Jean Felix Mupande Kapwa


Mining Cadastre: Jean Félix Mupande allegedly orchestrates financial embezzlement as he preaches good governance at Safari Beach.​

Alain St. Bwembia
September 17, 2020

Mining Cadastre: Jean Félix Mupande allegedly orchestrates financial embezzlement as he preaches good governance at Safari Beach.

Accounting operations would be dispensed with at the Congolese Mining Cadastre. Led masterfully by Jean-Félix Mupande, the management practices with the notary in mine would reveal beyond a nepotism of bad taste and a politicization of this public establishment, financial embezzlements well concocted with certain career agents in the Cami in his pay. Practices that have lasted for several years.

Indeed, in his memorandum No. Cami/DG/017/2019 of February 28, 2019, the untouchable Director General of the Mining Cadastre since 2005, indicated the numbers of the bank accounts that can receive payment of deposit fees at the Trust Merchant Bank TMB and RawBank. As for the cost of the surface right of the mining titles, the payments are made in a single and unique account of the Cami at the FBNBANK.


Investigations carried out by your media reveal that DG Jean Félix Mupande would himself violate the provisions and procedures of service in accounting matters. Practices that have become commonplace with the help of certain agents of the taxation/invoicing department in his pay over 15 years of management of the Cami. The man would have constituted around him, a vast effective network which would dribble the Congolese Public Treasury in this most juicy sector of the economy in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The mining companies which pay the previous years of their surface rights due to the Congolese state, are directed towards other banks and other accounts of the Mining Cadastre which according to the rules of the services and accountant are not abilities to receive the expenses surface rights. Even the moribund International Bank for Africa in Congo would be in the list of banks indicated by the Director General to collect the surface right in the last 5 years. Where then do its thousands if not millions of dollars paid in arrears while the fiscal years at the state level are closed? Why are these fees paid into accounts that are not qualified to receive surface rights?
The latest fact, debit notes n°CAMI/DF/00333/DSA 2018/2018, n°CAMI/DF/00334/DSA 2018/2018, n°CAMI/DF/00335/DSA 2018/2018, all addressed to the mining company Zani Kodo on January 31, 2018, indicated the Cami account of the FBNBANK to pay the 50% of surface right due to the Mining Cadastre. Out of a total of $743,856.52, the portion of the Mining Cadastre of 50% or $371,928.26 should be paid as superficiary duty in the Cami account at FBNBANK, informs the debit notes.


Jean Félix Mupande misdirected these payments in his letter n°CAMI/DG/586/2020 addressed to the mining company Zani Kodo, without amplification to the Department of Finance and other internal services. These surface rights payments were directed to the account of the RawBank, supposed to receive the deposit fees. Zani Kodo actually paid these debit notes to Rawbank in his OP Payment Order No. 04465830 for the amount of US$371,928.26. Where then will these fees pay as well? These kinds of practices that are numerous in the Mining Cadastre after the budget year should attract the attention of the General Inspectorate of Finance in this period of economic crisis imposed by Covid-19.

Contacted by your media for investigation reasons, Mr. Bienvenu Lizebi Head of the Taxation/Invoicing Department declared: “Completely normal. The CAMI is a public establishment which has financial and administrative autonomy like all other public establishments. he has accounts in commercial banks. In accordance with its financial organization, it has specialized its accounts for reasons of traceability. It happens however that some operators for internal reasons related to bank transfer operations request and obtain from CAMI the authorization to pay in the account other than that of FBNBANK. In all cases, these payments are correctly traced in the accounts and cannot suggest any misappropriation.

The General Management and some agents of the Mining Cadastre are in good governance seminar at Safari Beach since Monday of this week.

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DRC: Minister of Mines suspends Director General of the mining cadastre for “insubordination”

DRC: Minister of Mines suspends Director General of the mining cadastre for insubordination 1


The Minister of Mines, Willy Kitobo, has decided to suspend the Director General of Mining Cadastre (CAMI), Jean-Félix Mupande Kapwa. In a correspondence of Thursday, January 07, addressed to the latter, the minister indicates that the management control work carried out by his auditors revealed several dysfunctions in this service of the Ministry of Mines which are caused by the centralization of power around the DG of the mining cadastre.

