BRN Discussion Ongoing


Found this. Is in Swedish I think. They used Akida


Nice work SC....we've both been on this amazing journey, with it's highs and lows..5 months have elapsed since this research was papered,
now with AKD 2.0 the results/accuracy could differ quiet a lot, but it just never really stacks up in my mind, and what do I mean ?

Brainchip and Peter are really ALL ABOUT NATIVE SNN....the CNN2SNN conversion was and still is in my mind just "a means to an end".

At some point, clients who can get over the hurdle of disruptive technology, the "band-aid effect" that the above conversion accommodated
for the mob and their current networks, well, the better off the overall benchmarks will be.

Unless Peter or anyone on this forum can convince me otherwise, we have always wanted to be "Native" SNN so to speak.

Hoping to get a few comments from someone on IBMs NORTH POLE...stay tuned.

Tech (Karikari Peninsula) (y)
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And to me it also demonstrates that once you remove all the bullshit sell orders just how few Brainchip shares are actually for sale.
It shows the confidence that the majority of holders have and also provides and indication on just how fast this will fly once announcements and revenue start to flow.
Agreed. And they've probably realised, of the retail holders that are left, none of us are selling. Time to let it rip.
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Maybe the motley tool are going to recommend us as a “buy”. Who knows stranger things have happened!
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I feel like I remember a big rise the trading day prior to the announcement of Sean as CEO. But that’s just from memory, could be wrong.
you are right @misslou a 23%rise
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If you following Share Price charting - a technical BUY was also issued on BRN stock yesterday - as the stock had been steadily moving up and confirmation of some buying support was there. That is part of what today is, the other part is we were mass oversold and mass selling had been primarily complete for a while and simply time to move back up with tech sector sentiment improving in the last week.

Honestly Instos could only hold the price down below .20 for so long as that was stupid cheap... you could see the instos buy and sell walls holding the price down below .20 on the daily - it of course will continue as have no doubt that there is mass accumulation occurring down here at these levels by instos grinding and keeping the price down here as long as they can while they grind away at any buys they can get!

The move has nothing to do with company news.

Simply the tech sector recovery has finally made its way to BRN.

What Brainchip management need to take advantage of here is release some damn good revenue associated news along with this recovery then watch the 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
My TA shows that based on what occurred today, the SP is now overbought in the short-term - so expect some selling to compensate for it. Long-term it is still oversold.
It is what it is.
Not advice.
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I feel like I remember a big rise the trading day prior to the announcement of Sean as CEO. But that’s just from memory, could be wrong.
Or maybe a very super dupa impressive new sales manager has been appointed :) :) :)
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My TA shows that based on what occurred today, the SP is now overbought in the short-term - so expect some selling to compensate for it. Long-term it is still oversold.
It is what it is.
Not advice.
Brainchip don't release news , the Boyz were @ the Cup, jokes well I hope they weren't


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Or maybe a very super dupa impressive new sales manager has been appointed :) :) :)
Would be not surprised if Elon musk gave up his business and start to work for us soon
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So nobody gets upset, I am only making this post to make fellow Tsexer's aware that they can still continue to vote in Magnus Osbergs poll. .(For those who don’t feel like taking up his offer to participate, then don’t .) :)

Feel free to vote "other" and comment "Brainchip AKIDA".
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Anyone remember the time it took from the announcement of akida 1.0 and the announcement of licenses being bought? Was it weeks? Months? 6 months? Year etc.


Would be not surprised if Elon musk gave up his business and start to work for us soon
Really! Who would want him? We have Peter and Anil.
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Are people upset about a cap raise or are they upset they haven't been told it might be on the cards?
We have to assume it's on the cards if Sean says he's exploring the options, but now I'm confused what the issue is?

Edit: if not CR, aren't we expecting LDA to be called upon whenever needed?
What the capital raise, its the best tell on the sales / revenue financials!
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Really! Who would want him? We have Peter and Anil.
The stats are looking good for today. BRN up, almost 39%. About 9 times as many buyers as sellers (by number of shares). About 9 times the volume traded today of what we have has been trading recently.

The Market Cap of Brainchip is still only $322 million which is 2.4 times less than the market cap of WBT ($776 million). And I still know which one of these I would rather hold. In fact I hold both anyway ... just a whole lot more BrainChip.
Cheers, Deena
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Founding Member
Would be not surprised if Elon musk gave up his business and start to work for us soon

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So nobody gets upset, I am only making this post to make fellow Tsexer's aware that they can still continue to vote in Magnus Osbergs poll. .(For those who don’t feel like taking up his offer to participate, then don’t .) :)

Feel free to vote "other" and comment "Brainchip AKIDA".
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Does anyone know our chairman's email address? Or Sean's?
If nobody has it just use LinkedIn to contact him. That should work.
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The stats are looking good for today. BRN up, almost 39%. About 9 times as many buyers as sellers (by number of shares). About 9 times the volume traded today of what we have has been trading recently.

