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Look at the shorters trying to limit the price with single share purchases. How is it so???
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Deleted member 118

Look at the shorters trying to limit the price with single share purchases. How is it so???
I’ve seen this action before on BrN, just someone accumulating with the help of the bots
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Bloodsy -

Thanks baisyet!

Just jumped through to BRN and Moschips presentation and it looks as though Moschip has its heart set on Akida!!

The presentation from moschip features a board (non AI enabled) which has been developed for the Indian Defence force (FF add that to your honourable mention list old boy)

"we are collaborating with brainchip to license the neural network IP"


With MOSCHIPS stating they are working at licensing the AKIDA IP.....................this is one to watch out for and EXPECT to
have an ASX ANNOUNCEMENT about.

Good work baiseyet & Bloodsy.

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Deleted member 118

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There are all levels of understanding but if you are familiar with the thesis proposed in The Castle the first level of understanding can actually be called the ‘vibe’.

My level of understanding is one layer above the vibe and is not a technical explanation and possibly wrong and if so I will revert to the vibe if questioned in depth. 🤓

AKIDA is trying to work like the brain.

When I look at a familiar scene it is just that familiar, because I have seen it before, and stored some or all of the features.

Now imagine that this familiar scene is overlayed with a grid so that the large area is now made up of a much larger number of smaller familiar scenes all forming the whole scene.

If I turn away from the scene and someone moves something without me being told this is occurring when I turn back and look again I will notice that the chair for example has been moved across the scene to another position which would be another position on the grid. I do not need to reprocess every part of the whole scene to recognise the chair has moved.

So my simple understanding is that this patent is allowing AKIDA to store a scene but impose a grid of points over that stored scene and only process changes in those stored points that occur from the stored image and as each change occurs replace the stored image with the new image by changing only those points of the stored image where the change has occurred.

My opinion only DYOR


Speaking about the vibe, one of my daily rituals related to Brainchip is having a look at the number of followers Brainchip has on Linkedin, and how much it increases daily.

Since Sunday, just over 72 hrs, the number has increased by well over a hundred, and that imo is rising significantly quicker than before. This just goes to show the exponential number of people who are interesting in, or becoming aware of our jewel.

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Well I finally did it. I convinced my wife to re-mortgage the house and buy some Brainchip chairs. We bought 100,000 chairs. Thank you everyone for your financial advice. Let’s hope tomorrow is a green day and the value of our Brainchip chairs go up.
View attachment 6946
I bet your chairs are worth about $249 each :)
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Well I finally did it. I convinced my wife to re-mortgage the house and buy some Brainchip chairs. We bought 100,000 chairs. Thank you everyone for your financial advice. Let’s hope tomorrow is a green day and the value of our Brainchip chairs go up.
View attachment 6946

Happy Cracking Up GIF by Regal
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Speaking about the vibe, one of my daily rituals related to Brainchip is having a look at the number of followers Brainchip has on Linkedin, and how much it increases daily.

Since Sunday, just over 72 hrs, the number has increased by well over a hundred, and that imo is rising significantly quicker than before. This just goes to show the exponential number of people who are interesting in, or becoming aware of our jewel.

View attachment 6945

Amazingly I have just set up this thread today to track that very thing. Great minds eh

Thread 'BrainChip on LinkedIn'
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It’s National Road Safety week .

Pedestrian deaths have more than doubled on Victorian roads this year .

It’s not just children , 30-39 year olds make up the second biggest group injured on our roads.

Distraction has been a major factor in several deaths , music on , looking at phone the main offenders.

Let’s get the magic IP into cars asap & help save life’s .

Loving the slow & steady build this week , hopefully uncle Sean can bless us with a big juicy Telco Ann soon .
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Love it, as long as we stay on track😉
Ps Amazed he walked away from "that"crash.The green machine waz a BEAST!
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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
Bloodsy -

Thanks baisyet!

Just jumped through to BRN and Moschips presentation and it looks as though Moschip has its heart set on Akida!!

The presentation from moschip features a board (non AI enabled) which has been developed for the Indian Defence force (FF add that to your honourable mention list old boy)

"we are collaborating with brainchip to license the neural network IP"

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- View attachment 6944

With MOSCHIPS stating they are working at licensing the AKIDA IP.....................this is one to watch out for and EXPECT to
have an ASX ANNOUNCEMENT about.