The minister also accuses him of being the basis of several decisions taken “unilaterally”, without consultation of the supervisory authority and even of his own collaborators.

“The work of controlling the management of the Mining cadastre carried out by my auditors indicated several dysfunctions in this service of the Ministry of Mines which originate in the centralization of power around the Director General who decides alone without consulting the supervisory authority and even of its own employees Of course, you took advantage of the absence of the members of the Board of Directors who, in accordance with article 8 of decree n ° 17/005 of April 03, 2017 on the statutes, organization and functioning of an establishment called the mining cadastre, have the broadest powers to carry out all administrative and disposal acts related to the corporate purpose of CAMI and subject to the authorizations or approvals of the responsible Minister,the latter take all decisions of the CAMI concerning the operations of acquisitions and real estate alienations, the preparation and the presentation of the budget and the balance sheet “, indicates the correspondence of the Minister of Mines.

The Minister deplores the fact that the DG of CAMI refuses to execute his decisions and those of the extraordinary meetings of the supervisory body with the general direction of this service of the Ministry of Mines.

“I note that despite all my efforts, you refuse to carry out the decisions of your supervisory minister and the decisions of the extraordinary meetings of the supervisory authority with the General Directorate of CAMI”, he said in his correspondence.

As a result, Minister Willy Kitobo suspended him from his functions until further notice and asked the deputy director general of this service to assume his interim.

“Non-transparency is a sign of bad governance and is inadmissible in the field of mines in accordance with the law in force. Moreover, your insubordination behavior being gross negligence, you are suspended from your functions until further notice. I instruct, during this time, the Deputy Director General who reads me in copy to assume your interim and ask the latter to work with my Director of Cabinet to produce a report of the elements requested in my correspondence … “, decided The Minister.

As a reminder, under articles 12 of the revised Mining Code, CAMI is responsible for the management of the mining sector as well as that of mining titles and quarries and placed under the supervision of the Minister of Mines. These main missions constitute for him core cadastral and legal activities, to which are added those of support such as IT, human resources and financial resources.
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At the Mining Cadastre: Chantal Bashizi's official installation took two years!​

June 24, 2021

The official installation of Ms. Chantal Bashizi worries women's organizations because without a valid reason to date, she has still not taken office. And once again, the new postponement of the delivery and resumption is set for July 2.

This is why they accuse lethargy and cry out to violate Article 14 of the Constitution of the Republic and non-compliance with resolution 1325.

It is in the face of the press composed mainly of men, that six women's organizations, working for women's rights and natural resources, expressed their dissatisfaction in managing the official takeover of the duties of the new Director General of the Mining Cadastre. "We cannot accept that there will be a new postponement between the two directors as indicated by Prime Minister Sam Lukonde," they said through Ms. Mignonne Mbombo, a member of the consortium.

For the record, Ms. Chantal Bashizi was appointed in 2018 under Prime Minister Bruno Tshibala, along with four other representatives who had already held their duties. These are the Center for Expertise, Evaluation and Certification (CEEC), the Small-scale Craft Mining Assistance and Supervision Service (SAEMEPE), the National Geological Service of the Congo (SGNC) and the CRM. It is just that she will receive its notification from the current tenant of the Ministry of Mines, Mrs. Antoinette Nsamba.

The above article was conveniently and suspiciously removed from its website

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Congo-Kinshasa: New postponement of the takeover /CAMI - Citizens' Movements and human rights NGOs welcome Sama Lukonde's decision​

After three postponements of the reopening ceremony at the Mining Cadastre between Jean-Félix Mupande, the current Director General, and Chantal Bashizi, appointed since 2018 and who should take over, Prime Minister Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde finally decided to end this takeover case, for reasons not previously disclosed.
In the wake, several citizen movements in particular, the Action for Justice (APJ), New Dynamic for an Emerging Congo, the Association of Young Wise Men for Development, to name a few, jumped at the opportunity to congratulate the Head of Government on his saving decision because, for them, the Ordinance of December 27, 2018 appointing Chantal Bashizi Director General of the CAMI is irregular. In their joint declaration, these movements call on the President of the Republic to be part of this dynamic of saving the Mining Cadastre, according to them, by postponing this Ordinance dating from two years ago, with a view to appointing a new steering committee within the Mining Cadastre. More details in the press release below.

