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Mad Scientist
Yikes- <4 watts
Akida has put on a few watts - must be all that RadHard Vorago has been feeding it.
YIKES- now a casual <4

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FWIW, heres a newly posted youtube video of someone using AKIDA. It may not be much, but atleast it shows people experimenting with the tech.

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Unfortunately, this touched a nerve for me. Considering that opinions are subjective, I assume an "honest" opinion is one that a person provides without any pretenses.

In my opinion, the individual on HC did nothing more than carpet-bomb a thread with "competitive analyses" while providing no analysis whatsoever. Anything to do with AI without any comparison or contrast of the competition -- be it performance, cost, power usage, feature set, etc. It was a campaign to build negative sentiment through the technological ignorance of the investors who were left second-guessing their investment in BrainChip.

This individual also spun other things in a negative light, such as suggesting a horde of investors using mob tactics to vote for an award, or belittling the company for selling swag such as T-shirts, when companies like IBM, Apple, and NVidia do the same.

To suggest that this individual provided some "noble cause" which would have saved investors tens of thousands of dollars is giving this individual a lot more credit than they deserve. However, I will take it that is your honest opinion.

To me, what would have saved investors more money would be to educate them on the amount of time it takes for a company that sells mainly IP to a) complete the design of the IP, b) provide a reference chip as proof of concept, c) produce development boards for companies to "kick the tires" so to speak, d) sign the deals with companies that plan on using that IP, and e) wait the amount it times for those companies to complete their product which is probably a component of a final retail good.

Those convinced that BrainChip was an investment in which an investor would get rich quickly, the Mercedes CES announcement notwithstanding, were betrayed by their convictions. BrainChip's decision to sell only IP was a strategic move to reduce expenses to allow the company to survive long enough to have its product start getting introduced into the supply chain.

I still believe that this is a long-term investment, and those who thought otherwise most likely did lose money (at least on paper) from the decline in the share price or perhaps opportunity costs.

I certainly empathize with the frustrations that others have due to the share price; until the company starts seeing steady revenue from IP sales and royalty payments, it's going to be a waiting game that I think is going to be driven by user sentiment fueled by partnership announcements and new product releases in the Akida product line.

The partnership with VVDN will allow BRN to showcase its product while still sharing the costs with its partner to keep the overhead low. I'm looking forward to the reviews and any performance comparisons to other products to see how well BrainChip holds up against its competitors.

I'm looking forward to future reports from EDGX on using Akida in their satellites and ANT61's repair robot, whose "brain" is set to launch into orbit early next year, and the actual repair robot sent into orbit in 2025. I think these milestones and any successes or failures will have some influence on the share price.

One final thing I wanted to mention regarding competitive analysis. I watched the latest video from Anastasi in Tech. BrainChip gets a mention, but the video mainly showcased the new "NorthPole" neuromorphic processor from IBM. I think what got my attention was the comparison chart of NorthPole to twenty-five other different processors (some of which I did not recognize).

What was striking about this chart was that BrainChip's Akida was conspicuously missing from any comparison.

Things that make one go hrm.....

Another excellent post, well balanced, calmly viewed opinion, thanks for your contributions and knowledge....regards Tech (y)
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I like this guys thinking

The concept of fully autonomous vehicles (self driving cars) seems so close yet so far away. Long before generative AI came to absorb all the attention, driverless vehicles was a huge topic of fascination in AI, in fact the DMV and law makers moved to quickly enact laws to allow these vehicles on the streets and then, the enthusiasm just fizzled out. Why?

One thing that most people forget is that no matter how trivial driving seems and the increasing amount of cars on the road, driving is an extremely complex human activity. It not only involves the interaction of motor skills with vision, it also requires a lot of awareness, legal knowledge and most importantly the ability to quickly react in an ever changing environment. Even the best human drivers are prone to accidents let alone self driving cars.

Even though there’s been tremendous amount of advancements, we haven’t fully fleshed out the complexities especially vision. Vision is needed for tracking lanes, identifying traffic signs, depth of field for checking proximity and navigating unfamiliar terrain.

Cameras and sensors like LiDAR are great but very limiting in the ability to perceive the world like human drivers. The best drivers are able to navigate most terrains in most weather and lighting conditions that the best self driving cars are unable to. In fact, even with mapped out terrains like San Francisco, self driving cars still find difficulty navigating successfully which is causing law makers to revert some of the ambitious regulations they put in place.

So what’s the way forward? I believe Neuromorphic computing and computer vision is a viable option. For self driving cars to have the same competencies as the best human drivers, they need to be able to perceive the world and react the way humans can. Otherwise the future might be stagnant for them.

