Well it better push it up by more than 10% cos that's what it's costing us, minimum
Glass half full:
It's not costing us anything because without it we're dead.
It's a sacrifice of some future value that will only eventuate if we stay in business and win the court cases / reach a settlement.
Locke has saved our bacon. For now.
I'm loathe to give up any territory unless the area that we retain is sold simultaneously or we enter partnership with a western entity.
To do otherwise, will inevitable lead to us being fucked over.
DRC is not fucked over by any of this.
People need to understand that this problem is not an issue with the DRC. It is an issue with the corrupt leaders and officials of the DRC. This is multi - generational.
Ultimately though, they will do what their Chinese paymasters order.
Their is no obvious sanctions for China / CCP for not mending their ways.
One thing that I will add.
I know for 100% fact that their were discussions late 2023 ( not typo ) in TWO European capitals around DRC corruption. Neither one was Brussels.
That is what, I believe, initiated the action against I'll gotten gains in Belgium and Canada.
Whilst I crave progress, the fact that we're still in the game is enough.