BRN Discussion Ongoing

Can anyone explain what this sentence means?

"BrainChip’s Akida was the first neuromorphic chip to be commercially available, although apparently, it does not even support the standard leaky-integrate and fire (LIF) neuron."

Neuromorphic Computing — an Edgier, Greener AI​

Neuromorphic Computing — an Edgier, Greener AI

Neuromorphic Computing — an Edgier, Greener AI​

Why computer hardware and AI algorithms are being reinvented using inspiration from the brain​

Server towers connected to floating brains with windmills and solar panels in the background.
euromorphic Computing might not just help bring AI to the edge, but also reduce carbon emissions at data centers. Generated by author with ImageGen 3.
There are periodic proclamations of the coming neuromorphic computing revolution, which uses inspiration from the brain to rethink neural networks and the hardware they run on. While there remain challenges in the field, there have been solid successes and continues to be steady progress in spiking neural network algorithms and neuromorphic hardware. This progress is paving the way for disruption in at least some sectors of artificial intelligence and will reduce the energy consumption per computation at inference and allow artificial intelligence to be pushed further out to the edge. In this article, I will cover some neuromorphic computing and engineering basics, training, the advantages of neuromorphic systems, and the remaining challenges.
The classical use case of neuromorphic systems is for edge devices that need to perform the computation locally and are energy-limited, for example, battery-powered devices. However, one of the recent interests in using neuromorphic systems is to reduce energy usage at data centers, such as the energy needed by large language models (LLMs). For example, OpenAI signed a letter of intent to purchase $51 million of neuromorphic chips from Rain AI in December 2023. This makes sense since OpenAI spends a lot on inference, with one estimate of around $4 billion on running inference in 2024. It also appears that both Intel’s Loihi 2 and IBM’s NorthPole (successor to TrueNorth) neuromorphic systems are designed for use in servers.
The promises of neuromorphic computing can broadly be divided into 1) pragmatic, near-term successes that have already found successes and 2) more aspirational, wacky neuroscientist fever-dream ideas of how spiking dynamics might endow neural networks with something closer to real intelligence. Of course, it’s group 2 that really excites me, but I’m going to focus on group 1 for this post. And there is no more exciting way to start than to dive into terminology.


Neuromorphic computation is often defined as computation that is brain-inspired, but that definition leaves a lot to the imagination. Neural networks are more neuromorphic than classical computation, but these days neuromorphic computation is specifically interested in using event-based spiking neural networks (SNNs) for their energy efficiency. Even though SNNs are a type of artificial neural network, the term “artificial neural networks” (ANNs) is reserved for the more standard non-spiking artificial neural networks in the neuromorphic literature. Schuman and colleagues (2022) define neuromorphic computers as non-von Neuman computers where both processing and memory are collocated in artificial neurons and synapses, as opposed to von Neuman computers that separate processing and memory.
Diagram comparing von Neumann computers with Neuromorphic computers
von Neumann Computers operate on digital information, have separate processors and memory, and are synchronized by clocks, while neuromorphic computers operate on event-driven spikes, combine compute and memory, and are asynchronous. Created by the author with inspiration from Schuman et al. 2022.
Neuromorphic engineering means designing the hardware while “neuromorphic computation” is focused on what is being simulated rather than what it is being simulated on. These are tightly intertwined since the computation is dependent on the properties of the hardware and what is implemented in hardware depends on what is empirically found to work best.
Another related term is NeuroAI, the goal of which is to use AI to gain a mechanistic understanding of the brain and is more interested in biological realism. Neuromorphic computation is interested in neuroscience as a means to an end. It views the brain as a source of ideas that can be used to achieve objectives such as energy efficiency and low latency in neural architectures. A decent amount of the NeuroAI research relies on spike averages rather than spiking neural networks, which allows closer comparison of the majority of modern ANNs that are applied to discrete tasks.

