition to get to the very top.
So don't even think about others.
Just determined to stay there.

Most of us here are not like that, so we find it difficult to comprehend.

Yes, there are a small number of exceptions and some of these do great good, but they're few and far between.

Look at the definitions below. The first is what most people would probably say if asked.
The second is more relevant here.

politic S
nou n
the activities associated with the governance of a country or area, especially the debate between parties having power. "the party quickly gained influence in French politics
Simil govern.... local gover.. 2 activities aimed at improving someone's . status or increasing power within an organization.

Sorry for the typos, pasting from my phone
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Haha, so King Felix-the-corrupt proposes upgrading China-Africa relations to the level of an all-weather China-Africa community with a shared future in the new era

Unfortunately, his vision of a shared future is a bit different from China's, which is: We'll bribe you and your officials; we'll corrupt your agencies; we'll lie and cheat at every opportunity in order to steal your resources; we'll make promises that we have no intention of keeping; we'll manipulate the export figures in order to pay SFA in royalties and taxes; we'll use shoddy materials on every project; we'll under-pay your workers and treat your citizens as our personal slaves, we'll pollute your waterways and your aquifers; and finally we'll pack up and leave after looting your country and turning it into a wasteland.

It still amazes me how openly short sighted and corrupt Felix Tshisekedi is prepared to be with regard to the dishonouring of the mining licence with AVZ, especially when you consider now all the unrelenting international exposure and dirty laundry that has come to bare and is now being magnified about his family and their corrupt ways. Titles like "Mafia Family" the clan will do anything that serves their own financial gains, with little regard to the DRC and it's citizens future and well being, also the blatant disregard and lack of respect for international investors that get caught up in his and his ministers greedy grubby corrupt ways, and the BS that he and his many cronies peddle to attempt to mask their distorted endeavour's, but we see through you and your mates as do many in this matter PAL.

One would have thought that a remotely intelligent leader with some common sense 🤔 would try to protect his 👪's somewhat sullied reputation from further scrutiny and additional exposure, surely an intelligent leader and 'even a second rate racketeer' would have had the foresight to say to X'ping "mate, it might be best in this case given the exposure about my families poor international reputation that you, zinjin, and co stump up a buck or two a share to make this go away"!

But no, here we are 2.5yrs later and he and his families dirty laundry is now on display for everyone to see, now playing out on an international stage, also being scrutinised openly and acknowledged warts and all by everyone who dares to look. I'd go further to suggest that even those that previously had no idea about the extent of his corrupt ways, that he as the main architect to this extensive corrosive behaviour within his own government, would so blatantly dishonour his countries laws and mining code at such a late stage of the process, leaving he and his country exposed to significant financial and reputational damage and recourse.

It would appear Felix is yet to workout that its not X'pings reputation (& the CCP) in this matter that's being further sullied as that has long since been on the nose shot to bits 🙄, its his, (Felixs) rep imo that can ill afford further scrutiny, his enemies within his own country will continue to use this ammunition against him at every opportunity until the family and government fall.

I feel it really didn't need to be this way, simply neg/broker a sensible deal and your dirty laundry although its unlikely to disappear now, i would think its just going to grow, and you will be further exposed over more and more media platforms, not only in your own countries press, but internationally exposing you and your families spleen to your advisories and enemies for which you have many i would think. Who will likely use this behaviour towards AVZ and add it to your extensive list of grubby acts and deceitfulness, simply to gain a few more browny points with X'ping Is it really worth the price to be his boy and instead not your peoples hero?