Checkout this New York Times article:
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So did 100,000s of companies that actually went broke...

Only if I listened to your advice sooner, maybe it would've saved me so much money..!

I am still hopeful, and I do think that even with one news, this ship can turn but it's almost like a gamble to me now...
Are you Akten=Card and Hai=pro (i.e. Cardpro -> Aktenhai) from the German forum who boasted about going over to the TSE forum to get on our asses?
Go back with your 1000bucks investment, if so much money.
When you showed up here I warned a few people. I see myself confirmed in that.
Back to ignore.
So don't bother with the answer - Aktenhai.
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It was the name BrainChip that first caught my attention, so I admit to being somewhat attached.

I think it succinctly describes both the impetus and intent of the Company in words easily understood by virtually anyone and to my mind invites further investigation.

So whilst I share your concern and have seen some evidence of confusion with Elon’s creation by some friends who have a cursory interest, I have found it relatively easy to disentangle their crossed wires.

I also think it an inappropriate time to be making such a change which should only ever be done from a position of strength.

For now, the company needs to concentrate on securing our future by converting prospects into sales and generating income.

A name change in my opinion, at this point, would be a distraction we can do without.

And whilst, at the moment, any mileage we may be making by association with the mad marketing genius‘s company is merely drawing more eyes to our offering, any potential negative sentiment regarding the appropriateness or exploitation of animal testing will be quickly dissolved with a little research by any halfway serious investor.

If anything, I would be in favour of reinstating our synapse symbol to our name.
I understand why our rebrand discarded it but to my eye it lent us another differentiator and was also an important piece of symbology further representing in a non verbal manner the direction BrainChip is taking.

But you raise an interesting and valid point of view.
Did you have an alternate name in mind?
Not really, I have to say I agree with everything you say. It was just rattling around in my "brain" for a while and I needed to address it.
Cheers chippers.
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Are you Akten=Card and Hai=pro (i.e. Cardpro -> Aktenhai) from the German forum who boasted about going over to the TSE forum to get on our asses?
Go back with your 1000bucks investment, if so much money.
When you showed up here I warned a few people. I see myself confirmed in that.
Back to ignore.
So don't bother with the answer - Aktenhai.

Nope, I have no idea what forum ur referring to... lol

Not sure what you mean "when I showed up", I came from HC which I joined a while ago...
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Here’s to a good week as I can feel it in my bones.

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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!

South Korea to re-impose stock short-selling ban through June to 'level playing field'​

By Jack Kim
November 5, 20238:39 PM GMT+11Updated 12 hours ago

A journalist walks past electronic board of KOSPI at the Korea Exchange  in Seoul

A journalist walks past an electronic board of the Korea Composite Stock Price Index (KOSPI) at the Korea Exchange (KRX) in Seoul, South

SEOUL, Nov 5 (Reuters) - South Korea from Monday will re-impose a ban on short-selling shares at least until June to promote a "level playing field" for retail and institutional investors, financial authorities said on Sunday.
The ban was lifted in May 2021 for trades involving the shares of companies with large market capitalisation included in the KOSPI200 and KOSDAQ150 share price indices. The restriction has remained in place for most other stocks.
Short-selling involves selling borrowed shares to buy back at a lower price and pocket the difference.
"The measure is aimed at fundamentally easing 'the tilted playing field' between institutional and retail investors," Financial Services Commission (FSC) Chairman Kim Joo-hyun told a news briefing.
"Amid continued uncertainty in financial markets, major foreign investment banks have been engaged as a matter of practice in unfair trades ... and we determined that it would be impossible to maintain fair trading discipline," Kim said.
The FSC will review market activity in June to decide whether there is significant improvement to allow the ban to be lifted, he said.
The regulator last week said it would establish a team of investigators to probe short-selling by foreign investment banks for illegal activity including so-called naked short-selling.
Naked short-selling - in which an investor short-sells shares without first borrowing them or determining they can be borrowed - is banned in South Korea.
The Financial Supervisory Service in October said it would likely fine two Hong Kong-based investment banks it determined had engaged in naked short-selling transactions worth 40 billion won ($29.58 million) and 16 billion won respectively.
Earlier in the year, the regulator fined five foreign firms including Credit Suisse for naked short-selling.
Officials and market watchers alike have cited uncertainty around short-selling regulation as among factors needing to be resolved for influential index provider MSCI to upgrade South Korea to developed-market status.
Reporting by Jack Kim; Editing by Michael Perry and Christopher Cushing

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1030am today, Monday 6 November, Sean hehr, other brainchip executive, speaking with male, seated outside breakfast buffet at hotel where last AGM was held. Did not speak, just acknowledged them by a wave.

