Gidday All,
What a ride this stock has been to date, for any true believer, it has certainly been an emotional roll-a-coaster, hasn't it ?
I have purposefully avoided reading the forum for a number of days, as I can just imagine the stress and anxiety that many are feeling,
so many questions, so few "real" answers.
When the company announced that the Perth office was closing down, I was quietly pretty annoyed, and I can imagine that the discussions
surrounding that decision at Board level would have been rather intense, but we moved on and still retained our key Australian connection/s.
I'm not sure if Tony is still working out of the office in downtown Perth, but assume he is based out of his home office ?? maybe one of the Perth
guys know.
With our Headquarters clearly established in Laguna Hills, California with all our key staff, departing the ASX was always the game plan in my opinion, but this latest news has put me on the backfoot somewhat, yes I know, it's nowhere a done deal, and quite frankly, I think it's way too premature.
The retail shareholder base currently holds 58.633% verses the Top 20 with it's 41.367% and with all the hurdles regulatory or otherwise, I
can't see this happening, unless "something big" emerges on the news front, and let's face it, something could just explode out of left field,
we ALL know we are Due !!
My comments may be incorrect here, so please correct me, if $4.00 US is required as a base entry point for a Nasdaq listing, well that equates
to around $6.43 AUD, which in turn means a consolidation of approximately 3,060%.
Peters holding for example would go from 157 Million to 5.13 Million shares, yes, I know it still carries the same value as such, BUT ??
A very nicely placed shareholder currently holding 1 Million BRN shares would then hold (after consolidation) 32,680 shares @ $6.43 AUD
equivalent to the opening $4.00 entry point.
All hypothetical I know, and as I say, unless the company has something that's so powerful to reveal to the shareholders, it's going to be an
extremely hard sell, yes the US market is where I and many wish us to end up, be it's so premature in my opinion, and rather unsettling.
As far as our day to day company progress is concerned, nothing has changed, we are still kicking goals, but our bank account doesn't reflect as such yet, but it will I believe.
Just my views, take it or leave it........cheers for now Tech x