On NFs strategy going forward.. as much as I signed on for the whole shooting show and took on board at the time all the risks i could think of, which were quiet numerous all those years ago, such as, "is there even a commercial lithium deposit below the surface".... 😔 I never thought the grubs would consider stealing it back after so much time and dedication by AVZ and its investors, its the height of such poor character that's clearly on display here, and I feel NF has little choice now but to try and partner up with a huge international company, be it to go mining or for the financial backing and subsequent payout that will be attributed to AVZ when it wipes all those adversaries before it within ICC & ICSID process playing out in AVZs favour. AIMO

What a tough and personally taxing gig and lost opportunities to all those that trusted the DRC to have finally turned the page on its gov's previous greed and corrupt ways. Legitimate investors have been dragged into this sewer simply due to an unscrupulous President who can only think about gorging himself for the benefit of his own insatiable and gluttonous greed, he lives a lie and there's nothing democratic about him at all, he is a traitor to his people. He will eventually pay a huge price imo.
ps I won't say what i think that is likely to be 😓...however hint "viva the French revolution"...yikes 😉

Interesting read, and a bit sobering too.

For some time I've wondered about the potential effect of lower spodumine prices on the value of future arbitral awards. Spodumine prices are already low, having come off their highs by 80-90% in two years, and they seem headed further south at least in the short term. African supplies are increasing, and they're all headed for China.

While Manono is large, homogenous and strategically important, (which has value) it is nonetheless a creature of the global contestable market and China's hegemony and manipulation.

And while AVZ is likely to prevail at the the international courts of arbitration, unfortunately we maybe we need to adjust our compensation expectations.

Go Blues
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It still amazes me how openly short sighted and corrupt Felix Tshisekedi is prepared to be with regard to the dishonouring of the mining licence with AVZ, especially when you consider now all the unrelenting international exposure and dirty laundry that has come to light, and has now been magnified about his family and their corrupt ways. Titles like "Mafia Family" the clan will do anything that serves their own financial gains, with little regard to the DRC and it's citizens future and well being, also the disregard and lack of respect for international investors that get caught up in his and his geedy grubby ministers corrupt ways and BS that he and his many cronies peddle to attempt to mask their distorted endeavour's, but we see through you as do many in this matter PAL.

One would have thought that a remotely intelligent leader with some common sense 🤔 would try to protect his 👪's somewhat sullied reputation from further exposure, surely an intelligent leader and not a racketeer would have had the foresight to say to X'ping "mate, it might be best in this case given the exposure about my families poor international reputation that you zinjin and co stump up a buck or two a share to make this go away!

But no, here we are 2.5yrs later and he and his families dirty laundry is now on display for everyone to see on the international stage, now being scrutinised openly and acknowledged warts and all by everyone who dares to look. I'd go further to suggest that even those that previously had no idea about the extent of his corrupt ways, that he as the main architect to this extensive corrosive behaviour within his own government, would so blatantly dishonour his countries laws and mining code at such a late stage of the process, leaving he and his country exposed to significant financial and reputational damage and recourse.

It would appear Felix is yet to workout that its not X'pings reputation (& the CCP) in this matter that's being further sullied as that has long since been clearly on the nose and shot to bits 🙄, its his, (Felixs) rep imo that can ill afford further scrutiny, his enemies will continue to use this ammunition against him at every opportunity until the family and government fall.

I feel it really didn't need to be this way, simply neg/broker a sensible deal and your dirty laundry although it will never disappear (theres simply so much of it 🙁) it would not have been exposed to the same extent over so many media platforms, not only but including your own countries press, exposing you and your families spleen to your enemies for ever, for which you have many it would seem. Who will likely use this and add it to your extensive list of grubby acts and deceitfulness, simply to gain a few more browny points from X'ping and co. Is it really worth the price to be his boy and instead not your peoples hero?

On NFs strategy going forward.. as much as I signed on for the whole shooting show and took on board at the time all the risks i could think of, which were quiet numerous all those years ago, such as, "is there even a commercial lithium deposit below the surface".... 😔 I never thought the grubs would consider stealing it back after so much time and dedication by AVZ and its investors, its the height of such poor character that's clearly on display here, and I feel NF has little choice now but to try and partner up with a huge international company, be it to go mining or for the financial backing and subsequent payout that will be attributed to AVZ when it wipes all those adversaries before it within ICC & ICSID.

