The idea that AKIDA at the Edge actually facilitates the use of the cloud is not well understood by many investors.
Fortunately those who count in industry such as Rob Lincourt at DELL Technologies do and for those who do not it is very worthwhile revisiting his podcast with Rob Telson where he talks about the idea of putting some of the compute at the Edge to reduce what is sent to the cloud into actionable insights.
Then there is Peter van der Made’s many presentations where he speaks to the idea that fully implemented AKIDA at the Edge could reduce power consumption in the Cloud by up to 97%. He to is not saying no cloud required he is referring to the fact that tens of zillions of “0’s” (zeros) do not get sent to the cloud only the “1’s” from which action can then be taken.
Anil Mankar also has presented this on multiple occasions one example I vividly recall is AKIDA monitoring a carpark and sitting patiently, unlike Brainchip shareholders, day and night, rain, hail and shine waiting for some relevant activity to occur not sending zeros to the cloud to say to itself nothing, nothing, nothing burning power all the time but rather only when a human approaches the car does it send these ones to the cloud to action if thought necessary.
Many, many of the applications of AKIDA will involve the cloud but it will make the cloud more efficient and it will reduce bandwidth congestion by only sending actionable insights and in critical operations it can also initiate actions at the Edge at the same time as it interacts with the cloud.
Think emergency brake response while waiting for route guidance based on cloud sourced traffic congestion patterns while turning the aircon off recirculate when the emergency braking has caused flatulence in a surprised passenger to ensure the comfort of other occupants and depending on the methane level perhaps even open the windows for cross ventilation.
Note this accelerators compress data to achieve the reduction in bandwidth. They are however compressing all the data even the boring nobody wants to know this data so that when it gets to he cloud it still has to all be processed.
AKIDA achieves acceleration by removing the boring bits before sending the actual data to the cloud.
In human terms AKIDA is the person who gets to the point straight off when you ask a question.
Other technology is like the person who rambles on for hours and never actually gives an answer leaving it for you to work out.
My opinion only DYOR