Interesting new Job listing at Brainchip
Check out this job at BrainChip :
Check out this job at BrainChip :
Hi Zeebot,
How many posts have been moderated to date?
What is stopping a malicious actor to have bots reporting a good post and have that taken down?
If you dont have time to monitor these posts ahould founding members or selected group have more power to action moderation when deemed appropiate?
We dont want this going the direction of hotcrapper so I think more should be done.
Great find @GStocks123!Interesting new Job listing at Brainchip
Check out this job at BrainChip :
I live in 327 but moving to 528 I'm taking that as a signWe've lived at no. 23 in our last two houses.
Its a sign!
Socionext shared the CES tweet again with brainchip in it. Goes to show that they are not hesitant and love to share their and our collaboration.
Must watch !
Judd Heape - Vice President of product management at Qualcomm.
" We're working with Prophesee to bring this technology to smart phones. "
Here, he is specifically talking about solving motion blur !
The whole vid is worth watching, but Prophesee segment from 32 min mark.
Camera Tech on Snapdragon 8 Gen 2: Snapdragon Summit Tech Talk
18 Jan 2023
Snapdragon Summit 2022 connected the global Snapdragon community, launched new technologies, and dove deep into specific technologies in a series of Tech Talks. In this Tech Talk, Judd Heape — vice president of product management at Qualcomm — explores all things Snapdragon Sight and what sets this leading smartphone camera technology apart from the pack. Qualcomm and Snapdragon have innovated on smartphone camera technologies across the years, as illustrated in Heape’s overview of previous Snapdragon camera tech. And now Snapdragon Sight on the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 Mobile Platform is transforming mobile photography once again. What sets Snapdragon Sight apart from the competition? To start, an 18-bit triple ISP capable of capturing over a billion colors from three cameras simultaneously, 8K HDR video capture, and 4096 times more camera data. But the real star of the show is the world’s first cognitive ISP. Using AI technology, this cognitive ISP offers real-time segmentation filters and applies custom treatment to each layer of the image (up to eight layers) for photos, videos, and the viewfinder. It’s no wonder that Snapdragon is the leader in every professional camera quality feature for smartphones.
Must watch !
Judd Heape - Vice President of product management at Qualcomm.
" We're working with Prophesee to bring this technology to smart phones. "
Here, he is specifically talking about solving motion blur !
The whole vid is worth watching, but Prophesee segment from 32 min mark.
Camera Tech on Snapdragon 8 Gen 2: Snapdragon Summit Tech Talk
18 Jan 2023
Snapdragon Summit 2022 connected the global Snapdragon community, launched new technologies, and dove deep into specific technologies in a series of Tech Talks. In this Tech Talk, Judd Heape — vice president of product management at Qualcomm — explores all things Snapdragon Sight and what sets this leading smartphone camera technology apart from the pack. Qualcomm and Snapdragon have innovated on smartphone camera technologies across the years, as illustrated in Heape’s overview of previous Snapdragon camera tech. And now Snapdragon Sight on the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 Mobile Platform is transforming mobile photography once again. What sets Snapdragon Sight apart from the competition? To start, an 18-bit triple ISP capable of capturing over a billion colors from three cameras simultaneously, 8K HDR video capture, and 4096 times more camera data. But the real star of the show is the world’s first cognitive ISP. Using AI technology, this cognitive ISP offers real-time segmentation filters and applies custom treatment to each layer of the image (up to eight layers) for photos, videos, and the viewfinder. It’s no wonder that Snapdragon is the leader in every professional camera quality feature for smartphones.
Must watch !
Judd Heape - Vice President of product management at Qualcomm.
" We're working with Prophesee to bring this technology to smart phones. "
Here, he is specifically talking about solving motion blur !
The whole vid is worth watching, but Prophesee segment from 32 min mark.
Camera Tech on Snapdragon 8 Gen 2: Snapdragon Summit Tech Talk
18 Jan 2023
Snapdragon Summit 2022 connected the global Snapdragon community, launched new technologies, and dove deep into specific technologies in a series of Tech Talks. In this Tech Talk, Judd Heape — vice president of product management at Qualcomm — explores all things Snapdragon Sight and what sets this leading smartphone camera technology apart from the pack. Qualcomm and Snapdragon have innovated on smartphone camera technologies across the years, as illustrated in Heape’s overview of previous Snapdragon camera tech. And now Snapdragon Sight on the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 Mobile Platform is transforming mobile photography once again. What sets Snapdragon Sight apart from the competition? To start, an 18-bit triple ISP capable of capturing over a billion colors from three cameras simultaneously, 8K HDR video capture, and 4096 times more camera data. But the real star of the show is the world’s first cognitive ISP. Using AI technology, this cognitive ISP offers real-time segmentation filters and applies custom treatment to each layer of the image (up to eight layers) for photos, videos, and the viewfinder. It’s no wonder that Snapdragon is the leader in every professional camera quality feature for smartphones.