Press release from the collective of Citizens' Movements and NGOs for human rights

In accordance with our statement of June 27, 2021 made as part of the attempt to set up a Management Committee appointed under the order of December 27, 2018, irregular order,

We, a collective of citizens' movements and human rights NGOs, have challenged the responsibility of the President of the Republic, Guarantor of the proper functioning of institutions and respect for the Constitution and the laws of the Republic, inviting him to intervene to investigate the dep of the irregular order of 27 December 2018,

We also referred by our statement to the Prime Minister, Head of Government, to cancel the installation of the Management Committee appointed on the basis of the irregular order of December 27, 2018.

To date, we have the real pleasure to announce to the public the taking of a precautionary measure by the Prime Minister, Head of Government cancelling the installation of the DG appointed by the aforementioned order and therefore cancelling the postponement and resumption.

For this reason, we would like to welcome this act of responsibility and listening made by Prime Minister SAMA LUKONDE in order to preserve the interests of the Republic and thus ensure the proper functioning of the Mining Cadastre. By this act, the Head of Government has just proven to the public his attachment to the vision of the President of the Republic, Head of State, to wage a flawless fight against corruption and the sale of our country's mineral resources and to make the Congolese benefit the fruits of their subsoil. We show him all our support and encouragement.

However, we remain vigilant in order to ensure strict compliance with the Constitution and the laws of the Republic and to ensure the political institutions and public services of our country, including the Mining Cadastre, our support to fight corruption and the embezzlement of public funds. Our commitment to respect for moral and republican values remains unwavering.

Finally, we recommend:

To the President of the Republic, to postpone this irregular order to avoid soiling the image of the first and prestigious institution of our country, which is the President of the Republic by leaving such an order published in the Official Journal;

To the Prime Minister, Head of Government, to propose to the President of the Republic, Head of State, the appointment of a new management committee composed of experienced and dignified men and women because the administration of the Mining Cadastre was paralyzed nearly three months ago.

Recall that the dysfunction of this great service of the mining administration of our country leads to a huge shortfall in the public treasury, especially at a time when the Republic needs the financial resources to meet the needs of the Population.

To the Minister of Mines, to ensure flawlessly the measures taken by his hierarchy.

To the population, to double the vigilance on the Mining Cadastre because coveted by looters of our country's mining resources.

Done in Kinshasa, July 02, 2021

Bob KABAMBA TSHILUMBA, Action for Justice Coordinator, APJ in acronym

Clément TSHIBILA, University Professor and Coordinator of the New Dynamics for Emerging Congo, NDCE in acronym

Georges KANKU, Pro Activist - Democracy

Hervé NSENDA, Coordinator of the Association of Young Sages for Development

Christian CITO, Coordinator of Citizen Awakening (Citizens' Movement)

André MUHINDO, Secretary of the Great Lakes Activists Network

Jonas KATSHUNGA, Member of the Struggle for Unity of the Congo

Fréderic KATUNGA, Human Rights Activist

Didier LUKA, Human Rights Activist

Winner MAWEJA, Pro Activist - Democracy

Georges RUHIGWA, Pro Activist - Democracy

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Biding my Time 1971
Whilst Mupande is a fucking cunt in his own right, Lukonde also needs a kick in the cunt too, as he decided to NOT allow Chantal to be appointed

This is another angle for sunlight exposure in coming weeks, if Nigel can't bring this home
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DRC/CAMI: Félix Tshisekedi called to speak in favor of Chantal Bashizi to take office​

As part of the month of March dedicated to the defense and promotion of women's rights, several voices were raised on Friday, March 11, to denounce discrimination against the Director General of the Mining Cadastre (CAMI), Chantal Bashizi, who has not always taken office since she was appointed to this position on December 27, 2018.

The Coordinator of the organization Femmes Solidaires (FESO), Mignonne Mbombo, recalled, on this occasion, the public authorities of their commitments in the promotion of women's rights and called on the President of the Republic, Félix Tshisekedi, to get involved so that Chantal Bashizi officially takes office.