The Market Cap of Brainchip is still only $322 million which is 2.4 times less than the market cap of WBT ($776 million). And I still know which one of these I would rather hold. In fact I hold both anyway ... just a whole lot more BrainChip.
Cheers, Deena
ASX: "OK Brainchip, this is a speeding ticket! Please explain why you went up by almost 39% today without an announcement!"

BRN: "Well just maybe because we are so damn undervalued, and some dudes are starting to figure that out."

ASX: "OK. Point taken."
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Found this. Is in Swedish I think. They used Akida


Computed tomography (CT) plays a critical role in medical imaging
as it assists doctors in identifying brain disorders such as hemorrhages
and malignant tumors. This thesis explores the potential of deep learning models as a tool for the detection of brain diseases
in medical imaging science. By first creating a convolutional neural
network model that can identify brain hemorrhage and then transfer it
to the neuromorphic processor Akida AKD1000, enabled the use of "spiking" neural networks and relearning of the model on the hardware (on-edge). In a process called few-shot learning, the model was trained
to also be able to identify brain tumors with only a minimal number of additional computed tomography images. Furthermore, it was investigated how the parameters
which is used in the relearning on the neuromorphic hardware affected
the classification accuracy. It was shown that the choice of parameters and their interaction introduced a trade-off when it came to the accuracy of
the bleeding and tumor classification models, but an optimal constellation
of parameters could be extracted. These results are intended to serve as
a basis for future work in medical imaging with neuromorphic hardware, especially in the area of few-shot learning and on-edge learning.
Classification models like these have the potential to streamline diagnosis
of brain diseases and thus improve the accuracy of diagnosis of
brain diseases, as well as relieve medical professionals.
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Great post @Fastback6666 ................... its been my "uneducated veiw" that the accumulation has been happening all the way down from at least 50c
The accumulators haven"t cared whether they buy at 50c, 40c, 30c, as imho they know its worth much more, but of course with deep pockets they were able to drag the s/p down to rediculous lows. I genuinely feel for any shareholder that had to sell for any unforeseen circumstance.

Here's hoping Sean's and Tony's "Un-announced Investor Trip" will warrant a positive price sensitive ann soon! 🤞
I put up a chart with my post #68,839 on 26th Oct, so have updated the chart and elongated box F, which was 26 days old on 26/10/23.

I said at the time that box F was beginning to get long in the tooth, when compared with most other boxes since the start of the year, so here we are 8 trading days later and we have broken out of the box, and it's in the correct direction.

Screenshot 2023-11-08 at 5.38.45 pm.png

A lot of shorts are feeling the squeeze right now, Fri 17th is options expiry date and if the S/P stays at around this level a lot of shorts get burnt. Someone has thrown a lot of money at BRN today and I suspect that they have been lightening up on their short options over the last week and went long today (and hard too - largest volume day in nearly 2 months), so it becomes a battle between the shorts and longs, but if prices stay where they are, there will be more and more shorts looking for the exit before the 17th.

Time will tell, the buy sell ratio looks crazy good, tomorrow morning will see the players take their positions, regardless someone has decided that it is time to take a different position on BRN today,

On the speculation about a CR, I don't buy it; BRN would not be looking to raise capital with the share price where it has been, they certainly have enough money to continue for several Qtrs, there is also the LDA scenario to play out. Also with the Akida 2 now available to EAPs and NDAs you might think that something could happen on the contract front, so why would you want to front run that possibility, when you might might CR at a significantly better price point going ahead, whilst you are still sitting on plenty of cash. Doesn't make much sense to me - but I could be wrong. Speculations of all sorts here can still be way out there though regardless, mind you I don't mind healthy respectful discussion, everyone has a right to their view, but we also know that some can get pretty boring.

Why was Seans' visit to Oz not communicated to S/Hers??? Not good IMO.

The Nasdaq has been feelin the love since J Powell held rates steady last week, this has also given impetus to tech stocks. Short personal story, I have been a lapsed catholic since I was 13yrs old (pushing 72 now), have gone back to praying (my own prayers), but believe it or not, I put up a small Jesus tapestry in my office this very morning, part of my dreaming/motivation/prayer was that he was going to bring me a change of luck, very happy with his form so far.
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And to me it also demonstrates that once you remove all the bullshit sell orders just how few Brainchip shares are actually for sale.
It shows the confidence that the majority of holders have and also provides and indication on just how fast this will fly once announcements and revenue start to flow.
I'm not sure how much the Optus outage, really had to do with today..

Volume was very big..

Probably over 50 million shares traded, including Chi-X?..
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