Hope it's good news coming.
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If anyone here is concerned about what sentiment and narratives do to a company, you have the Chairman of Brainchip selling $11,050 worth of shares on the market to pay for RSU tax obligations..

@JDelekto @TECH you have to look no further than this when it comes to creating negative sentiment amongst investors.

Seriously, a high-profile non-exec Chair can't fork out $11,050 out of his own pocket to cover tax costs.

Is he that hard up against it that he has to tax loss sell BRN shares at that low value?

He's paid $112k, plus the equivalent of $1.374mill USD in share payments.

And TBH, before you respond with your BS about posters' genuity about pushing negative narratives, your Chairman is basically thumbing his nose at you. So look no further.
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1030am today, Monday 6 November, Sean hehr, other brainchip executive, speaking with male, seated outside breakfast buffet at hotel where last AGM was held. Did not speak, just acknowledged them by a wave.

Hope it's good news coming.
What are the chances it was " FF " ????!!!
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If anyone here is concerned about what sentiment and narratives do to a company, you have the Chairman of Brainchip selling $11,050 worth of shares on the market to pay for RSU tax obligations..

@JDelekto @TECH you have to look no further than this when it comes to creating negative sentiment amongst investors.

Seriously, a high-profile non-exec Chair can't fork out $11,050 out of his own pocket to cover tax costs.

Is he that hard up against it that he has to tax loss sell BRN shares at that low value?

He's paid $112k, plus the equivalent of $1.374mill USD in share payments.

And TBH, before you respond with your BS about posters' genuity about pushing negative narratives, your Chairman is basically thumbing his nose at you. So look no further.

Schnitzel, with respect, he can do what he wants.
Many execs just sell a fraction of the free shares given to cover their tax.
He's sold approx 1/4 of what he was given.
If he had no confidence he'd sell it all.

Please don't kick this whole narrative off again...
I only hope when you say "your Chairman" that doesn't mean you've sold again, and that this comment has nothing to do with it.

For those who haven't read it:
"On market sale for the purpose of payment of taxation associated with the vesting of Restricted Stock Units on 01 November 2023. "
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1030am today, Monday 6 November, Sean hehr, other brainchip executive, speaking with male, seated outside breakfast buffet at hotel where last AGM was held. Did not speak, just acknowledged them by a wave.

Hope it's good news coming.
Wonder who the other exec was? Can you describe him?
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TD stated that he had just finished putting together the podcast with Sean ............... Mon/Teus ???????????

I have no real idea about how long a "audio only " podcast might take, but now 3/4 days later, .............. still crickets.

Got me thinking ............... yes, dot joining if you like, hoping and giving BRN the benefit of the doubt,
When the podcast finally eventuates, could it start with Sean saying .................. Now you can see how hard we have been working behind the scenes
to secure this Tier 1/Global Behemoth/Household Name XXXXXXXXX taking a full IP License/Securing a 10%-30% equity share etc etc ??????

Just seems "odd " we haven"t heard anything yet,
And if its just the same ol reteric then ill be pissed at it being late and with no monthly podcast now for 2 mths................
Continuing on from above post
Ive just recieved word from IR here in Australia that the Q3 Shareholder Q&A Podcast will not be delivered this week, BUT, will be out next week.

The reason for the delay ........................ "SCHEDULING ISSUES" :eek:;)

From this "dumb arses perspective" ................. what scheduling issues could arise from a pre-recorded audio podcast that would warrant a delay in its release?

UNLESS................ ? 🤞🤞🤞🤞

Anyone want to weigh-in on this?
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Wonder who the other exec was? Can you describe him?
Solid build, dark olive complexion, short hair black greying on sides. Looks European.
Stangibg 6 ft
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Ive just recieved word from IR here in Australia that the Q3 Shareholder Q&A Podcast will not be delivered this week, BUT, will be out next week.

The reason for the delay ........................ "SCHEDULING ISSUES" :eek:;)

From this "dumb arses perspective" ................. what scheduling issues could arise from a pre-recorded audio podcast that would warrant a delay in its release?

UNLESS................ ? 🤞🤞🤞🤞

Anyone want to weigh-in on this?
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Solid build, dark olive complexion, short hair black greying on sides. Looks European.
Stangibg 6 ft
Sounds just like me, but you left out the handsome :)
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