According to her, Chantal Bashizi is a victim of "injustice simply because she is a woman". For her, this is a gender discrimination, especially since her male colleagues who had been appointed, at the same time as her, have already taken office a few days after their appointment.

In this register, the Congolese Association for Access to Justice (ACAJ) has stepped up to denounce this gender-based discrimination. In the process, she made a plea to respect the rights of Ms. Chantal Lembo Bashizi.

I strongly condemn this discrimination. I call on all fighters of freedoms and the right to equal protection of all by laws, to mobilize against this discrimination," Georges Kapiamba suggested on his Twitter account.

At the same time, the ACAAJ had encouraged the Minister of Mines in her efforts to restore Chantal Lembo Bashizi in her rights.

"In view of this worrying situation, we kindly ask you to stop the said interference, which try to prevent the holding of this postponement and resumption, because they constitute offences of trafficking of influence to obstructing the exercise of the fundamental rights guaranteed to individuals," asked Me Georges Kapiamba to the Minister of Mines.

Appointed Administrative Director of the Mining Cadastre (CAMI), Chantal Bashizi sees for the umpteenth time the ceremony of delivery and resumption for her to officially take up her duties postponed sine die. She should replace Jean-Félix Mupande in this position.

In her letter of June 16, 2021, the Minister of Mines, Antoinette Nsamba, gave the reason for this postponement. According to her, this postponement was made on the instruction of Prime Minister Sama Lukonde.

It should be recalled that Chantal Bashizi was appointed Director General on December 27, 2018 by a presidential order appointing representatives to the Mining Cadastre (CAMI) and this was published in the official newspaper, before the person concerned was notified. It only remains, we learn, the handover and resumption with his predecessor for Chantal Bashizi to officially take up his duties at the CAMI as Director General.

Christian okende


JIF 2022: Félix Tshisekedi called to get involved for the installation of Chantal Bashizi at the head of the Mining Cadastre​

In his message on the occasion of International Women's Day, Head of State Félix Tshisekedi reaffirmed his willingness to raise women to high responsibilities in the country's government and main institutions.

In view of this announcement by Félix Tshisekedi made public in the account of the Presidency of the Republic, several voices are raised to ask the Head of State to carry out his commitment by getting involved in particular to allow Chantal Lembo Bashizi to take up her duties as Director General of the Mining Cadastre (CAMI)

According to Mignonne Mbombo of the organization Femmes Solidaires "SFEO", International Women's Day is a propitious opportunity to remind the public authorities of their commitments to the promotion of women's rights.

"As we celebrate this day, a woman is a victim of injustice, simply because she is a woman. (...) This is gender discrimination, especially since her male colleagues who had been appointed at the same time as she took office a few days after their appointment, "she said.
Appointed Director General of CAMI since December 2018, Chantal Bashizi, Administrative Director within the same company and former Vice-President of the commission responsible for developing the new mining code, has never officially taken up her duties.

The handover and resumption with Jean-Félix Mupande was postponed on the instruction of Prime Minister Sama Lukonde. This also pushed the Congolese Association for Access to Justice (ACAJ) to show the niche to denounce this state of affairs.

"I strongly condemn this discrimination. I call on all fighters of freedoms and the right to equal protection of all by the laws, to mobilize against this discrimination, "wrote Georges Kapiamba, President of the ACAJ.

The President of the Republic, who makes the rule of law his workhorse, is thus called upon to take the necessary measures to correct this situation towards a woman recognized for her know-how.
This urgent appeal is also addressed to Prime Minister Jean Michel Sama Lukonde who said he needed a little time to analyze the file of this former lawyer at the Brussels Bar.

The order appointing the new CAMI Management Committee, like all other catches during the same period and in the same sector, was published in the Official Journal, before the person concerned was notified.

All that remains is the handover and resumption with his predecessor for Master Chantal Lembo Bashizi to officially take office.

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Would Jean-Félix Mupande Kafwa, the untouchable and irremovable become the emperor owner of the mining cadastre?


