Brainchip reality
I am an old man, who was into system analysis and pattern recognition 60 years ago so I was a soft target when I learned of Brainchip, 10 years back. W.A. has seemed like the California of Australia, with many bright, young companies in so many fields. One could imagine an organic progression for Brainchip, from local adoption, to expansion into Asia, then Europe and the USA. So I was dismayed by the emergence of a focus on the US - card detection in Las Vegas, then Studio, then an office in California, then the appointment of a manifestly inadequate CEO, whose IP strategy was all wrong for an emerging technology, to the shutting down of the Parth research centre, to now, when this IP company is almost entirely supported by a 4-year old chip (3 year lead?), yet without the wherewithal to make a successor.
We are still perceived as an Aussie minnow, whose NDA prospects will not sign up, clever as we are, lest we do not survive. So, the theory goes, we must redomicile to the US, to appear on their exchanges, in order to be taken seriously..
But all our staff are in USA, most of our marketing is there. Our malaise is deeper than ASX or Nasdaq. I think we have stalled, just as the wave is passing under us. Where is our new leader, paddling hard, hanging 10 and whooping us down the face?