Moreover, NEC will install microphones near filling machines in order to analyze when sounds are different from usual, which could possibly indicate an abnormality with the system.Interesting anomaly detection system
NEC provides a predictive anomaly detection system using AI at Suntory’s Natural Water Beer Plant in Kyoto
NEC Corporation (NEC; TSE: 6701) announced today that it will provide Suntory Beer, Inc. with NEC Advanced Analytics-Invariant Analysis, an AI-based facility anomaly detection system.www.nec.com
Renesas took over NEC back in the day.

Press Releases
NEC R&D reseasrch and development activities in a wide variety of research fields - data science, biometrics, AI, security, IoT, platform, etc.
NEC also the fifth largest AI patent filer behind IBM, Microsoft, Samsung and Toshiba