BRN Discussion Ongoing


Good morning,

Within the next 14 business days Brainchip will be required to deliver it's 2nd quarter results and short-term guidance, this upcoming
4C will determine our share price movement in the immediate short-term, my gut feeling like a number of posters is once again, very little
income as nothing has been announced that would suggest otherwise, apart from "watch the financials" which I still personally think is
some way off yet.

All the news that's come out of the company has been positive, there's absolutely no denying that fact and for a small start-up we are
100% making great progress establishing our company's name and superb technology. the learning continues for all.

Our accountant has a very sharp pencil at the ready to write down the 7 digit figures we are all awaiting, so what I'm trying to say in a
roundabout way is, try to contain your excitement when the share price does move north, it can't be sustained if the back of house
haven't resharpened their pencil because of lack of use. :rolleyes:

Have a good day...Texta ;)
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Mmmh, nice article about event-based cameras and their potential use cases, but what to think of those last two paragraphs? 🤔

Human Vision Inspires a New Generation of Cameras—And More​

October 11, 2023 Pat Brans
Thanks to a few lessons in biology, researchers have developed new sensor technology that opens up a world of new opportunities—including high-speed cameras that operate at low data rates.

In the broadest sense, the term neuromorphic applies to any computing system that borrows engineering concepts from biology. One set of notions that is particularly interesting for the development of electronic sensors is the spiking nature of neurons. Rather than fire right away, neurons build potential each time they receive a certain stimulus, firing only when a threshold is passed. The neurons are also leaky, losing membrane potential, which produces a filtering effect: If nothing new happens, the level goes down over time. “These behaviors can be emulated by electronics,” said Ilja Ocket, program manager for Neuromorphic Computing at imec. “And this is the basis for a new generation of sensors.”

Ilja Ocket, program manager for Neuromorphic Computing at imec

Ilja Ocket, program manager for Neuromorphic Computing at imec

The best illustration of how these ideas improve sensors is the event-based camera, also called the retinomorphic camera. Rather than accumulate photons in capacitive buckets and propagate them as images to a back-end system, these cameras treat each pixel autonomously. Each pixel can decide whether enough change has occurred in photon streams to convey that information downstream in the form of an event.

“Imec gets involved when sensors do not produce classical arrays or tensors or matrices, but rather events,” Ilja Ocket said. “We figure out how to adapt the AI to absorb event-based data and perform the necessary processing. Our spiking neural networks do not work with regular data. Instead, they take input from a time encoded stream.”

“One of the important benefits of these techniques is the reduced energy consumption—completely changing the game,” Ocket said. “We do a lot of work on AI and application development in areas where this benefit is the greatest— including robotics, smart sensors, wearables, AR/VR and automotive.”

One of the companies imec has been working with is Prophesee, a nine-year-old business based in Paris. Its 120 employees in France, China, Japan and the U.S. design vision sensors and develop software to overcome some of the challenges that plague traditional cameras.

Event-based vision sensors

“Our sensor is fundamentally different from a conventional image sensor,” said Luca Verre, CEO of Prophesee. “It produces event changes in the scene, as opposed to a full frame, at a fixed point in time. A regular camera captures images one after the other at a fixed point in time, maybe 20 frames per second.”

Prophesee's CEO Luca Verre's CEO Luca Verre
Luca Verre, CEO of Prophesee

This method, which is as old as cinematographer, works fine if you just want to display an image or make a movie. But it has three major shortcomings for more modern use cases, especially when AI is involved. The first is, because entire frames are captured and propagated even when there is very little change to most of the scene, a lot of redundant data is sent for processing.

The second problem is that movement between frames is missed. Since snapshots are taken at regular intervals several times a second, anything that happens between data capture events doesn’t get picked up.

The third problem is that traditional cameras have a fixed exposure time, which means each pixel could have a compromised acquisition depending on the lighting conditions. If there is bright light and dark areas in the same scene, you may end up with some pixels being overexposed or underexposed—often at the same time.

“Our approach, which is inspired by the human eye, is to have the acquisition driven by the scene, rather than having a sensor that acquires frames regardless of what’s changing,” Verre said. “Our pixels are independent and asynchronous, making for a very fast and efficient system. This suppresses data redundancy at the sensor level, and it captures movement, regardless of when it occurs—with microsecond precision.”

“While this is not time continuous, it is a very high time granularity for any natural phenomenon,” Verre said. “Most of the applications we target don’t need such high time precision. We don’t capture unnecessary data and we don’t miss information—two features that make a neuromorphic camera a high-speed camera, but at a low data rate.”