"DG of the Mining Cadastre (CAMI) since 2005, despite his dismissal in 2018, he refuses to leave the post"

Would Jean-Félix Mupande Kafwa, the untouchable and irremovable become the emperor owner of the mining cadastre?​

By Kiki Kienge

"And Jean-Félix Mupande Kapwa remained in his position as CEO of the CAMI. ”
Director General a i of the CAMI (Mining Cadastre) for 17 years (since the presidency of 1+4), he seems to be the emperor for life for this state institution.
Despite a presidential order by Joseph Kabila, Jean-Félix Mupande Kapwa remained in his position as DG of the mining cadastre with the blessing of the minister at the time, Martin Kabwelulu thus violating the presidential ordinance.
Under the reign of Félix Tshisekedi who advocates the rule of law, Minister Willy Kitobo had tried to implement the presidential judgment suspended for "insubordination" Jean-Félix Mupande Kapwa, but now the Prime Minister himself, Ilunga Ilunkamba came to the rescue of his brother, reminding him of "order" not to say disorder the Minister of "And Jean-Félix Mupande remained in his position as CEO of CAMI. ":

"The work of controlling the management of the Mining cadastre carried out by my auditors indicated several malfunctions in this department of the Ministry of Mines that find their origin in the centralization of power around the Director General who decides alone without consulting the guardianship and even his own collaborators (...)", can we read in the correspondence of Thursday, January 07 of Minister Willy Kitobo.

Came the turn of the Warriors of Sama Lukonde Kyenge, the new Minister of Mines Antoinette N'samba Kalambayi in turn wanted to put order in the disorder that has been at the head of the mining cadastre for at least 3 years. This time again as if by miracle, Jean-Félix Mupande had another guardian angel named Sama Lukonde Kyenge, who will protect him from the rigor of Minister Antoinette N'samba Kalambayi. "And Jean-Félix Mupande remained in his position as CEO of CAMI. ”
Chantal Lembo Bashizi, since appointed head of the mining cadastre, has never taken office unlike the representatives appointed by the same presidential order. It is a series of Novellas of the postponement of the delivery and resumption between Jean-Félix Mupande and Chantal Lembo Bashizi Lembo that follow and keep to this day Jean-Félix Mupande at the helm of the CAMI.

But although the rigorous Minister of Mines, Antoinette N'samba Kalambayi maintains her decision to deprive Jean-Félix Mupande of the right to engage the Mining Cadastre, it would according to many sources be at the basis of the blockade (refusal since linked to the Chinese Cong Mao Huai "SimonCong" who fights AVZ?) despite the OK of the Ministry of Mines, to obtain the operating license to the Australians of the AVZ to start lithium production in Tanganyika province. Already millions of US dollars committed to this project by AVZ, each delay still causes investors and the Congolese State to lose more millions.

Recall that the exploitation of lithium in Manono in Tanganyika can generate more than 500 direct jobs and 2,000 to 5,000 indirect jobs, an unexpected boon for the population of this province, which is sinking more and more into total misery despite its mineral and natural resources.

And Jean-Félix Mupande Kapwa remained in his position as CEO of the CAMI...

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Tanganyka: Lithium Project that blocks the AVZ, Jean-Félix Mupande, the Chinese Cong Mao Huai (SimonCong) or the Congolese government?


"Manono, hard rock lithium deposit in the world of 132 million exploitable tons"

Tanganyka: Lithium Project that blocks the AVZ, Jean-Félix Mupande, the Chinese Cong Mao Huai (SimonCong) or the Congolese government?​

By Kiki Kienge

In the Tanganyika province of Manono, the discovery of the world's largest hard rock lithium deposit of 132 million exploitable tons over an area of 188 km2, must be a priority and opportunity for the population of this corner of the DRC. Which for years seems to be sinking deeper and deeper into poverty. Tanganyika and Haut-Lomami unlike the two sisters Haut Katanga and Lualaba, in terms of development, nothing seems to move positively.

But now the project seems to be catching up more and more, a delay that does not say its name. Mafia, conflict between the past and current regime, corruption, war between foreign Chinese and Australian powers?