What a tough and personally taxing gig and lost opportunities to all those that trusted the DRC to have finally turned the page on its gov's previous greed and corrupt ways. Legitimate investors have been dragged into this sewer simply due to an unscrupulous President who can only think about gorging himself for the benefit of his own insatiable and gluttonous greed, he lives a lie and there's nothing democratic about him at all, he is a traitor to his people. He will eventually pay a huge price imo.

You make far too much sense aon.

All I can add to your comment is that King Felix is totally corrupt, just as those who preceded him were corrupt, those around him are corrupt and those who will follow him will be corrupt.

It's pretty much a DRC right of passage and way of life.
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That poor little corrupt criminal scumbag Cominiere bastard ,Célestin Kibeya , seems to be soiling his G-String on X .
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Ding dong the witch is dead
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Cumquat Cap

Zijin might have a new streaming service or media outlet he’s going to work for. I personally can’t wait to find out his next employer and let them know what kind of scumbag old Tommy is, fuck that cunt
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Zijin might have a new streaming service or media outlet he’s going to work for. I personally can’t wait to find out his next employer and let them know what kind of scumbag old Tommy is, fuck that cunt
head of media relations for MMGA
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Maybe us AVZ investors can go volunteer to fight against M23, then maybe Felix will give us the ML
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Just some interesting weekend reading:


Stu RobartsJuly 20, 2023

Russia-Ukraine war risks hampering transition to global low-carbon economy​

Russia is home to some of largest rare earth reserves in the world, while preliminary estimates suggest Ukraine holds Europe’s largest lithium reserves.

Russia’s invasion and continued occupation of Ukraine could disrupt efforts to transition the world to a low-carbon economy due to the significance of both countries in terms of critical minerals, suggests new analysis from Energy Monitor’s parent company GlobalData.

The supply of minerals critical to the manufacture of green energy technologies – such as wind turbines, electric vehicle motors and other electronic devices – is key to countries lowering greenhouse gas emissions and achieving net-zero targets.

However, the Russia-Ukraine war has diverted interest from untapped reserves in these countries that could be used to mitigate forecast shortages.

Russia has the fourth-largest reserves in the world and, prior to its invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, was seeking to become the second-largest rare earth element producer after China. These plans appear to have been frozen, though, while the country remains entangled in a war that has lasted longer and been more costly than it expected.

Preliminary estimates from Ukrainian researchers, meanwhile, suggest the country could hold the largest reserves of lithium in Europe at around 500,000 tonnes. Before Russia’s invasion, licences had been issued to explore Ukraine’s reserves of lithium, which among other things is essential for the manufacture of electric vehicle batteries.

As outlined in GlobalData’s new critical minerals report, among the reserves in Ukraine are the Shevchenkivske field in the Donetsk region and the Kruta Balka block in the Zaporizhzhia region, both located close to areas of conflict with Russia.

“Ukraine’s untapped lithium assets could be influential in the EU’s ambitions to secure diverse mineral supply chains to accelerate its domestic technology and energy transition industries,” says Isabel Al-Dhahir, a senior analyst in GlobalData’s thematic intelligence unit and author of the report.

“However, the breakout of war saw companies halt their plans for exploring reserves in affected areas, with supply issues exacerbated by the prevalence of certain minerals only in some areas of the world.”

One notable example of this was the collapse of the 2021 agreement by Australian company European Lithium to buy Petro Consulting from the Polish-Ukrainian investment company Millstone.

In the meantime, demand for critical minerals is accelerating, highlighting the need for new reserves to be tapped.

“The speed at which demand for energy transition technologies is rising is putting a lot of pressure on the availability of raw materials and key minerals,” notes Barbara Monterrubio, a managing analyst for energy at GlobalData. “This could lead to a supply shortage and increasing costs for available minerals. Further batteries developments and the use of new materials across power generation technologies, such as solar and wind, could [help] alleviate mineral shortages.”
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