Good work baiseyet & Bloodsy.

WOW .... that's another BIGGY on the books! well done as Yak has said to baisyet & Bloodsy. and to you Yak and the 1000 eyes 👀....cheers
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Sorry, I didn't see your new thread until just now.

All good feel free to post on there too. Exciting seeing the numbers ticking up so quickly of late
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Bloodsy -

Thanks baisyet!

Just jumped through to BRN and Moschips presentation and it looks as though Moschip has its heart set on Akida!!

The presentation from moschip features a board (non AI enabled) which has been developed for the Indian Defence force (FF add that to your honourable mention list old boy)

"we are collaborating with brainchip to license the neural network IP"

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- View attachment 6944

With MOSCHIPS stating they are working at licensing the AKIDA IP.....................this is one to watch out for and EXPECT to
have an ASX ANNOUNCEMENT about.

Good work baiseyet & Bloodsy.

I think it must be very hard work now for the WANCA's to find a solid foundation for down ramping Brainchip.

Clearly companies of varying size are marketing real world products containing the AKIDA technology solution and a credibility giant of the industrial world in the form of Mercedes Benz has validated the AKIDA technology advantage and pronounced Brainchip the artificial intelligence experts.

On top of which no other than ARM has publicly partnered with Brainchip to provide joint ARM AKIDA solutions through their joint engineering partners Edge Impulse and Always Ai.

All that is left for these commentators is a 20th century flawed model for calculating the value of a new technology company in the form of a price to earnings ratio. I personally doubt that some of the commentators actually understand the maths that underpin the ratio let alone understand when it is an appropriate measure of value for a technology company.

I know that it is a different science altogether but let us walk these commentators down the road and around the corner to a biotechnology company seeking to find a cure for disabling or fatal medical conditions.

If we did this probably what we would find is company like more than 95% of those companies engaged in cutting edge medical research that is trying to produce a cure for a medical condition and funding its work completely from debt and tax rebates and incentives.

Notwithstanding this at the time they produce scientific proof of concept large pharmaceutical companies from around the globe will line up with cheque books and offer billions of dollars based upon the length of the remaining exclusion period and the addressable market value.

At the time this happens most of these research institutions even if they are on the larger end will have racked up losses year on year sometimes running into the hundreds of millions of dollars and issued large numbers of shares into the billions if they are listed on the ASX and never turned one single cent in income let alone made a profit.

Once such companies however have proof in hand every sophisticated investment advisory company around the globe such as Roth Capital Partners will be able to produce a valuation despite the complete absence of there ever having been earnings.

In fact Roth Capital Partners and others like them because they have persons on staff with appropriate academic qualifications and experience of the biopharmaceutical research industry will most likely have commenced coverage earlier than point of cure and been providing valuations for perhaps a couple of years based upon future milestones being achieved. Not a single penny of income anywhere to be found yet they can produce such valuations based on the exclusion of competition period and size of the addressable market.

There are three types of stupidity involved with those who do not attribute a company like Brainchip with a value well in excess of its present market capitalisation:

1. The first type comes from the absence of sufficient intelligence to know that someone or something could in fact develop a technology advance that is capable of creating a new paradigm and that the 20th century method for valuing such a technology has no application as we are in the 21st Century where technology is the new currency in every single industry that exists or can be imagined.

2. The second type of stupidity is one which is based upon personal ego which blinds an otherwise intelligent person from seeing anything which contradicts prior learning. Sometimes this form of stupidity is embraced because of laziness.

3. There is also a third type of stupidity and that is the kind which is based on a failure of confidence through the acquired experience of having failed while trying to compete fairly on the ASX and so they have resorted to 'white collar crime' to eek out success through manipulation of less sophisticated retail investors. This is a very sad form of success but none the less one which many seem prepared to accept.

The 1,000 Eyes led by the likes of @Diogenese retired engineer and @uiux relentless researcher have as a massive self learning unit created a wall of knowledge that allows those who embrace the need to do their own research to remain properly informed about Brainchip and its technology and market place achievements and through this we have all acquired the intellectual strength to ignore the stupidity that would otherwise hold sway.

My opinion only DYOR


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