I'm going to throw a few potentially crazy, not well thought out ideas, here..
The MegaChips IP Licence, affords "protection" and anonymity, from companies both using our IP directly through them and buying licences from them (which we know from at least one or two secured that way, through a quarterly report).
Hence Sean's now infamous..
"Watch the Financials"
Which to be fair, was before Russia invaded the Ukraine and the Worldwide economic downturn, which ensued.
Why can't a full licence be sold, or "arranged" with a similar "Umbrella" Company as MegaChips, in the US?
This would afford the same protections, of not having to report sensitive dealings, with the ASX, wouldn't it?..
Also, what about forming a fully owned subsidiary, in the US, for the same purpose?
I'm not sure of the ins and outs of that, but I know there would obviously be additional running costs involved (but it could be basically a skeleton company?)
This could also take advantage of any US based incentive schemes.
Thirdly and probably what may be my least popular idea..
What about just delisting from the ASX and running privately, until such time as the Company was "strong enough" to list on the NASDAQ?
A share trading platform can still be setup (we could get
@zeeb0t to do it

) and this would eliminate shorters and ASX trading algorithms altogether.
Any additional cash needed, would also have to be raised privately.
As long as there was still a "market" for the shares, they would still have increasing/decreasing value, as assigned by supply and demand, dictated by the Company's progress and performance.
Shorting and manipulation of the stock of private companies is still possible, but not as easy or fluid, as cesspits like the ASX.
Also, very large valuations, can also be propelled by shorters and having the stock less available to trade, could deter investment.
Just ideas okay