BrainChip simply needs revenue.
A company with a share price of $4 listed at NASDAQ without revenue will be shorted down to $0.10 very fast.
You are right. It is much to early for NASDAQ.
It could be a deadly trap moving to NASDAQ just because some people recommended to move to NASDAQ.
Revenue! Revenue! Revenue!!
BrainChip is in the USA, L.A. - so what makes the difference when ASX is the stock exchange.
BrainChip Akida IP can be used all over the world.
Customers just have to buy a license.
Yes, I am very sure:
BrainChip Akida is the future of Edge AI
But the stock price can also rise up at ASX.
Some of the potential IP deals with US defence contractors & US army might depend on if the company is listed in the US or not.
I agree that reverse splits normally isn't good, but this is for a unique reason; moving!
I will again list the reasons the company gave, which everyone in the management agreed upon:
The key reasons influencing this decision are as follows:
1. The US market is home to the world’s largest technology investment exchange and most of the
world’s largest semiconductor and Artificial Intelligence (AI) companies. It provides access to a
substantially larger and highly technologically sophisticated pool of potential investors on a
global scale. US technology sector investors are generally more familiar with AI technology
companies and have a deeper understanding of valuation methodologies for emerging
technology companies like BrainChip.
2. A US listing has the potential to be a positive revaluation and re-pricing catalyst for all existing
BRN shareholders, exposing the Company to the possible entry of new US based technology
investors, both institutional and retail, who have previously not been able or willing to invest in
BrainChip due to company policies prohibiting foreign investment or other compliance related
3. SEC disclosure rules provide greater protection for the Company and our customer’s
commercially sensitive information, allowing BrainChip to conduct its commercial activities
without the risk of being compelled to disclose confidential and commercially sensitive
information that breach Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA) signed with BrainChip’s customers,
commercial ecosystem partners, and licensees thus removing a serious obstacle to
commercial success.
4. A simultaneous delisting from the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) would reduce
regulatory compliance, cost and disclosure obligations that exist in a dual-listed scenario. By
pursuing a simultaneous US listing and delisting from the ASX, and the cancellation of the
quotation on the OTCQX market and the ADR program, the intended result is a clean and
simple transition from one exchange to another with minimal cost and without the regulatory
and compliance obligations associated with being dual listed.
BrainChip Chairman, Antonio J. Viana said:
“The decision to explore a US listing was taken after considerable reflection and subject to rigorous
Board debate and evaluation.
The Board unanimously believes this strategic decision is in the best interests of our shareholders,
our employees, our partners and our existing and future licensees.
It will elevate BrainChip’s value
and profile on the world’s largest, most dynamic and technology-focused investment market.
In the event we move forward with redomiciling, I want to reassure our valued shareholders, the
vast majority of whom are Australian retail investors, they will be able to buy, hold and sell shares
of our new US parent company without restrictions once the US listing has taken effect.
I am confident this strategic decision is in the best interests and will be a catalyst for value,
appreciation, and continued growth for our Company.”
This announcement is authorised for release by the BRN Board of Directors.