Event-Driven Systems​

Generated by the author using ImageGen 3.
Neuromorphic systems are event-based, which is a paradigm shift from how modern ANN systems work. Even real-time ANN systems typically process one frame at a time, with activity synchronously propagated from one layer to the next. This means that in ANNs, neurons that carry no information require the same processing as neurons that carry critical information. Event-driven is a different paradigm that often starts at the sensor and applies the most work where information needs to be processed. ANNs rely on matrix operations that take the same amount of time and energy regardless of the values in the matrices. Neuromorphic systems use SNNs where the amount of work depends on the number of spikes.
A traditional deployed ANN would often be connected to a camera that synchronously records a frame in a single exposure. The ANN then processes the frame. The results of the frame might then be fed into a tracking algorithm and further processed.
Event-driven systems may start at the sensor with an event camera. Each pixel sends updates asynchronously whenever a change crosses a threshold. So when there is movement in a scene that is otherwise stationary, the pixels that correspond to the movement send events or spikes immediately without waiting for a synchronization signal. The event signals can be sent within tens of microseconds, while a traditional camera might collect at 24 Hz and could introduce a latency that’s in the range of tens of milliseconds. In addition to receiving the information sooner, the information in the event-based system would be sparser and would focus on the movement. The traditional system would have to process the entire scene through each network layer successively.

Learning in Spiking Neural Networks​

An image of a teacher teaching a class of neurons the difference between cats and dogs.
One way to train a spiking neural network is to use an ANN as a teacher. Generated by the author with ImageGen 3.
One of the major challenges of SNNs is training them. Backpropagation algorithms and stochastic gradient descent are the go-to solutions for training ANNs, however, these methods run into difficulty with SNNs. The best way to train SNNs is not yet established and the following methods are some of the more common approaches that are used:
  1. ANN to SNN conversion
  2. Backpropagation-like
  3. Synaptic plasticity
  4. Evolutionary

ANN to SNN conversion​

One method of creating SNNs is to bypass training the SNNs directly and instead train ANNs. This approach limits the types of SNNs and hardware that can be used. For example, Sengupta et al. (2019) converted VGG and ResNets to ANNs using an integrate-and-fire (IF) neuron that does not have a leaking or refractory period. They introduce a novel weight-normalization technique to perform the conversion, which involves setting the firing threshold of each neuron based on its pre-synaptic weights. Dr. Priyadarshini Panda goes into more detail in her ESWEEK 2021 SNN Talk.
  1. Enables deep SNNs.
  2. Allows reuse of deep ANN knowledge, such as training, architecture, etc.
  1. Limits architectures to those suited to ANNs and the conversion procedures.
  2. Network doesn’t learn to take advantage of SNN properties, which can lead to lower accuracy and longer latency.

Backpropagation-like approaches and surrogate gradient descent​

The most common methods currently used to train SNNs are backpropagation-like approaches. Standard backpropagation does not work to train SNNs because 1) the spiking threshold function’s gradient is nonzero except at the threshold where it is undefined and 2) the credit assignment problem needs to be solved in the temporal dimension in addition spatial (or color etc).
In ANNs, the most common activation function is the ReLU. For SNNs, the neuron will fire if the membrane potential is above some threshold, otherwise, it will not fire. This is called a Heaviside function. You could use a sigmoid function instead, but then it would not be a spiking neural network. The solution of using surrogate gradients is to use the standard threshold function in the forward pass, but then use the derivative from a “smoothed” version of the Heaviside function, such as the sigmoid function, in the backward pass (Neftci et al. 2019, Bohte 2011).
  1. Connects to well-known methods.
  2. Compared to conversion, can result in a more energy efficient network (Li et al. 2022)
  1. Can be computationally intensive to solve both spatially and through time

Synaptic Plasticity​

Spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) is the most well-known form of synaptic plasticity. In most cases, STDP increases the strength of a synapse when a presynaptic (input) spike comes immediately before the postsynaptic spike. Early models have shown promise with STDP on simple unsupervised tasks, although getting it to work well for more complex models and tasks has proven more difficult.
Other biological learning mechanisms include the pruning and creation of both neurons and synapses, homeostatic plasticity, neuromodulators, astrocytes, and evolution. There is even some recent evidence that some primitive types of knowledge can be passed down by epigenetics.
  1. Unsupervised
  2. Can take advantage of temporal properties
  3. Biologically inspired
  1. Synaptic plasticity is not well understood, especially at different timescales
  2. Difficult to get to work with non-trivial networks

Evolutionary Optimization​

Evolutionary optimization is another approach that has some cool applications that works well with small networks. Dr. Catherine Schuman is a leading expert and she gave a fascinating talk on neuromorphic computing to the ICS lab that is available on YouTube.
  1. Applicable to many tasks, architectures, and devices.
  2. Can learn topology and parameters (requiring less knowledge of the problem).
  3. Learns small networks which results in lower latency.
  1. Not effective for problems that require deep or large architectures.