Must watch !
Judd Heape - Vice President of product management at Qualcomm.
" We're working with Prophesee to bring this technology to smart phones. "
Here, he is specifically talking about solving motion blur !
The whole vid is worth watching, but Prophesee segment from 32 min mark.
Camera Tech on Snapdragon 8 Gen 2: Snapdragon Summit Tech Talk
18 Jan 2023
Snapdragon Summit 2022 connected the global Snapdragon community, launched new technologies, and dove deep into specific technologies in a series of Tech Talks. In this Tech Talk, Judd Heape — vice president of product management at Qualcomm — explores all things Snapdragon Sight and what sets this leading smartphone camera technology apart from the pack. Qualcomm and Snapdragon have innovated on smartphone camera technologies across the years, as illustrated in Heape’s overview of previous Snapdragon camera tech. And now Snapdragon Sight on the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 Mobile Platform is transforming mobile photography once again. What sets Snapdragon Sight apart from the competition? To start, an 18-bit triple ISP capable of capturing over a billion colors from three cameras simultaneously, 8K HDR video capture, and 4096 times more camera data. But the real star of the show is the world’s first cognitive ISP. Using AI technology, this cognitive ISP offers real-time segmentation filters and applies custom treatment to each layer of the image (up to eight layers) for photos, videos, and the viewfinder. It’s no wonder that Snapdragon is the leader in every professional camera quality feature for smartphones.
Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 will deliver professional quality photos and videos expect these professional quality |
cameras and smartphones in 2023 all right |
so yeah expect this sensor out in 2023 thanks very much |
okay let's talk about even another image sensor technology |
prophecy is is a company that has developed a really unique image sensor |
called an event-based Vision sensor and it's really unique because |
our world does not actually operate in 30 frames per second or 60 frames per |
second with a scanning raster it doesn't do that um our eyes our visual system perceives |
things much more uh detailed with a lot better temporal resolution and so these |
image sensors are quite unique in that they don't they're not fixed to a certain frame rate for example so and there's |
some benefits to that so the prophecy image sensor has a lot of really unique characteristics the first is that it can |
run at an equivalency of 10 000 frames per second because this image sensor like I said is not locked to like 30 or |
60 frames it outputs data only when there's an event or a change in the |
scene so the essence of the scene is captured only the changes are captured this can |
lead to much less bandwidth coming out of the sensor because if you have the camera pointed at a static scene why |
output any data you know why why waste battery life doing that if the scene hasn't changed so this sensor actually |
does that it also can work in extreme lighting conditions this sensor can be programmed |
to work at you know 120 DB of dynamic range huge amount of HDR dynamic range and |
finally it works at really really low power so it's a quite unique technology we're working with prophecy to bring |
this technology to smartphones and so I'd like to play a video for you from Luca who is their CEO the video was in |
French but it has subtitles so please take a look |
there is a |
at the risk like this is |
foreign |
really interesting and unique technology um and it works a lot like the human eye |
which I think Luca mentioned here but you might ask yourself why wait what's |
what's the purpose of this why would this be important for a mobile application so let me show you |
you see here that we're using an RGB camera a standard camera on the left to capture someone playing tennis and on |
the right is the image that comes out of the prophecy event-based Vision sensor and so like I said the one on the left |
the RGB camera operates at a fixed frame rate 30 or 60 frames per second |
the prophecy image sensor operates 1000 times faster than that so the prophecy |
image sensor can actually output only pixels that change and they can output them really really quickly so |
as far as when the person swings the racket it's sampling 10 000 times more data than the RGB sensor is so the the |
movement the fine the the really tiny movements are are captured so much better and again why is this important |
for smartphones the reason why this is important is because if you take an action sports |
shot and you use a standard image sensor that's locked to a certain frame rate you get an image like that where the uh |
the actual uh static image has motion blur so the one on the left where the racket is in motion it's completely |
blurred and there's no easy way to get around that unless you up the frame rate |
but then that lowers your light and it's you know becomes a real problem but if you can intelligently combine the data |
from the RGB sensor with the event based sensor from prophecy fuse those together what we can do is we can apply that that |
tons of motion data from the proxy sensor to the RGB side and then get rid of the motion so this will get rid of |
all the motion blur in in your shots and so the good news is that we're working |
really closely with prophecy to bring this motion reduction technology for static images into smartphones so you'll |
see this really soon really cool technology so let me shift gears a bit and talk |
about bokeh portrait video and portrait photography last year on 8gen one we |
talked about how we have a hardware-based bokeh engine and that engine uh was capable of creating these |
blur shapes completely in Hardware at low power and it worked for video |
now on Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 we've taken this engine and we've taken it a step |
further so we said to ourselves why not modify the bokeh engine so that it could |
