If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
For me that implies that he believes they are going to overtake us and be the new leader?!
View attachment 60849
Website does not give a lot of information, and looks like a new company
CyberSwarm – Techonolgy
Neuromorphic Computing - unlike traditional computers, where data storage and processing are separate, neuromorphic computing integrates these elements, just like our brains integrate memory and processing. This means no more running back and forth, leading to faster and more
View attachment 60850
After watching this video of Mihai Raneti discussing Cyberswarm, I feel very much re-assured that they pose no immediate threat to us.
As far as presentations go, this would have to be one of the worst I have encountered. Sadly, Mihai's forte does not appear to lie in the realms of public speaking. On at least two occasions he describes Samsung and Intel as " small companies"????
Anyway if you can challenge yourself to watch the whole video you'll find, apart from losing 20 odd minutes of your precious life that you will never be able to get back, that the device they are working on is some sot of analogue memristor device that is supposed to emulate an ants brain. It doesn't sound like they're anywhere near commercialisation but this video was taken in 2022, so maybe they have made advancements since then.
I have posted the below video snippet (TURN THE VOLUME RIGHT UP) to commence with Mihai saying "shit" under his breath. I'm not too sure why but presumably he wasn't looking forward to answering any questions. Anyway, he eventually goes on to answer the question saying something along these lines "We have this thing here. Its' already been working. We don't know why. But that's a re-current event in our office. We have things that are working and we don't have any kind of idea why they're working."

Oh, and then he goes on to say "We have some ideas of what we're going to do but we're sure that 90% of the solutions are going to come from you", which I can only imagine came as quite a surprise to the unsuspecting audience members.
Yeah, so I for one am not at all concerned and can only thank the gods that we have someone as confident and self-assured as Sean representing us on the world stage.
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