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Water Management has become essential to businesses nowadays. Hence, Teksun presents to you its solution in the form of a Smart Water Meter is a tool to measure the amount of water passing through a pipe.


It’s become an important aspect to note the water consumption in today’s time when water is used in varied business operations. Teksun’s Smart Water Meter is powered by IoT and possesses a unique principle of operation, overall cost-of-ownership, and specific application benefits. It helps to detect the lowest flow rate and offers customers the finest solution to record water consumption. Scroll further to know more!
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IoT Ultrasonic Water Flow Meter is the best solution in the market to note water consumption. Glide through the major characteristics of Teksun’s Smart Water Meter and pave your path to informed decision making. Find below the salient features:



It facilitates you with tracking your
water usage anytime, anywhere. It provides you with leak alerts, usage notifications, etc.


Water Conservation​

With Smart Monitoring you are able to conserve water in an efficient manner, thereby also enhancing your business’s reputation.


Cost-Effective Approach​

Conserving Water further allows you to stay cost-effective by eliminating the chances of water leaks and excessive use of water.


Visibility and Reputation​

It helps in enhancing the visibility
of your business conservation efforts, and thereby the reputation of your company.


Rapid Leak Detection​

Our solution is equipped with technologies to swiftly detect any leak happening, hence saving you unnecessary costs.


Real-Time Data​

It provides you with real-time data regarding water consumption, thereby giving you a better hold of any non-revenue flow.
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Not cool.

Elon and friends watching you.

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Founding Member
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Thanks Rocket missed it. Will check tab out 🤣
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Deleted member 118

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my own humble opinion is that anything between $10-70 is possible until 2030.
If Brainchip delivers, and I personally believe they will. Then this will be the forum of the rich brainchip shareholders.
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Deleted member 118

Nice to see brainchip listed amongst some of the best.

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Hi M_C:.
Yes the SP is not good but it's not what I'm refering to, it's the lack of communication from the Management, Sean should be communicating more with Shareholders and I'm talking about Twitter posts because that in the scheme of things can easily be discarded.
Should Sean be spending more time communicating with shareholders ... or spending that time talking to partners and customers? I know where I want him spending his time. :cool: The one to talk with shareholders is the shareholder relations person, NOT Sean. Give the man a break and let him do the job which is MOST important for us. From everything I am seeing and hearing he is doing a great job despite limitations to what he can officially reveal. Keep it up Sean, and well done!
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my own humble opinion is that anything between $10-70 is possible until 2030.
If Brainchip delivers, and I personally believe they will. Then this will be the forum of the rich brainchip shareholders.
Are we talking brn in billions of products
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Deleted member 118

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What's peoples thought on a time frame that they think Brn will be hitting the road hard with deals/licences and decent revenue to push us beyond 🤔 let's say 3 bucks per share ?
Yes it's a guessing game but I'm just interested in people's personal views on the matter.
And no cheeky replies saying "mmm duh why don't you do a poll .😂

$3 SP = $5.4B MC. At a high PE100 will require $54M NPAT / 0.7 ATO = $77.14M EBITDA / 0.65 = $118.68M revenue.

To maintain around $3 SP with hot PE100 requires circa $120M revenue.

$5.4B MC / $120M revenue = x45 revenue multiple.

A Nasdaq listing could result in PE150 similar to Nvidia & would require $36M NPAT & $79.12M revenue.

$5.4B MC / $80M revenue = x67.5 revenue multiple.

PE100 & PE150 are quite high so would require high growth rate & high forward looking revenue.

So the question becomes, how long until BRN can generate $80-120M revenue?

Could be quite fast such as via 50c royalty from Qualcomm x 200M smart phones = $100M revenue.

Or slower such as via Mercedes with premium cars having about 70 MCU's x 15% AI equipped = 10 x 2M cars pa = 20M x $1 royalty = $20M revenue. If 50% of the 70 MCU's are AI equipped in future due to extra sensors/Lidar etc = 35 x 2M cars pa = 70M x $1 royalty = $70M revenue.

I allowed higher royalty for Mercedes as their products are more expensive & royalty was going to be higher for more expensive products.

Then there will also be washing machine, dryer, air conditioner etc applications for MCU's as well. Will take a few years for mass adoption & there will be hundreds of millions units per year. May start with 25-50M units first year x 50c royalty = $12.5-25M revenue & within 2-3 years reach $100M revenue.

Combination of the above should result in about $100M revenue by end of next year including more license agreements. Thus SP should maintain around $3 SP towards the end of 2024. But it will need to be at a high PE100-150.

However, BRN SP tends to spike due to market excitement so it would not surprise me to see SP at $3 on the back of a couple of big name license agreements. If Qualcomm were to be announced it would create a frenzy & the $100M revenue will get priced in within 3-4 months of the announcement. 50c SP x 6 run to $3 SP would be highly likely as we had 39c SP x 6 run to $2.34 intraday peak when Mercedes was announced without any revenue.

So $3 SP could come as early as next 6 months or as late as end of 2024. The earlier it gets to $3 SP without revenue the higher the probability of a 50% retrace to $1.50.

Happy Easter to all.
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