Felix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo

Dave Evans


Translated from French by
#RDC : Urgent Urgent *TICKET FOR THE FINAL OFFICE OF THE SENATE* After consultation with the members of the Presidium of the Sacred Union of the Nation during the political meeting which has just ended this night of Friday July 26, and according to the instructions of the High Authority, here is how the ticket for the Final Office looks like of the Senate:

1. SAMA LUKONDE KYENGE Jean Michel (@LukondeSama): President
2. KINDWELO LUMBU Pascal: 1st VP
3. BAHATI LUKWEBO Modest: 2nd VP
4. BAMANISA SAIDI Jean: Rapporteur
5. Opposition: Deputy Rapporteur
7. BEMBA NDOKWA Françoise: Deputy Quaestor

This follows the publication during the day of the timetable for the election of the Senate office by the President of the Provisional Office.

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