Glad its just your opinion because its not entirely factual. Or rather, it wasn't. When we had a physical product, like the FPGA board, it could in fact be relatively easily incorporated into an existing system. Yes it involved some programming and interfacing but it was far from insurmountable. This was the kind of prospect I presented to management in 2019 but received a very lukewarm response. They preferred to go elephant hunting and came up often happens when you ignore grass roots opportunities.
When we changed to being IP only provider, my potential customer lost interest due to the cost and time involved in creating a custom chip to suit the application. This was such a shame because the sales model proposed was to charge the end user an ongoing fee which would have been an early start to a recurring revenue stream for BRN. Isn't this exactly the type of sales model now being introduced by BMW, Mercedes et al to allow customers to access some features in the cars????
Timing is a funny thing. None of us, either as individuals or corporations can be all things to all people at all times.
That's just how it gets portrayed in movies where we watch representations of edited lives enacted over 90-120 minutes.
This extra time its taking for the share price to be at the levels I want or expect it to be is bloody inconvenient for me and my plans.

And some of my other investments are not acting as I wished either.
Damn, but it'd be nice if reality conformed to my expectations and demands!
But life runs its own race and our illusions of control sometimes need must be tailored to suit the cut of our cloth.
I'm glad they elected to pull the 4C bandaid off early and just move on.
Nothing terribly surprising, but we'd be surprised if there was.
It's all continuing and happening just as fast as they can engineer it, but, at this point in our evolution much is outside of their direct control.
All they can realistically do is continue forging ahead building relevant relationships and embedding themselves within the growing but as yet still nascent ecosystem. The world will eventually catch up with what we have on offer.
Until then, we persist and endure.