Currently our Patents hold our true value, and it's much more than 410 Million AUD or more to the point 258.3 Million USD
Please, can we ALL be honest, I'm 10 years in, like many other long termers, it has not been an easy journey, yet I, like many I'd
suggest are to a point, emotionally rusted on, we believe in Peters et al technology, we question the resistance to 100% commitment
by major companies, who sing our praises, I fully understand why we turned on a dime when Sean sold his 5 year business plan to the
Board, we simply couldn't afford to go the chip route on our own, some seem to have conveniently forgotten about the near on 21
million AUD that was wasted on the "Studio" path, it was not good, I can't share what I know about Studio, but it wasn't as good as
many first thought.
Akida 1000 was born, and it was brilliant, it's so good it's being referenced as I speak, yes we now have AKD 1500, yes we now have
AKD II, but the communication from within the company to shareholders has been what I'd term mildly misleading, has it been taped
out, is it being taped out, has another entity taken charge of the fab process etc etc.
Then we have TENN's....yes it appears to be brilliant, space state models, yes we are engaged with very big market players, BUT many of
us are really frustrated, we have such a great technology, we have such a great team, all have the integrity that makes me want to stay
invested, but the allegedly 100 plus NDA's, I simply don't believe that anymore, I'm sorry, I just don't buy those comments any longer.
I trust Peter and Anil 100%......but as mentioned before, by mid 2026, which is so generous, that's 11.5 years of waiting for stable revenue,
I will be done....we need solid results, not solid lines joining dots !
I'm not normally this negative, but the suppression or manipulation of our share price seems to be getting the better of me lately.
I apologize for the moaning..............Tech