simulate different F numbers of lenses so something from F14 all the way down to F 1.4 and when you do that when you |
when you simulate a larger aperture what you end up with is bouquet shapes that are a lot bigger a lot more intense |
so that's one of the cool things we can do live with this technology that's now in |
Hardware in Snapdragon 8 gen 2. and so we actually oh this is first a video |
here intensity of out of focus sources of light in the background or change the effect entirely with radical new bouquet |
shapes that are Hardware accelerated to save power now did you see that not only can we |
change the bokeh size based upon the F number a simulated enough number we can change the shape so this is really going |
to be cool for people who want to do fun you know videos or selfie photography where they want to change the the |
standard kind of blur circle into a diamond into a heart Etc so to show you |
that this is real I have my esteemed colleague Jeff here and we're going to show this actually |
live so take a look at the screens here so you see behind him we have simulated |
Christmas lights behind him and you can see here that he can change the shape of those blurred lights |
from circles to Diamonds to hearts or he can change the intensity of the of |
the bouquet so back to the standard with no bouquet at all he can sweep and go right back between you know kind of a |
very subtle effect to a very extreme effect with a really fast lens |
and again you see this in the viewfinder this is happening in Hardware in real time 60 frames per second and can be |
shot with video or photo so pretty cool stuff and you can only do |
this in Hardware thanks Jeff |
okay let's also talk about ultra low light in the past I've talked about our |
low light engine and how we've been able to really reduce noise efficiently to get really really good performance in |
low light |
Interesting new Job listing at Brainchip
Check out this job at BrainChip :
Must watch !
Judd Heape - Vice President of product management at Qualcomm.
" We're working with Prophesee to bring this technology to smart phones. "
Here, he is specifically talking about solving motion blur !
The whole vid is worth watching, but Prophesee segment from 32 min mark.
Camera Tech on Snapdragon 8 Gen 2: Snapdragon Summit Tech Talk
18 Jan 2023
Snapdragon Summit 2022 connected the global Snapdragon community, launched new technologies, and dove deep into specific technologies in a series of Tech Talks. In this Tech Talk, Judd Heape — vice president of product management at Qualcomm — explores all things Snapdragon Sight and what sets this leading smartphone camera technology apart from the pack. Qualcomm and Snapdragon have innovated on smartphone camera technologies across the years, as illustrated in Heape’s overview of previous Snapdragon camera tech. And now Snapdragon Sight on the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 Mobile Platform is transforming mobile photography once again. What sets Snapdragon Sight apart from the competition? To start, an 18-bit triple ISP capable of capturing over a billion colors from three cameras simultaneously, 8K HDR video capture, and 4096 times more camera data. But the real star of the show is the world’s first cognitive ISP. Using AI technology, this cognitive ISP offers real-time segmentation filters and applies custom treatment to each layer of the image (up to eight layers) for photos, videos, and the viewfinder. It’s no wonder that Snapdragon is the leader in every professional camera quality feature for smartphones.
I love the enthusiasm but am not yet convinced of Qualcomm because prophesee sensors can be paired with other processors. Think it does bode well for future adoption of akida in mobile devices using prophesee though. Happy to be corrected if wrongThanks so much @Taproot !
This is a great example of why this forum/platform can work.
No individual can possibly monitor everything going on with Brainchip as a company and all the possible opportunities.
As a TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More) we can share information of value to increase our knowledge base collectively.
Fact Finder for many years generously shared his time, wisdom and expertise with us to improve the quality of this forum and our knowledge but it takes a team effort for it to work. My thoughts after re-reading his words are he eventually got frustrated with so many posts of whinging and little value that instead of it contributing to his day the balance of it’s value decreased to the point it was no longer effective use of his time as to the purpose of this forum.
It’s a shame the conversations deteriorated off track as they had. But every day is a new day, a new opportunity to improve!
My due diligence in my investment is not based on FF or anyone else on this platform but it is a great starting point to then do your own research and corroborate information; assess that information with other known facts; make a decision and then continuously re-assess. Every day you have the option to buy, sell or hold!
This new information generously shared by Taproot indicates to me there is a likelihood we could be included in mobile phones soon!
And Qualcomm would be another fantastic company to become involved with.
Regardless of the current SP movements; How exciting and explosive is that!
Enjoy your day people!
Brainchip / Prophesee podcast
From 16.40 minute mark.
For past 3 years working on combining regular frame based with event based sensors in smart phones to solve motion blur.
Rob Telson confirming soon after that is where the Brainchip / Prophesee collaboration is headed.
From my memory of the Prophesee interview is that their camera didn’t work properly without Akida, it was a match made in heaven. So I struggle to comprehend them using another processor to get these efficienciesI love the enthusiasm but am not yet convinced of Qualcomm because prophesee sensors can be paired with other processors. Think it does bode well for future adoption of akida in mobile devices using prophesee though. Happy to be corrected if wrong