“Because the pixels are independent, we don’t have the problem of fixed exposure time,” Verre added. “Pixels that look at the dark part of the scene are independent from the ones looking at bright parts of the scene, so we have a very wide dynamic range.”

Because less redundant data is transmitted to AI systems, less processing is needed and less power consumption too. It becomes much easier to implement edge AI, putting inference closer to the sensor.

Prophesee-Sony-Sensor-Neuromorphic Sensing
The IMX 636 event-based camera module, developed with Sony, is a fourth-generation product. Last year, Prophesee released the EVK4 evaluation kit for the IMX 636 for industrial vision with a rugged housing but it will work for all applications. (Source: Prophesee)

Audio sensors and beyond neuromorphic

Automotive is an important market for companies like Prophesee, but it’s a long play,” Ocket said. “If you want to develop a product for autonomous cars, you’ll need to think seven to 10 years ahead. And you’ll need the patience and deep pockets to sustain your company until the market really takes off.”

In the meantime, event-based cameras are meeting the needs of several other markets. These include industrial use cases that require ultra-high-speed counting, particle size monitoring and vibration monitoring for predictive maintenance. Other applications include eye tracking, visual odometry and gesture detection for AR and VR. And in China, there is a growing market for small cameras in toy animals. The cameras need to operate at low power—and the most important thing for them to detect is movement. Neuromorphic cameras meet this need, operating on very little power, and fitting nicely into toys.

Neuromorphic principles can also be applied to audio sensors. Like the retina, the cochlea does not sample spectrograms at fixed intervals. It just conveys changes in sensory input. So far, there are not many examples of neuromorphic audio sensors, but that’s likely to change soon since audio-based AI is now in high demand. Neuromorphic principles can also be applied to sensors with no biological counterpart, like radar or LiDAR.

But researchers are increasingly convinced that making a silicon version of the biological structures is not the best idea. The biggest impact may lie beyond neuromorphic, making the best use of both biology and electronics.

“If you strip it down to its computational behavior you could improve biology,” Ocket said. “Instead of emulating spiking neurons with thresholds, you can just apply time-based computational behavior on very simple timing circuits—technology from the 1950s and 1960s. If you hook them together and find a way to train them, you can go much lower in power consumption than if you simply emulate spike neurons in electronic form.”

Hi Frangipani,

So Prophesee are still working with Synsense?
And in China, there is a growing market for small cameras in toy animals. The cameras need to operate at low power—and the most important thing for them to detect is movement. Neuromorphic cameras meet this need, operating on very little power, and fitting nicely into toys.

I wonder how far along the automotive path Prophesee has gone:
Automotive is an important market for companies like Prophesee, but it’s a long play,” Ocket said. “If you want to develop a product for autonomous cars, you’ll need to think seven to 10 years ahead. And you’ll need the patience and deep pockets to sustain your company until the market really takes off.
and how does it relate to: "One of the companies imec has been working with is Prophesee, a nine-year-old business based in Paris."

Now, turning to the last 2 paragraphs, and in particular to:
"Instead of emulating spiking neurons with thresholds, you can just apply time-based computational behavior on very simple timing circuits—technology from the 1950s and 1960s." ... you could go back to 1927 and Edgar Douglas Adrian's research demonstrating that the leading spike carries the information and that the subsequent spike sequence carries redundant information in the spike rate, a fact which was identified by Simon Thorpe's group (Spikenet) in developing N-of-M coding, subsequently licensed to Brainchip by Spikenet after PvdM recognized the potential of the technique to greatly improve the performance of digital spiking neural networks. Brianchip acquired Spikenet in 2016.
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Good morning,

Within the next 14 business days Brainchip will be required to deliver it's 2nd quarter results and short-term guidance, this upcoming
4C will determine our share price movement in the immediate short-term, my gut feeling like a number of posters is once again, very little
income as nothing has been announced that would suggest otherwise, apart from "watch the financials" which I still personally think is
some way off yet.

All the news that's come out of the company has been positive, there's absolutely no denying that fact and for a small start-up we are
100% making great progress establishing our company's name and superb technology. the learning continues for all.

