BRN Discussion Ongoing


lol good pun there 👍✈. ok crisis averted they have managed to throw me on next one. phew
BRN IMO, is BRNing, hopefully, idling along, and saving fuel, in the process, with afterBRNers at the ready. ✈️

Akida Ballista
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BRN IMO, is BRNing, hopefully, idling along, and saving fuel, in the process, with afterBRNers at the ready. ✈️

Akida Ballista
ARMida Ballista today!
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Im not sure if I would be a Fool or Wanca for reading their articles
I think a fool if you took their advice and a wanca if you promoted what they said.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Aaaarrrmm how dare you all do ARM punns without me......

I ARM so offended.

By the way..........something tells me this isn't the first interaction between Juan Chapa and Garrett BUT have a look at it's resume..............:love:

View attachment 7466 View attachment 7467
Hi MC, I know I speak on behalf of evryone here when I say we arm very sorry if we offended you as we arm very well aware of how much indepted to you we all arm for your ARMasing Arm insights and your very wise & funny quote "Arm you a believer".

There's no arm in giving credit where credit is due.
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Seem The Bull don't mind the movement :)

Brainchip Holdings (BRN)


The share price of this global technology company surged from 68 cents on December 31, 2021 to $2.13 on January 19, 2022. Profit takers sent the share price back to 86 cents on April 12, 2022. A recent flurry of increasing volumes has generated excitement in the stock. My technical view is upward price momentum will continue and move the stock to new short term highs. The shares were trading at $1.12 on May 19.
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Do they still have the five better stock picks than BRN.

I really wonder about the market regulators who allow this form of marketing to continue day after day year after year.

Run an add saying to the public at large this or that company is a dud do not invest in it but pay us money and we will tell you a company that is a winner.

If the model was we know a company that is a dud pay us money to find out which one it is and we will also tell you which one is a winner fair enough but I think the current model is flawed and should be banned.

In BRN’s case they do not give full disclosure that when it was 4 cents they were telling everyone it was a dud and that they had five better stocks.

It would be interesting what those stocks have done up until today.

My opinion only DYOR

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Hi MC, I know I speak on behalf of evryone here when I say we arm very sorry if we offended you as we arm very well aware of how much indepted to you we all arm for your ARMasing Arm insights and your very wise & funny quote "Arm you a believer".

There's no arm in giving credit where credit is due.
That was so sweet I am sure @MC🐠 will swoon and fall into your ARMs. 😇 FF

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ARMageddon to all the fools, BRiNg it on!
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Unlike BRN,those fool articles are now hARMless! Those WANCAs dont know their ARM from their ass.
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Fascinatingly Intuitive.
Afternoon Chippers,

Great first half , and I think the later half of the day could see us eclips the $1.35 seen earlier.

Looking on my plotted chart of possible future announcements, tomorrow, appart from the AGM ( which will be very exciting) , I also have....

Space Tech Expo.

Possibly some of our super slouthes may enlighten us further.

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I think a fool if you took their advice and a wanca if you promoted what they said.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
They are not mutually exclusive you could be both or neither. 😎FF
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Fascinatingly Intuitive.
Just had a quick look at the Space Tech Expo attendees , could not see VORAGO??? , But NASA has a booth .

the Game Changing Development Program,
( GCD )
Manages more than 100 projects across America.

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A while ago, (2 months) maybe, Sean conducted an interview from his office back in the US, I think that he mentioned it was around 1pm local time, anyway, I'm sure he was asked a question or offered the fact that we weren't currently engaged with any company in the mobile smart phone industry (at that point).....I think that our IP will end up in one or all smart phone manufacturers products, it's a space I'd be digging into over the coming 12 months...just my personal opinion, nothing of fact. as yet.

Nice to see a push out to $1.35 this morning, I think it's a tactic, cast out the fishing line, then slowly reel it back in and see how many small fish end up conceding their souls, as the bigger fish, smile, thinking to themselves, that was a good mornings catch.

Christmas time this year would be a great time to reassess your position, anything sooner in my opinion would be akin to jumping off the escalator on the second step up, this journey, in real terms hasn't even begun yet...the revenue, major tier 1 companies slowly but surely revealing themselves, more traction around the globe, a Nasdaq listing etc is still ALL to unfold and the fantastic thing is, WE are all living it in real-time, it's Australian, whether you agree with that fact or not.

On another point, Tony here in Perth, is not only the Investment Relations Manager, he is also filling the shoes of the Business Development Manager, (happy to be corrected by Tony), as prior to him starting his position with Brainchip, I don't believe any or at least very few Australian companies had even been approached, that's why up to this point, it's been very quiet on the home front....that's my understanding of the state of play, but as mentioned a number of times, I don't speak on behalf of the company.

Keep your fingers away from that sell button....🧐
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Aaaarrrmm how dare you all do ARM punns without me......

I ARM so offended.

By the way..........something tells me this isn't the first interaction between Juan Chapa and Garrett BUT have a look at it's resume..............:love:

View attachment 7466 View attachment 7467
What a genius idea. He gets employed by company one and says have you heard of AKIDA? He gets promoted for his good idea. He then leaves at that level and gets a second job with another company and says have you heard of AKIDA? He gets promoted for his good idea. Rinse and repeat all the way to the top at AMAZON. He only ever had one idea in his short life but it was a humdinger. 🤣😂😊😉😍 FF

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Ideas are like stocks- 1 good 1 can change your life!😉
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OK now for a bit of hARMless fun:

We have ARMageddon
Take up ARM's
ARM yourself
The ARMy has arrived
We have an ARM's length transaction so totally legal and validated
A call to ARM's
ARMee oh my you make me cry -(with laughter)
We are within ARM's reach of becoming ubiquitous

Have a great day everyone.


10 tARM's Microsoft
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It has been widely reported this morning that a company in the USA with global reach has a chip & IP of mass application in its ARMoury. When asked to comment a DARPA representative stated that they were aware and engaged in research to ascertain what if any application limits this chip and its IP has however would not comment further.

At this stage there has been no comment from the White House. 😎

My fake reporting only so DYOR

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Top 20
Afternoon Chippers,

Great first half , and I think the later half of the day could see us eclips the $1.35 seen earlier.

Looking on my plotted chart of possible future announcements, tomorrow, appart from the AGM ( which will be very exciting) , I also have....

Space Tech Expo.

Possibly some of our super slouthes may enlighten us further.

I'll 'fess up to being a super sloth.
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