Advantages of Neuromorphic Systems​

Energy Efficiency​

Neuromorphic systems have two main advantages: 1) energy efficiency and 2) low latency. There are a lot of reasons to be excited about the energy efficiency. For example, Intel claimed that their Loihi 2 Neural Processing Unit (NPU) can use 100 times less energy while being as much as 50 times faster than conventional ANNs. Chris Eliasmith compared the energy efficiency of an SNN on neuromorphic hardware with an ANN with the same architecture on standard hardware in a presentation available on YouTube. He found that the SNN is 100 times more energy efficient on Loihi compared to the ANN on a standard NVIDIA GPU and 20 times more efficient than the ANN on an NVIDIA Jetson GPU. It is 5–7 times more energy efficient than the Intel Neural Compute Stick (NCS) and NCS 2. At the same time the SNN achieves a 93.8% accuracy compared to the 92.7% accuracy of the ANN.
Barplot comparing ANNs running on traditional GPUs and CPUs with an SNN running on an Intel Loihi.
Figure recreated by author from Chris Eliasmith’s slides at which shows the neuromorphic processor being 5–100x more efficient while achieving a similar accuracy.
Neuromorphic chips are more energy efficient and allow complex deep learning models to be deployed on low-energy edge devices. In October 2024, BrainChip introduced the Akida Pico NPU which uses less than 1 mW of power, and Intel Loihi 2 NPU uses 1 W. That’s a lot less power than NVIDIA Jetson modules that use between 10–50 watts which is often used for embedded ANNs and server GPUs can use around 100 watts.
Comparing the energy efficiency between ANNs and SNNs are difficult because: 1. energy efficiency is dependent on hardware, 2. SNNs and ANNs can use different architectures, and 3. they are suited to different problems. Additionally, the energy used by SNNs scales with the number of spikes and the number of time steps, so the number of spikes and time steps needs to be minimized to achieve the best energy efficiency.
Theoretical analysis is often used to estimate the energy needed by SNNs and ANNs, however, this doesn’t take into account all of the differences between the CPUs and GPUs used for ANNs and the neuromorphic chips for SNNs.
Looking into nature can give us an idea of what might be possible in the future and Mike Davies provided a great anecdote in an Intel Architecture All Access YouTube video:
Consider the capabilities of a tiny cockatiel parrot brain, a two-gram brain running on about 50 mW of power. This brain enables the cockatiel to fly at speeds up to 20 mph, to navigate unknown environments while foraging for food, and even to learn to manipulate objects as tools and utter human words.
In current neural networks, there is a lot of wasted computation. For example, an image encoder takes the same amount of time encoding a blank page as a cluttered page in a “Where’s Waldo?” book. In spiking neural networks, very few units would activate on a blank page and very little computation would be used, while a page containing a lot of features would fire a lot more units and use a lot more computation. In real life, there are often regions in the visual field that contain more features and require more processing than other regions that contain fewer features, like a clear sky. In either case, SNNs only perform work when work needs to be performed, whereas ANNs depend on matrix multiplications that are difficult to use sparsely.
This in itself is exciting. A lot of deep learning currently involves uploading massive amounts of audio or video to the cloud, where the data is processed in massive data centers, spending a lot of energy on the computation and cooling the computational devices, and then the results are returned. With edge computing, you can have more secure and more responsive voice recognition or video recognition, that you can keep on your local device, with orders of magnitude less energy consumption.

Low Latency​

When a pixel receptor of an event camera changes by some threshold, it can send an event or spike within microseconds. It doesn’t need to wait for a shutter or synchronization signal to be sent. This benefit is seen throughout the event-based architecture of SNNs. Units can send events immediately, rather than waiting for a synchronization signal. This makes neuromorphic computers much faster, in terms of latency, than ANNs. Hence, neuromorphic processing is better than ANNs for real-time applications that can benefit from low latency. This benefit is reduced if the problem allows for batching and you are measuring speed by throughput since ANNs can take advantage of batching more easily. However, in real-time processing, such as robotics or user interfacing, latency is more important.

Disadvantages and Challenges​

Everything Everywhere All at Once​

One of the challenges is that neuromorphic computing and engineering are progressing at multiple levels at the same time. The details of the models depend on the hardware implementation and empirical results with actualized models guide the development of the hardware. Intel discovered this with their Loihi 1 chips and built more flexibility into their Loihi 2 chips, however, there will always be tradeoffs and there are still many advances to be made on both the hardware and software side.

