MadMayHam | 合氣道
How about we stop saying people's lives don't count. There are no doubt people from Russia or have Russian heritage/families on this forum. Trump is a polarising figure to be sure but he is the only one who has got Putin to the negotiating table. Surely the only thing that matters is peace and the end of bloodshed. Or does it only count if those with your political ideals achieve it?
No matter how touchy feely you are, there is a war bring waged in Europe, where one country has invaded the other's sovereign borders. The two militaries are fighting each other to death, and whether you like it or not, our tech is being used at least on a research level in Ukraine. I can say this with higher confidence than "explosive sales" or "you won't be asking these questions at the next AGM", as miltech is Ukraine's number 1 priority now, and there are many Ukrainian deep tech researchers singing our praises.
Russian pilots and missile technicians, who are mostly part of a professional military, actively target civilian infrastructure and residential buildings every single night. It's kill or be killed, and I'd much rather it be the invader than the defender (conversely made up mostly of conscripts).
The collective West really dropped the ball when it came to defending Ukraine during the initial invasion in 2014, despite the Budapest memorandum assurances. This is also independent of my political convictions, as every country has a right to their territorial sovereignty.
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