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Is Akida now going to Venus as well?

NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts
Lightweight Multifunctional Planetary Probe for Extreme Environment Exploration and Locomotion
Active Technology Project (2020 - 2022)
Project Introduction
With many characteristics similar to Earth, Venus has long been considered of high scientific interest to NASA. The Venus surface temperatures near 460°C and pressures of 93 bar have made long duration surface missions infeasible. The atmosphere is also caustic and has a dense cloud layer resulting in poor topography mapping, requiring either hazard tolerant landing systems with significant mass penalties, or the exclusion of landing sites with rough terrains due to safe landing concerns at the expense of scientific value. The Tension Adjustable Network for Deploying Entry Membrane (TANDEM) concept is a lightweight vehicle developed to operate in Venusian extreme environment. TANDEM's unified design is capable of handling all aspects of Entry, Descent, Landing, and Locomotion (EDLL) through an integrated tensegrity and deployable semi-rigid heat shield design. Most proposed EDLL concepts utilize separate systems for each stage, resulting in significant mass penalties due to the need to carry systems not in continual use over the life of their respective missions. The design of TANDEM uses an actively controlled tensegrity frame for entry and descent that are also used for landing and locomotion. This enables TADEM to gather science data during its descent stage as well as on the surface. The truss-like configuration of the frame of TANDEM is a lightweight design that allows for a high payload to structural mass ratio, leading to a significant mass reduction. Phase I demonstrated that for a mission to the rugged tessera regions, the mass of TANDEM is 49% lighter than the VITaL, and 33% lighter than the ADEPT-VITaL concept missions. TANDEM’s design distributes the impact landing loads across its entire frame, providing an omnidirectional protection for the payload. This is ideal for landed missions to Venus where only low-resolution topography maps exist. The Phase I investigations suggest that a properly configured TANDEM vehicle can safely land and perform science measurements on the tessera terrains. Phase II will advance the development of TANDEM with the goal of increasing its TRL. Through continued collaboration with NASA Ames, various control methods using machine learning will be investigated to allow TANDEM to perceive and navigate rough terrains with characteristics similar to the proposed mission sites using coupled integrated vision system and spiking neural network. These control methods will be designed based on the NASA Tensegrity Robotics Toolkit and verified experimentally using a prototype. Various failure modes, such as removing a cable along the TANDEM's frame, will also be examined to assess the design redundancies and ensure continuous locomotion of the vehicle in case of damage or malfunction. As TANDEM is a multifunctional vehicle, raising its TRL requires tests in all phases of EDLL. Non-flight rated prototypes of various complexity will be developed to test system's functionality and performance during several mission critical events including, but not limited to, entry and descent membrane deployment and tensioning, impact, and locomotion. While the prototypes and subsystems will be tested in a laboratory environment, their designs will incorporate the limitations of the extreme conditions required for operation on the surface of Venus. The design space will be explored through numerical simulations, and
Printed on 05/22/2022 03:44 PM AEST
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Graphic Rendering of the Lightweight Multifunctional Planetary Probe for Extreme Environment Exploration and Locomotion. Credits: Javid Bayandor
Table of Contents
Project Introduction 1 Anticipated Benefits 2 Primary U.S. Work Locations and Key Partners 2 Organizational Responsibility 2 Project Management 2 Technology Maturity (TRL) 2 Technology Areas 3 Target Destination 3 Images 4

NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts
Lightweight Multifunctional Planetary Probe for Extreme Environment Exploration and Locomotion
Active Technology Project (2020 - 2022)
validations through testing. The simulations and tests planned for this study will raise the concept's technology readiness from TRL2 to TRL3, and up to TRL4. The Phase II investigations will bring together academia with various NASA centers (Ames, LaRC, and KSC) and their individual expertise to highlight how TANDEM with its unmatched level of adaptability can enable missions to harsh planetary environments, such as Venus and Mercury. The relevant critical technologies developed can further enable complex guided traverse and sustained functionality on any high-risk landing sites.
Anticipated Benefits
Tension Adjustable Network for Deploying Entry Membrane (TANDEM) is a new lightweight planetary probe concept that combines the Entry, Descent, and Landing functionalities with the surface locomotion (EDL-L) into a single multifunctional tensegrity module. TANDEM’s agility allows in- situ exploration of the roughest geological structures of Venus, the Tesserae. The design reduces the extreme G-loading at entry and dramatically increases mane- uverability post entry and during descent. It further enables safe landing over unknown terrains and offers effective surface locomotion, while 30-50% lighter than other modern Venus In-situ explorers. TANDEM can be used for Mars and Moon exploration.
Primary U.S. Work Locations and Key Partners
Responsible Mission Directorate:
Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD)
Lead Organization:
SUNY Buffalo State
Responsible Program:
NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts
Project Management
Program Director:
Jason E Derleth
Program Manager:
Eric A Eberly
Principal Investigator:
Javid Bayandor
Technology Maturity
Start: 2 Current: 2 Estimated End: 3
Printed on 05/22/2022 03:44 PM AEST
Applied Research
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Demo & Test
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NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts
Lightweight Multifunctional Planetary Probe for Extreme Environment Exploration and Locomotion
Active Technology Project (2020 - 2022)
Technology Areas
TX09 Entry, Descent, and Landing
TX09.X Other Entry, Descent, and Landing
Target Destination
Others Inside the Solar System
Organizations Performing Work
Role Type Location
Ames Research Center(ARC)
Supporting Organization
NASA Center
Moffett Field, California
Langley Research Center(LaRC)
Supporting Organization
NASA Center
Primary U.S. Work Locations
SUNY Buffalo State
Lead Academia Organization
Buffalo, New York
Hampton, Virginia
California Virginia
New York
Printed on 05/22/2022 03:44 PM AEST
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NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts
Lightweight Multifunctional Planetary Probe for Extreme Environment Exploration and Locomotion
Active Technology Project (2020 - 2022)
Lightweight Multifunctional Planetary Probe for Extreme Environment Exploration and Locomotion
Graphic Rendering of the Lightweight Multifunctional Planetary Probe for Extreme Environment Exploration and Locomotion. Credits: Javid Bayandor ( e/102210)
Printed on 05/22/2022 03:44 PM AEST
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Hopefully we are in this NASA Boeing Starliner, Rob did mention yesterday we helped NASA get into Orbit.

Starliner first flight test completed by Boeing, NASA​

June 21, 2022


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Military Embedded Systems
Starliner first flight test completed by Boeing, NASA

WHITE SANDS, New Mexico. The Starliner Spacecraft completed its first flight test at the U.S. Army’s White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, according to officials from Boeing, the Starliner builder. This test of an uncrewed orbital flight vehicle was flown to demonstrate the quality and performance of the transportation system prior to crewed flights.​

Beginning on May 19, the flight test commenced with a launch from Florida’s Cape Canaveral Space Force Station atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket. Starliner demonstrated capabilities such as:

  • Atlas V rocket and Starliner spacecraft performance through launch, ascent, on-orbit, re-entry, and landing;
  • the performance of the spacecraft’s autonomous software as well as the on-orbit operation of its avionics system, electrical power systems, docking system, communications/telemetry systems, environmental control systems, solar arrays, and propulsion systems;
  • Ability to hold docking attitude, receive commands from the space station crew, and command holds and retreats during final station approach;
  • Battery charging, hatch open and close, establishing joint ventilation with the station, file transfer and cargo transfer.
“We have had an excellent flight test of a complex system that we expected to learn from along the way and we have,” says Mark Nappi, vice president and program manager, Boeing Commercial Crew Program. “With the completion of OFT-2, we will incorporate lessons learned and continue working to prepare for the crewed flight test and NASA certification.”

When Starliner completes its next flight, Boeing will have met NASA’s goal of having two commercial vehicles to transport astronauts safely, reliably, and sustainably to the station.

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think this was mentioned before, but as to why the contract ended don''t really know... was it just a test payment of the 50,000 to see if they like it, and move ontop something else... like a more extended contract, or depend on our collaborations outcome with other contract partners to nasa?
has there been talk about his nasa contract link via another website
this i was a few posts where bob apparently has said Nasa was very happy with us in an interview... and that a recent nasa lauch was with the assitance of brn.?
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think this was mentioned before, but as to why the contract ended don''t really know... was it just a test payment of the 50,000 to see if they like it, and move ontop something else... like a more extended contract, or depend on our collaborations outcome with other contract partners to nasa?
has there been talk about his nasa contract link via another website
this i was a few posts where bob apparently has said Nasa was very happy with us in an interview... and that a recent nasa lauch was with the assitance of brn.?
That’s just a purchase order for buying an evaluation kit. PO’s are normally closed once the invoice is paid and goods received. It says completed. So they probably just haven’t updated the dates. Unless of course they’ve left the PO open so that they can tack some variations onto it.

You may have missed @Fact Finder’s post from the weekend but this should answer your questions….
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Jason left Blueridge may 2021
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This is the bit I like.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Phase III efforts will demonstrate a fully packaged camera with a neuromorphic processing chip. Spiking neural network device technology is preferable. Efforts will leverage emerging event-based sensing algorithms to demonstrate.

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This is the bit I like.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Phase III efforts will demonstrate a fully packaged camera with a neuromorphic processing chip. Spiking neural network device technology is preferable. Efforts will leverage emerging event-based sensing algorithms to demonstrate.

Hi SC,

Great find.

