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Hi V,

I’m 50 so I haven’t dug deeply into all this retirement information yet so I’m still learning. The prime reason I started investing in shares 18 months ago is because I can’t touch my super until I’m 60. However I want to retire at 55. So my plan was to make enough money in the next 5 years via shares so I can retire at 55 and then live off that until I’m 60 and then can live off my current super. I’ve been paying 15% pre-tax of my wage forever so my actual super although not massive; it’s enough to be comfortable.

My aspirations have changed as now I don’t want to be touching my Brainchip shares until they have fully matured which I realise could take a few years longer. I don’t hate my job, just getting burnt out but if I have to stay for a year or two longer I can. If I’m confident of my situation I could potentially go part time for my last year or two to give my shares more time to grow before I have to touch them. 55 or 57 is still young enough to have some health and fitness to do the travel and adventures I’m yearning for.

My question about the 15% on earnings you said above. Earnings is only generated when you actually sell shares isn’t it? For example if my shares went from $1 - $5 in one year but I haven’t sold any then I don’t pay any tax on them? I’d be a bit concerned if every year I have to take %15 tax out of my growth every year.

I’m thinking if I can move some of my current super into a SMSF by November/December and pick up 3-400 000 shares then by the time 60 rolls around in 10 years they’d be close to paying dividends in which case I could hopefully live off of them and never have to touch my initial purchase. Does that sound like a good plan?

Feel free to pull apart my idea if it’s a bad one. I appreciate this isn’t a financial advice thread so I’m not expecting guaranteed financial advice. I’m open to criticism If it improves my plan. I figure if I’m asking these questions others might be thinking the same thoughts so it could be helpful to others as well.

The only qualification I would put on @BaconLover ‘s post is that it is a ‘capital gains tax event’ that leads to tax being payable. In most cases the event is ‘selling of a capital asset’ realising the gain which gives rise to the tax.

Capital gains tax events are not limited to selling so it is critical as @BaconLover said to seek advice from a CPA.

My opinion only DYOR

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Hi Dolci, nice to have you back onboard.
Is it though?

Pops up when the charts looking good, plenty of shares in tow, will pump the chart to everyone and then dump her shares when it pumps, tell everyone brainchips overvalued before disappearing for another 6 months to quietly accumulate while waiting for the chart to look good again. When it does, she’ll pop up, shares in tow, chart at the ready to repeat the process.

You can tell when Dolci is accumulating because she’s not sharing charts - can’t blame her, we’re all here to make a buck, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.
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And it all changes when: you retire, and then when you turn 60, and then if your total super goes over the cap, which seems to change often. And I don’t know what happens if you go over the cap during a financial year but withdraw enough so you stay under the cap on 1 July. I think that rules for being under the cap would still apply. I hope so as that is my goal.

And then there are circumstances where the initial 15% tax paid on entry can be a rebate—I.e. When in retirement phase but under 60 With other taxable income to,off-set the rebate against. But I do believe this year is the last year that will be of any concern as next year the min age you can access super will be 60, for people not yet in retirement phase. I.e. those born in 1963 and turning 60 during the next financial year.

It’s all quite complicated.

If you don’t completely understand it as it applies to your specific circumstances, PLEASE seek the guidance of a professional and don’t base your understanding on responses from people you don’t know on a forum and who don’t know your specific circumstances.

So I suppose you shouldn’t listen to me either, but then, in doing so, you will be listening to me. 🤣
Tax rate on amounts over cap limit are still quite generous though.
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Fascinatingly Intuitive.
Has it already been shared? If not, you can watch it here:
Good Morning Vojnovic,

Finally. Cheers for posting.

Good quick interview .


$. When asked about pressent market cap..Sean... market cap is not even close to where it should be.


Go you good thing.

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I mean it was posted here a 'long time ago',) but maybe better once too much than...

"May 30, 2022
Custom ASIC company MegaChips and neuromorphic processor specialist BrainChip have announced a strategic partnership to provide ultra-low-power and high-performance edge AI solutions for ASIC customers."

"...wide variety of applications, such as consumer tech, telecom/network, industrial and automotive." :D
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Maybe once the chance and time will come for Brainchip+Weebit :)

Researchers demonstrate “custom-designed system-on-chip (SoC) targeting AI applications with analog in-memory computing using resistive random-access memory (ReRAM) as the compute element.”

