AVZ Discussion 2022


New baby girl just born healthily a few days ago.

I'm now ready to have this fiasco wrapped up and in the way to retuning funds to shareholders.

Let's go Mr Fergusson. We've believed and trusted you so far.

Awesome news Thaz. Well done to her, her and you.
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New baby girl just born healthily a few days ago.

I'm now ready to have this fiasco wrapped up and in the way to retuning funds to shareholders.

Let's go Mr Fergusson. We've believed and trusted you so far.
Nigella ?

Only jokes mate congrats bud 👍

Let’s hope we sort it out very soon.
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New baby girl just born healthily a few days ago.

I'm now ready to have this fiasco wrapped up and in the way to retuning funds to shareholders.

Let's go Mr Fergusson. We've believed and trusted you so far.
Great news Thaz, congratulations!
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but we were all quietly confident and getting warm and fuzzies a few weeks & months leading up to the last AGM.

I beg to differ, we were fighting hard to retain our BOD last year from thse cunts

Remember ?

View attachment 69309
Consider me buttered.... 😂
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New baby girl just born healthily a few days ago.

I'm now ready to have this fiasco wrapped up and in the way to retuning funds to shareholders.

Let's go Mr Fergusson. We've believed and trusted you so far.
Congrats mate! May all our children reap the rewards of this investment!
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Thanks for sharing scarpas post before it was moderated Frank.
His post probably the one thing I miss from the crapper.
It's a shame that shit eating Chinese toilet motherfucker had it moderated.

If he's lurking here like the rest of the lowlifes I'd just like to point out to him that he's a fucking cunt and to get fucked!
Some might say,

Toilet - The Biggest Turd on the Crapper that clings to the Bowl of HC like the low life piece of Shit that he is :poop:


Scarpa on the other hand = LEGEND - Someone buy that Man a VB 🍺

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Toilet is trolling since the creation of that account. Not much of a surprise Scarpa called him out. Moreover Toilet wont give a shit about insults. He is going to write more shit and lies.
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Today's Global Arbitration Reviews news:



Why are we not surprised.

Honestly, is there no organisation, agency or individual in the entire country, with the exception of Jules Alingete, who is not corrupt all the way to their bone marrow?

That was a rhetorical question.

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Constant Mutamba expresses his gratitude to Félix Tshisekedi for the support given to him

As soon as he returned to his office on Monday, September 16, the Minister of State, Minister of Justice and Keeper of the Seals, Constant Mutamba, reiterated his determination to continue the courageous reforms initiated in his sector.

In front of the executives and agents of the Ministry of Justice, Constant Mutamba warmly welcomed the support of the President of the Republic, Félix Tshisekedi.

Constant Mutamba confessed to the crowd the dangerousness of the action initiated by his detractors against his life.

"The attack was brutal and deadly. Thanks to God and the support of the Head of State and the many prayers of the Congolese, I am alive," he said.

And he added: "The Congolese people have just dictated the method to me.

That means that we do not change the methods that win.

We will relentlessly pursue the courageous and bold reforms that we have initiated".

Minister of State Constant Mutamba returns from a brief medical stay in Turkey, after the revelations of his poisoning.

In Kinshasa, several support movements have been recorded in his favor.

The demonstrators called on the Head of State, Félix Tshisekedi, to guarantee the physical health of the boss of the Minister of Justice.

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I am a little slow on the uptake when it comes to tapping in to AVZ website for formal updates......:sleep:

Convertible Note raising AVZ has raised A$1.4 million via an initial issuance of unsecured convertible notes (Convertible Notes) to certain professional or sophisticated investors (Noteholders), including directors and management personnel of the Company. The funds will be used to meet operational costs and, until entry into a binding litigation funding facility, fund the ongoing legal proceedings to which AVZ and its subsidiaries are a party. This initial fundraising enables AVZ to continue to take actions to protect its legal rights in the Manono Project and the interests of its shareholder and other stakeholders. The Company has also granted a call option

Now this has been made public, this was one of the many bits of intel that i was advised prior............so far so good.

Nigel going cap in hand, working hard to protect our rights as mentioned before

There is a reason why Locke funding is delayed, but not going to reveal why, but should be good to go...........if required.

In addition to the Company's continued pursuit of its legal strategy with a view to achieving a negotiated settlement, the Company continues to identify and explore realisation opportunities whilst ensuring any such settlement or value realisation opportunity is in the best interest of all shareholders.

View attachment 69307

View attachment 69308
"the Company continues to identify and explore realisation opportunities"

Any suggestions as to what these opportunities might be ?
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"the Company continues to identify and explore realisation opportunities"

Any suggestions as to what these opportunities might be ?
The "realisation" that Felix is corrupt to the core and loves Chinese brown paper bags
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The "realisation" that Felix is corrupt to the core and loves Chinese brown paper bags
So manufacturing brown paper bags . Ok , well that is one suggestion .
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Great post Frank.

Just one omission from your list of inglorious thieves...the fat bloke in the middle wearing the silk Armani and Rolex.

He's the head of the DRC corruption snake.

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Cominiere announces PE granted for Manono Lithium 15575 - clearly zero fucks given regarding ICSID cases & ICC ruling.

What a pack of absolutely corrupt cunts.

"Battery Metals Forum DRC: COMINIERE makes major announcements P.E. granted to Manono Lithium, access and evacuation roads under construction, and Mpiana Mwanga capacity to increase from 34 to 149 MW by December 2024 With: @cominiereSA , @CelestinKibeya , @geopolis_hebdo"

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Dave Evans

Cominiere announces PE granted for Manono Lithium 15575 - clearly zero fucks given regarding ICSID cases & ICC ruling.

What a pack of absolutely corrupt cunts.

"Battery Metals Forum DRC: COMINIERE makes major announcements P.E. granted to Manono Lithium, access and evacuation roads under construction, and Mpiana Mwanga capacity to increase from 34 to 149 MW by December 2024 With: @cominiereSA , @CelestinKibeya , @geopolis_hebdo"

Dave Evans

DRC violates @iccwbo @ICC_arbitration @icsid

Report proved Cominiere’s illegal actions👇

Celestin Kibeya recorded taking Zijin bribe👇


Reported corruption in DRC👇



@WorldBank @IMFAfrica @USAID




World Bank and 9 others


Apr 8, 2023

#MANONO #LITHIUM SCANDALE sur la vente des 15% de l'État Congolais aux Chinois de #ZIJIN à 33.4 millions que 150 millions $US. En 2021 un dirigeant de la #COMINIERE demande de faire apparaître 35.5 millions $US sur les documents que le chiffre réel convenu. @Presidence_RDC

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