Our accountant has a very sharp pencil at the ready to write down the 7 digit figures we are all awaiting, so what I'm trying to say in a
roundabout way is, try to contain your excitement when the share price does move north, it can't be sustained if the back of house
haven't resharpened their pencil because of lack of use. :rolleyes:

Have a good day...Texta ;)
Are you paid to lift everybodies spirits all the time, The company need to deliver simple as that or the share price will be raped again



Here's a Real Nut Job: Getting Stubborn Macadamias Out of Trees - WSJ
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Just thinking 💭 The real protection of our Tech not being used/ overtaken is our Patents.
This Patent protection stops others being competitive against Akida…Maybe this is why they aren’t getting worried about the SP.
Hoping all our Patents are swiftly approved asap.
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Just thinking 💭 The real protection of our Tech not being used/ overtaken is our Patents.
This Patent protection stops others being competitive against Akida…Maybe this is why they aren’t getting worried about the SP.
Hoping all our Patents are swiftly approved asap.
Hi Vlasblood
Most of the patents are on Peter personal name and not on the company. So whatever shares they buy, they can’t own the patents.
I have a endless trust and believe in Peter that he won’t sell his dream for whatever price
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Just thinking 💭 The real protection of our Tech not being used/ overtaken is our Patents.
This Patent protection stops others being competitive against Akida…Maybe this is why they aren’t getting worried about the SP.
Hoping all our Patents are swiftly approved asap.
You maybe onto something there Vladsblood.

I can't remember the exact words but I do remember PVDM in one of his interviews saying something along the lines that having these patents means absolutely everything to the survival and success of the business and it's technology.

Definitely looking forward to the approvals of the other pending patents, great signs 😊
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Hi Vlasblood
Most of the patents are on Peter personal name and not on the company. So whatever shares they buy, they can’t own the patents.
I have a endless trust and believe in Peter that he won’t sell his dream for whatever price
I’m also very thankful for that too keeping you and me safe. Vlad
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You maybe onto something there Vladsblood.

I can't remember the exact words but I do remember PVDM in one of his interviews saying something along the lines that having these patents means absolutely everything to the survival and success of the business and it's technology.

Definitely looking forward to the approvals of the other pending patents, great signs 😊
Fully agree and with you SharesForBrekky on this safety net of ours. Vlad
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Norse clairvoyant shapeshifter goddess
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Fascinatingly Intuitive.
Equanimous ,

Shaken but not stirred.

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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
You maybe onto something there Vladsblood.

I can't remember the exact words but I do remember PVDM in one of his interviews saying something along the lines that having these patents means absolutely everything to the survival and success of the business and it's technology.

Definitely looking forward to the approvals of the other pending patents, great signs 😊
Yes indeed ...They (The Patents) contain "The secret sauce" I think /recall that also our little Akida can be copied to a certain level but to get past it to a further degree Peter and Anil have a 'secret encryption' (code) that only they know just about impossible to emulate our Ground breaking Tech!!!!!!!! :)

Also any patent that is submitted by other companies that comes anywhere near our tech/formula... will simply get rejected!

IMO...We are still 3/5 years ahead of any competition.

That is my understanding of it anyway :)
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Long time I couldn’t get my head around them not worrying about the SP….Lightbulb moment it’s gotta be the Patent safety net !!!
Thank dear God for our Founder PVDM.
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Hi Gies,

That's not correct.

Peter is named as the inventor on most of the patents, but the company is the assignee.
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I'm Spartacus!
You maybe onto something there Vladsblood.

I can't remember the exact words but I do remember PVDM in one of his interviews saying something along the lines that having these patents means absolutely everything to the survival and success of the business and it's technology.

Definitely looking forward to the approvals of the other pending patents, great signs 😊
As I recall Peter had an unpleasant learning curve experience in an earlier part of his career relating to the beneficial ownership of some of his ideas.
Which is part of the why he eschewed the well worn path of working for another established concern or the Venture (Vulture) capital raising private Company route and instead opted for the public ownership company structure which grew into the Brainchip we know today.
Much clumsier, but he gets to retain control and (I think) spread the potential benefit wider than would otherwise be possible.
Personally controlling the patents is a major part of that.
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From Dell Tech presso this month.

Wonder if they just watching the general horizon or they talking about their own horizon :unsure:



We also know from a previous post that Dell aware of us from at least early 2022.

Was from one of the Directors at Dell.

  • From a hardware perspective, the accelerators of Domain Specific Architectures (DSA) [12] enable the third-wave AI algorithms to operate in a hybrid ecosystem consisting of Edge, Core, and Cloud. run anywhere in the system . Specifically, accelerators for specific domain architectures include the following examples: Nvidia's GPU, Xilinx's FPGA, Google's TPU, and artificial intelligence acceleration chips such as BrainChip's Akida Neural Processer, GraphCore's Intelligent Processing Unit (IPU), Cambrian's Machine Learning Unit (MLU) and more. These types of domain-specific architecture accelerators will be integrated into more information devices, architectures, and ecosystems by requiring less training data and being able to operate at lower power when needed. In response to this trend, the area where we need to focus on development is to develop a unified heterogeneous architecture approach that enables information systems to easily integrate and configure various different types of domain-specific architecture hardware accelerators. For Dell Technologies, we can leverage Dell's vast global supply chain and sales network to attract domain-specific architecture accelerator suppliers to adhere to the standard interfaces defined by Dell to achieve a unified heterogeneous architecture .
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Hi Gies,

That's not correct.