It looks like Phase 1 & Phase 2 are more about the IR sensor, and the SNN only comes in in Phase 3.

In the footnotes, No. 3 is our friend Ryad Benosman of Prophesee fame. (

3. Benosman, R., et al., Event-based visual flow. IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 2014. Vol. 25 p. 407

BrainChip Partners with Prophesee

Laguna Hills, Calif. – June 14, 2022 – BrainChip Holdings Ltd (ASX: BRN, OTCQX: BRCHF, ADR: BCHPY), the world’s first commercial producer of neuromorphic AI IP, and Prophesee, the inventor of the world’s most advanced neuromorphic vision systems, today announced a technology partnership that delivers next-generation platforms for OEMs looking to integrate event-based vision systems with high levels of AI performance coupled with ultra-low power technologies.

So the SBIR timing details are of interest:

Release Date: December 01, 2021
Open Date: January 12, 2022
Application Due Date: February 10, 2022
Close Date: February 10, 2022

So the bidding closed 5 months ago ... and then, as if by magic, Prophesee and Brainchip hook up.

PS: Does anyone else think NASA uses "Spiking neural network technology" as code for "Akida"?

PPS: Does anyone else think NASA may be adopting the component standardization policy that Mercedes mentioned? It would be useful to have a sensor-agnostic SNN in many low power situations.

PPPS: Where did those helicopters come fro ...
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I've read quite a few of these over the last 2 days and there are quite a few which scream akida as the solution imo but I don't put them up as they don't insist on "spiking neural network technology" as you point out.

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Founding Member
Hi SC,

Great find.

It looks like Phase 1 & Phase 2 are more about the IR sensor, and the SNN only comes in in Phase 3.

In the footnotes, No. 3 is our friend Ryad Benosman of Prophesee fame. (

3. Benosman, R., et al., Event-based visual flow. IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 2014. Vol. 25 p. 407

BrainChip Partners with Prophesee

Laguna Hills, Calif. – June 14, 2022 – BrainChip Holdings Ltd (ASX: BRN, OTCQX: BRCHF, ADR: BCHPY), the world’s first commercial producer of neuromorphic AI IP, and Prophesee, the inventor of the world’s most advanced neuromorphic vision systems, today announced a technology partnership that delivers next-generation platforms for OEMs looking to integrate event-based vision systems with high levels of AI performance coupled with ultra-low power technologies.

So the SBIR timing details are of interest:

Release Date: December 01, 2021
Open Date: January 12, 2022
Application Due Date: February 10, 2022
Close Date: February 10, 2022

So the bidding closed 5 months ago ... and then, as if by magic, Prophesee and Brainchip hook up.

PS: Does anyone else think NASA uses "Spiking neural network technology" as code for "Akida"?

PPS: Does anyone else think NASA may be adopting the component standardization policy that Mercedes mentioned? It would be useful to have a sensor-agnostic SNN in many low power situations.

PPPS: Where did those helicopters come fro ...

Hi Dio,

It makes me so happy when you say "Great Find"

The answer to your questions as follows

PS: Does anyone else think NASA uses "Spiking neural network technology" as code for "Akida"? YES YES YES

PPS: Does anyone else think NASA may be adopting the component standardization policy that Mercedes mentioned? It would be useful to have a sensor agnostic SNN in many low power situations. YES YES YES

Napoleon Dynamite Reaction GIF
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Julian is proud of the NASA leak.
fist assange GIF by euronews
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I don't remember this one before but I do forget more than I remember.

Hi SC,

When you hot, you hot:

Blue Ridge Envisioneering, Inc. (BRE) proposes the development of a systematic and methodical approach to deploying Deep Neural Network (DNN) architectures on neuromorphic hardware and evaluating their performance relative to a traditional GPU-based deployment. BRE will develop and document a process for benchmarking a DNN’ s performance on a standard GPU, converting it to run on near-commercially available neuromorphic hardware, training and evaluating model accuracy for a range of available bit quantizations, characterizing the trade between power consumption and the various bit quantizations, and characterizing the trade between throughput/latency and the various bit quantizations. This process will be demonstrated on a Deep Convolutional Neural Network trained to classify objects in SAR imagery from the Air Force Research Laboratory’s MSTAR open source dataset. The BrainChip Akida Event Domain Neural Processor development environment will be utilized for demonstration as it provides a simulated execution environment for running converted models under the discrete, low quantization constraints of neuromorphic hardware.

This 2020 proposal was intended to use MetaTF to demonstrate how Akida performed at various bit samples (1, 2, or 4-bit weights and activations) trading speed and power for accuracy.

This was about the time that BRN developed the multi-bit Akida, and would have had the simulation software (MetaTF) ready in advance.

Given the target audience, the performance data would be classified.

PPPPS: Oh sh!t, the helicopters agai...
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