BRN Discussion Ongoing


You know how BrN like to encrypt clues now and then, so the photo of the Harvester on our website might be worth investigating. I have looked this morning but can’t find much

View attachment 6075
Sampo Rosenlew 🤷🏿‍♂️
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Green by midday
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Oh my lordy! I just remembered something I posted a while ago which has particular relevance today, and it isn't the completely hilarious White Bear video that I'm referring to!!!!!!

It was something Drew Henry re-tweeted about how excited Arm is to be a part of the Intel Foundry Services (IFS) comprehensive ecosystem alliance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤩👯‍♀️🎉🍾🥳

Here's the original post #8 with a link to the video which is an absolute corker!

So, does this mean @Fact Finder can add Intel to the list now too?

He-he-he! :love:

Screen Shot 2022-02-09 at 2.17.43 pm.png

And then there was also this, which @Reuben discovered, which seems to be further validation that Arm, SiFive and BrainChip will all eventually make smoochy bedfellows in the snuggley Intel ecosystem alliance IMO.

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Founding Member
Just remember that the further up the pole we go the thinner it gets and the harder it is to hang on and the bigger the forwards are trying to push us out of bounds.

The manipulation is much more sophisticated and much better funded the further up we go.

I learnt at University about Australia’s social structure which is not based on birth but on wealth and like all social structure the person above you is not interested in being below you and is not interested in stepping out of the way to let you through.

Being admitted to the ASX 200, 100 , 50 & 20 can be a terrible experience for retail investors because increasingly sophisticated manipulators will take an interest in Brainchip.

More respected commentators with ever more impressive credentials will seek to undermine your confidence.


The short players will not go away they will simply be replaced by premier league players with deeper pockets.

If this is finally our time to move up the pole it is now, more than ever before, the time to have your plan well and truly agreed and locked in.

As they say a plan to have a plan is no plan.

My opinion only DYOR


FF are you trying to scare me

Scared Tim Burton GIF

Lucky I have Diamond Hands

Bitcoin Crypto GIF
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12 million trades in first 19 minutes 😳
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Ahh well, that was fun.
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Crazy swings
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Just remember that the further up the pole we go the thinner it gets and the harder it is to hang on and the bigger the forwards are trying to push us out of bounds.

The manipulation is much more sophisticated and much better funded the further up we go.

I learnt at University about Australia’s social structure which is not based on birth but on wealth and like all social structure the person above you is not interested in being below you and is not interested in stepping out of the way to let you through.

Being admitted to the ASX 200, 100 , 50 & 20 can be a terrible experience for retail investors because increasingly sophisticated manipulators will take an interest in Brainchip.

More respected commentators with ever more impressive credentials will seek to undermine your confidence.


The short players will not go away they will simply be replaced by premier league players with deeper pockets.

If this is finally our time to move up the pole it is now, more than ever before, the time to have your plan well and truly agreed and locked in.

As they say a plan to have a plan is no plan.

My opinion only DYOR

On the flip side FF, being admitted to the ASX 200, 100 , 50 & 20 means your share price is going up
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Market why you do this to me. I will still give you a chance to be green slut

Woah let’s keep it clean in here fella the filth belongs in the Crapper.
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FF are you trying to scare me

Scared Tim Burton GIF

Lucky I have Diamond Hands

Bitcoin Crypto GIF

Well not you in particular but it is important to understand the following about success and fear of achieving it:

“Characteristics of fear of Success​

The fear of success isn't always easy to spot. Some signs that a person might have this fear include:

  • Lack of goals: By having very low expectations, people ensure that they never make any real headway toward success.
  • Giving up: In many cases, people derail their own success by quitting right before it seems they are about to succeed.
  • Procrastination: Putting things off until the last possible minute means that people aren't doing their best or most thoughtful work, which can seriously impair their chances of succeeding.
  • Self-handicapping: People who fear success may place obstacles in their own path that decrease their chances of doing well. These behaviors can range from minor acts of self-sabotage to more serious self-destructive behaviors.
It can be difficult to see these as actions motivated by a fear of success. In many cases, they may come off as laziness, lack of motivation, and poor discipline. No matter how this fear manifests, it seriously undermines people from living their lives to the fullest.”

Do not let failure be your goal.