Peter is named as the inventor on most of the patents, but the company is the assignee.
Oké I was in the understanding that some of the patents were on his personal name. I could be wrong.
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At least this author takes the time to contact someone like Nandan to discuss our solution unlike some out there.

Under low power edge processing.


Wireless Sensor Networking for the IIoT

Figure 1. Analyzing maintenance data to forecast machine maintenance. (Image: Kristian/Adobe Stock)

Factories of all sizes are incorporating automation at ever increasing rates. Among the reasons for that are reshoring, the idea that automating factories is a way of lowering labor costs for U.S. manufacturing so that domestic manufacturing becomes more cost-effective when you compare it to the costs of offshoring. You can take advantage of the much lower labor rates in many countries, but you have to add in the costs of more complex management and logistics, as well as the costs of shipping.
And then there’s the U.S. labor shortage, the difficulty of finding enough people who are willing to work in factories, while at the same time, a significant portion of the existing workforce is aging toward retirement.
And of course, the increasing productivity gains due to automation are good for the bottom line. Automation not only reduces the costs of production in the long run, but it also helps maintain reliable high-quality results and consistently predictable time frames.
The downside of automating an existing factory is the initial investment, not just in dollars, but also in the necessary down time for making such basic changes. However, most factories already have some automated processes using PLCs and other industrial controllers, generally running independently of each other, so that’s a head start. The next step is to integrate all of that into a single network — the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).
Ideally the factory network should also connect with the office network, to enable management to make more informed decisions. And it should enable connecting to the cloud for complicated analytics and large data storage — as well to the internet for connectivity beyond the factory.


To begin with, installing a wireless network is much less expensive. The costs in labor, materials, and downtime, for wiring a factory are far greater than for setting up a wireless system. And once in place, a wireless network is much more flexible. As processes change or new equipment is added, it is relatively simple to add or reprogram sensor nodes. Also, wireless sensors can be installed in locations that would be difficult to reach with cabling, for example on rotating machinery.


One of the main challenges with setting up wireless sensors, is powering them. Even if you use some sort of power harvesting, you still need power storage, usually with batteries. If the batteries have to be changed often, wireless is a non-starter, so keeping power low is of primary importance.
One strategy for keeping sensor power low is to reduce the amount of data transmitted from each sensor because streaming data uses a relatively large amount of power. The trouble is that once an IIoT network has been installed, the maximum benefit comes from obtaining as much data as possible and sending it to a local server or to a cloud data center for analysis. But in general, only a small percentage of the data is relevant. External analytic data-crunching can sort the wheat from the chaff, but the size of the data stream and the amount of computing can overwhelm systems. A solution is to do preprocessing at the “edge” — right at the sensor — to determine what data is significant and only send that.


But for edge processing to provide a net improvement in power reduction, the processing itself has to be done at low power. On that subject, I had a discussion with Nandan Nayampally, Chief Marketing Officer of BrainChip, makers of the Akida IP platform, a neural processor designed to provide ultra-low-power edge AI sensor network preprocessing. It starts with fully digital neuromorphic event-based AI and can learn on the device to trigger outputs only when there is significant information. It has its own memory that it uses to analyze the data, thus avoiding the energy-intensive transfer of data back and forth to utilize remote data storage. It also significantly reduces the amount of bandwidth required for the processing.
Figure 2. (Image: BrainChip)
According to Nayampally, the series is focused on three general configurations (See Figure 2). The Akida-E is the most basic of the solutions, dealing with sensor inputs like vibration detection, anomaly detection, keyword spotting, and sensor fusion. Akida-S is more mid-range. It can do microcontroller (MCU)-level machine learning for more complex tasks such as presence detection, object classification, and biometric recognition. Finally, on the right-hand side of the figure, the Akida-P can perform higher-level tasks using a microprocessor (MPU) for tasks like advanced object detection or sequence prediction.