Analog Edge Inference With ReRAM

technical article:

Neural Network Implementation

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Move on, nothing to see.
I think Sean gave a definition of ubiquitous. It would have been really cool if he had used the word though.

”I want this company to become the defecto standard for edge AI in the entire world. That means dominant market share, ecosystem partners building around us” (Sean Hehir)

I don’t know why he used the word defacto though. I’d think “standard” by itself would have been better.

I can’t wait for BrainChip to grow into what it can be. And it seems that seam expects results in this coming financial year.
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Fascinatingly Intuitive.
Morning Chippers,

Action plan / engagements of Brainchip for the coming month of June.

1, 1st June, Podcast no.17, Mark Staimer & Rob Telson chew the fat.

2, 8th June, LD Micro International, Sean Hehir presenting, West Lake Village, California, USA.

3, 13th June, University of Western Australia, Precision Immunology, On Chip Learning, Sars covid19.

4, 14th june, ARM & Edge Inpulse,
Object Detection, ( possibly BRN ).

5, 22nd June, 8th International Conference on Event Based Control, Communications & Signal Processing , Carlow, Poland.

This is all I have pencilled in pressently.

Remember, Brainchip management are pressently undertaking a Australian road show to brokers / investment firms, so we could, should get more reviews in the short term.

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Anyone that has been critical of how Sean has spoken in the past needs to watch the excellent commsec interview. Succinct, on point, confident and crystal clear was the impression it gave me of our CEO and it further ratified my thinking that the person leading the company is an outstanding choice out of what would have been very high caliber candidates.
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Anyone that has been critical of how Sean has spoken in the past needs to watch the excellent commsec interview. Succinct, on point, confident and crystal clear was the impression it gave me of our CEO and it further ratified my thinking that the person leading the company is an outstanding choice out of what would have been very high caliber candidates.
I am definitely 100% sharing your thoughts.

Nevertheless: This is his Job... I struggle a little bit about continuing words like "high caliber", "outstanding" or "ubiquitious".

Please give them the time they need.
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Jack Black GIF
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I love Sean's comment, "The (current) market cap is not even close....." :)
Same. My favourite bits:

“The market cap is not even close to where it can and should be over time”


“I want this company to be de facto standard for Edge AI for the entire world”


“Dominant market share”
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Great interview by Sean 👏

He's grown in confidence, speaks very well and I think Brainchip has found a gem here.

Points that stood out for me:

1. Competition. He talks about Brainchip being still small enough, we have the agility, compared to bigger players who've got to move in a certain way and changes happen too slow.

2. Market cap v revenue. Market itself is so big and Brainchip is ready to go so lots of room for company to grow and is undervalued.
He said by next year's AGM he looks forward to talking about results. This is obviously from a man who knows what's going on behind the scenes and is confident on the cards close to his chest. So I reckon some revenue flow is definitely on the table over the next 12 months.

3. Partners. Brainchip is looking to help the Partners meet the needs and was interesting to see he mentioned SiFive partnership as really important.

When Sean did his interview with Marc from stocksdownunder last week I watched his first interview from 4 months ago, and I can definitely see a big difference in language, confidence and I reckon he's on a mission to get us where we belong.

Have a great day all. I believe we are in safe hands.
(My comments are paraphrased and what I took from interview so if it's not the exactly same words used by Sean, my apologies)
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My impression of Sean: He doesn't look it in pictures but he seems to be a very pleasant guy. The way he talks and what he says, he knows what he wants and that determines. He takes his role with confidence and a plan. That's my impression. I like him, but also heard him for the first time.

I mean the coiffed hair like a business man, but that's what he is. His voice and how he talks speaks of groundedness and experience. I like people with a clear vision - ecosystem, implementa and that ubique!
I would like to add a subtlety of the German language: ubique can be abbreviated instead of always and everywhere => allgegenwärtig/omnipresent

But Latin cuts it short than short: ubique
I would like to add one more thing. This has little to do with the situation and the interview:
Nevertheless, it always reminds me of the following in such situations. Cicero: ~What after all are great speeches - the distillation of emotions into precise words.
I know, pathetic and taken out of the air. Still, he gave the impression of loving his job after so few months. And I want to underline that he did not need or seek the job and that PVDM chose him specifically. I think that's a terrific fit

and Google turns pathetic into ~miserable, that has nothing to do with deep learning. Do your homework first -> Google translation
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