My opinion only DYOR

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And then there was also this, which @Reuben discovered, which seems to be further validation that Arm, SiFive and BrainChip will all eventually make smoochy bedfellows in the snuggley Intel ecosystem alliance IMO.

View attachment 6081
Hey Bravo,

Intel are spending tens of billions building new and expanding existing foundries. They're trying to attract customers for the foundries. They've said they'll work with anyone on any level ie they can design, manufacture and program your chip or just manufacture.
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Morning Yak52 .... do you know the details on these kind of trades pre-market ( I am thinking International trading) but a few of us are not sure on how they get the shares at well below market price
Cheers Bien
An early morning trade pre open of 450,000 shares @ $1.14. How so?? How does this even happen??
Sorry busy following the open.

The low price is transfer of shares to overseas . Forget the Bank responsible for this and appointed by Brainchip. NY bank. That price is the TRANSFER stock price.
They must supply these to the buyers say in USA OTC etc. hey would have come from a stock holding account loaded up with these and probably bought before $0.89c

TOADYS action is disgusting! An investigation into the DUMPING of 22 Mil shares at open dropping the SP 17% IMMEDIATELY should be known.
UBS is my best guess as TOP culprit. Credit Suiess 2nd place.

Brainchip should push this inquiry as it will get a bad name for being a pump & dump stock if it continues.
This equates to price manipulation.

Has NOTHING to do with the ASX drop as BRN went up against the ASX drops for 3 days now.

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New website is good. Hopefully somebody can let the company know that in the page Products - Akida IP the advanced prototype package and functioning solution package details do not correspond with amount of tech/support they state above the information. I think they have the details of these packages swapped around. Cheers
Hmm. To save BRN's time, by reducing phone calls to them, would it be an idea to have a dedicated thread for them to monitor for such things?
It could also save FactFinder some time. He has become our conduit from this forum by phone calls to his contacts at BRN by way of his amazing abilities. Here's another idea..... would FF like to be on the BRN board or would that cause conflict with his position on this forum? I personally find his input so valuable that I'd like him to be rewarded.
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looking at the revamped website every picture has a splash of ORANGE so it could be any brand.
No Farmers here ????


Stop trying to guess.
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Just remember that the further up the pole we go the thinner it gets and the harder it is to hang on and the bigger the forwards are trying to push us out of bounds.

The manipulation is much more sophisticated and much better funded the further up we go.

I learnt at University about Australia’s social structure which is not based on birth but on wealth and like all social structure the person above you is not interested in being below you and is not interested in stepping out of the way to let you through.

Being admitted to the ASX 200, 100 , 50 & 20 can be a terrible experience for retail investors because increasingly sophisticated manipulators will take an interest in Brainchip.

More respected commentators with ever more impressive credentials will seek to undermine your confidence.


The short players will not go away they will simply be replaced by premier league players with deeper pockets.

If this is finally our time to move up the pole it is now, more than ever before, the time to have your plan well and truly agreed and locked in.

As they say a plan to have a plan is no plan.

My opinion only DYOR

So so true….

If anybody doubts this the proof is in the fact which recently come to light.

That being,
Bill Gates still held a short position of HALF A BILLION against Tesla.

Poor old Bill doesn’t want Elon moving above him…..

To late Bill 😂
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I'm Spartacus!
Enjoy the ride Folks.
She go's up, She go's down......but these phenomena are transitory.
We are on a sound vessel and whilst a few may lose their lunch we are well on track towards our favoured destination and smooth sailing.

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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
Sorry busy following the open.

The low price is transfer of shares to overseas . Forget the Bank responsible for this and appointed by Brainchip. NY bank. That price is the TRANSFER stock price.
They must supply these to the buyers say in USA OTC etc. hey would have come from a stock holding account loaded up with these and probably bought before $0.89c

TOADYS action is disgusting! An investigation into the DUMPING of 22 Mil shares at open dropping the SP 17% IMMEDIATELY should be known.
UBS is my best guess as TOP culprit. Credit Suiess 2nd place.

Brainchip should push this inquiry as it will get a bad name for being a pump & dump stock if it continues.
This equates to price manipulation.

Has NOTHING to do with the ASX drop as BRN went up against the ASX drops for 3 days now.

Yes totally agree how these big companies can manipulate as heavily as they do, we as retail investors can only watch and cringe with no power do do anything about it :mad::mad: VERY frustrating!! thanks for your reply Yak
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