Figure 3. InnoPhase IoT Talaria TWO™ Low Power Wi-Fi plus BLE5.0 Module with associated ML and MCU. (Image: InnoPhase IoT)
While the Brainchip solutions save power by doing advanced AI processing at the edge, InnoPhase IoT, Inc. focuses on the network architecture. Their Talaria Two Wi-Fi and BLE System on Chip (SoC) and module enables sensors to be networked via Wi-Fi. According to Deepal Mehta, InnoPhase IoT Senior Director of Business Development, since Wi-Fi enabled IoT end points use TCP/IP connectivity, they can communicate directly to the cloud without any need for intervening gateways. The chip also includes a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) gateway that can be used in two different ways. It enables legacy BLE connected devices to connect to the Wi-Fi network and facilitates provisioning the Wi-Fi enabled end points using an app on a cell phone.
In addition to saving power by eliminating gateways, they use a low-power radio to transmit the Wi-Fi signal. Key to the low power radio is their method of digitally encoding and decoding the RF waveform. This method, they call PolaRFusion™, is distinguished from other techniques that use higher power-consuming analog processing.


Figure 4. Typical sensor application. (Image: InnoPhase IoT)
A typical simple use case is temperature sensing. If a sensor mounted on a machine shows a trending rise in temperature, that could be an indication that there is a problem. However, instead of sending all the temperature data all the time, a local neural processor like BrainChip’s Akida can actively learn the standard temperature envelope for a particular installation and set an alarm level based on that. Then only the alarm needs to be transmitted, possibly via InnoPhase Wi-Fi, to the local server or to the cloud. Alternatively, once the alarm level has been reached, the continuous stream of temperature data can then be transmitted.
If we now consider a series of temperature sensors mounted on different assets. Each of those pieces of equipment might have different standard operating temperatures. And even identical assets located in different places in the building may have variations based on draft air, sunlight, or other factors. So, being able to use AI analytics separately at each sensor and setting different alarm levels will be extremely efficient. The value added to the manufacturing process will be multiplied if you use the same approach for other data such as vibration, pressure, levels, and flows. And even more, if in addition to all the sensor data, you can track products and processes using cameras and then analyze that information using the video analytics that can be performed with the Akida platform.


The industrial internet of things — sharing, collecting, and analyzing information across a complete manufacturing enterprise — can significantly enhance the bottom line. Not only in monetary terms but also in the quality and reliability of the products and the ability to deliver them on time.
This article was written by Ed Brown, editor of Sensor Technology. For more information, go to and .
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Oké I was in the understanding that some of the patents were on his personal name. I could be wrong.
In the US, the Constitution only permits the actual inventor to apply for a patent. Where the inventor works for a company and the invention relates to the company's business, the patent will normally be assigned to the company.
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Just an article on the latest partnership.

I like the rollout availability.

Smart Bins Powered by AI and Robotics Aim to Revolutionize Waste Management​

konrad Posted on2023-10-11
BrainChip Holdings Ltd, the world’s first producer of ultra-low power, fully digital, event-based, neuromorphic AI IP, has partnered with Circle8 Clean Technologies and AVID Group to develop “Smart Bins” that use AI-powered sensors and robotics to automatically sort and recycle different types of waste. The collaboration utilizes BrainChip’s neuromorphic processor technology and AVID Group’s engineering expertise to create intelligent waste receptacles capable of sorting materials like plastic, metal, and glass. The objective is to reduce the environmental impact of waste disposal, particularly landfill usage and ocean pollution, while also increasing recycling rates and decreasing waste management costs.
The advanced smart bins will not only effectively sort and recycle waste but will also provide valuable data and insights into waste generation and consumption patterns. This data can be used to improve waste reduction strategies and identify ways to mitigate environmental impact. The partnership between BrainChip, Circle8 Clean Technologies, and AVID Group is part of a larger initiative to create smart cities that utilize AI and IoT technologies to enhance the quality of life, improve efficiency, and promote sustainability.
Initially, the smart bins will be available to municipalities in Australia before expanding to other locations worldwide. The goal is to create innovative solutions that significantly improve recycling and waste management processes, making them more convenient, efficient, and environmentally friendly. BrainChip’s neuromorphic processor technology, Akida™, is well-suited for edge AI applications that require cost-effective, ultra-low power, intelligent, real-time processing. The technology enables the deployment of effective edge compute across various applications, such as connected cars, consumer electronics, and industrial IoT, bringing AI closer to the sensor and reducing latency while maintaining privacy and data security.
The development of smart bins represents an important step towards sustainable waste management and recycling. By leveraging AI, robotics, and data insights, these bins have the potential to revolutionize waste management practices and contribute to a cleaner, greener future.
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