In its Genesis, Manono's Lithium project was a joint venture agreement in 2016 of COMINIERE (Congolese state company) and the Mauritian company MMCS STRATEGIC under operating license No. 12202 in Katanga for the exploitation of tin, Wolframite, Coltan and lithium. But the Minister of Mines at the time had withdrawn the research permit from the Mauritian company MMCS on the grounds that the latter had not carried out agreed work on the concession. In reality, MMCS had no technical capacity, but wanted to come into possession of the deposit's license to then speculate on the stock exchange.

A joint venture agreement was then signed between the Australians of AVZ MINERALS with 60%, the Congolese COMINIERE with 30% and 10% at DATHOMIR MINING RESOURCES SARL, a company of the Chinese Cong Mao Huai owner of Fleuve Congo Hôtel and very close to the Kabila family.

The Australians of AVZ Minerals majority in the partnership with the Chinese of Yibin Tianyi Lithium Industry Co and Huayou International Mining (Hong Kong), have already undertaken the rehabilitation and construction of the roads, bridges and other infrastructure necessary for the exploitation of lithium, of which the population of Tanganyka would also benefit.

The rehabilitation of the Mpiana-Mwanga hydroelectric power plant should begin with the obtaining of the operating permit by the Congolese government, which still remains in the drawers of Kinshasa:

There is the legal battle between the Chinese mining giant Zijin and the Australians of AVZ Minerals for control of the Manono mine.

DATHOMIR MINING RESOURCES SARL (Simon Cong) of the Chinese Cong Mao Huai who owned 10% in the joint venture contract with AVZ and COMINIERE, in 2020 sells to AVZ its 10% for a value of 15.5 million US dollars to AVZ, which buys 5% from COMINIERE. AVZ Minerals thus owns 75% and 25% by COMINIERE SA.
But in the meantime COMINIERE sells 15% of its shares in DATHCOM Mining to ZIJIN Mining, fraudulently with the complicity of its director a.i:

"The transfer of the 15% of COMINIERE's shares in DATHCOM Mining to ZIJIN Mining was carried out in violation of the legal provisions on the State's disengagement of companies from the portfolio. » IGF
After the release of the said feasibility study, DATHOMIR, which had sold its shares regularly to AVZ, given the increase in the value of the project on the market, SimonCong, owner of DATHOMIR, changes its position and decides to prosecute COMINIERE, AVZ and DATHCOM Mining, thus claiming US$50 million, claiming the irregularity in the

Since the AVZ's operating license, which should allow the start of work, including the construction of the plant and the exploitation of lithium, is still blocked in Kinshasa.

Charges against Jean-Félix Mupande DG of the CAMI who would even challenge the Congolese government for not giving the permit to AVZ. If so, who would be behind Jean-Félix Mupande?

The IFB report on the situation of the sale of COMIERE shares, which would give more reason to the Australians of the AVZ, seems to be ignored if not neglected by the Congolese government, which seems to be more concerned with the sale of the oil blocks than with the AVZ operating license, which should develop an entire province creating many job positions.

Meanwhile, the average Congolese taxpayer and the Australian company AVG are losing millions of US dollars, the hope of the people of Tanganyika who live in misery for the development of their province and for job creation, is decreasing every day. A population that seems to be ignored and that remains a victim of this war of interest of a few people living at least 3,000 KM from Manono.

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Jean Felix Mupande Kapwa
How are your mates going

Sama Lukonde Kyenge

Dathomir (Simon Cong - Cong Mao Huai)
Registered in Seychelles
Domiciled at GETAD
Incorporated by Edmond Patrick Lecourt

Simon Cong (Cong Mao Huai) - mates with Zoe Kabila Mwanza Mbala (Joseph Kabila’s brother) and Min Go Wei

Cominiere (Athanase Mwamba Misao MD)

AJN Resources (Klaus Eckhof)
Tantalex Resources (Eric Allard)
African Energy Metals (Stephen Barley)

@Mupande how’s your relationships going with these Canadian based companies?

Are these guys bagmen too? I’ve read Canadian based companies are at the top of the list when it comes to corruption…. hard to believe they are worse than the Chinese.

I guess I’ll have to keep researching that…. your not doing a very good job stitching up AVZ shareholders, some of us never give up
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This is for you Jean Felix Mupande


The last person who got this is in jail
Time for you to join him


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Biding my Time 1971
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