Limited Availability of Commercial Hardware​

Hopefully, this will change soon, but commercial hardware isn’t very available. BrainChip’s Akida was the first neuromorphic chip to be commercially available, although apparently, it does not even support the standard leaky-integrate and fire (LIF) neuron. SpiNNaker boards used to be for sale, which was part of the EU Human Brain Project but are no longer available. Intel makes Loihi 2 chips available to some academic researchers via the Intel Neuromorphic Research Community (INRC) program.


The number of neuromorphic datasets is much less than traditional datasets and can be much larger. Some of the common smaller computer vision datasets, such as MNIST (NMNIST, Li et al. 2017) and CIFAR-10 (CIFAR10-DVS, Orchard et al. 2015), have been converted to event streams by displaying the images and recording them using event-based cameras. The images are collected with movement (or “saccades”) to increase the number of spikes for processing. With larger datasets, such as ES-ImageNet (Lin et al. 2021), simulation of event cameras has been used.
The dataset derived from static images might be useful in comparing SNNs with conventional ANNs and might be useful as part of the training or evaluation pipeline, however, SNNs are naturally temporal, and using them for static inputs does not make a lot of sense if you want to take advantage of SNNs temporal properties. Some of the datasets that take advantage of these properties of SNNs include:
  • DvsGesture (Amir et al. 2017) — a dataset of people performing a set of 11 hand and arm gestures
  • Bullying10K (Dong et al. 2024) — a privacy-preserving dataset for bullying recognition
Synthetic data can be generated from standard visible camera data without the use of expensive event camera data collections, however these won’t exhibit the high dynamic range and frame rate that event cameras would capture.
Tonic is an example python library that makes it easy to access at least some of these event-based datasets. The datasets themselves can take up a lot more space than traditional datasets. For example, the training images for MNIST is around 10 MB, while in N-MNIST, it is almost 1 GB.
Another thing to take into account is that visualizing the datasets can be difficult. Even the datasets derived from static images can be difficult to match with the original input images. Also, the benefit of using real data is typically to avoid a gap between training and inference, so it would seem that the benefit of using these datasets would depend on their similarity to the cameras used during deployment or testing.


Created by author with ImageGen 3 and GIMP.
We are in an exciting time with neuromorphic computation, with both the investment in the hardware and the advancements in spiking neural networks. There are still challenges for adoption, but there are proven cases where they are more energy efficient, especially standard server GPUs while having lower latency and similar accuracy as traditional ANNs. A lot of companies, including Intel, IBM, Qualcomm, Analog Devices, Rain AI, and BrainChip have been investing in neuromorphic systems. BrainChip is the first company to make their neuromorphic chips commercially available while both Intel and IBM are on the second generations of their research chips (Loihi 2 and NorthPole respectively). There also seems to have been a particular spike of successful spiking transformers and other deep spiking neural networks in the last couple of years, following the Spikformer paper (Zhou et al. 2022) and the SEW-ResNet paper (Fang et al. 2021).



Talks on Youtube​

Originally published at on November 22, 2024.

Neuromorphic Computing — an Edgier, Greener AI was originally published in Towards Data Science on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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View attachment 73636

Our Future Technologies Lab is where we look beyond the horizon at exciting new possibilities.

And with the festive season approaching, we’ve created an 𝐚𝐝𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, filled with tantalising glimpses of new technologies and ideas that could reshape the future.

I say “could” because, as we all know, the future is far from certain. At Mercedes-Benz R&D, our job is to push boundaries, inspire and offer suggestions. Because, depending on where and who you are, innovation and progress can mean very different things. That’s why we don’t pursue technology for technology’s sake. It must offer clear and tangible benefits to our customers and also to wider society.

As part of our discussion, I’d like to open the doors of our advent calendar of innovation and show you some technologies that could, under the right conditions, find their way into series production in the next 10 years.

You can look forward to an assortment of treats that are neuromorphic, hyper-personalised and solar. They “brake” new ground, drive biotechnology and achieve something mighty on a micro level.


I’ll open the first door very soon with our vision for cities in 2040 and beyond – as these are the places many new technologies find their first applications.

Thanks for that and interesting he used brake instead of break.

Wonder if that is something that would allude to this papers use case I posted some time ago.

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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
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Awesome find, thanks.

Five AKD1000 spiking neuromorphic processors inside!!

Not something that sells in wild numbers, but it's really nice to see them using our chip.

Military and space will in most cases use top shelf items because of the mission-critical nature of what they do.

One poster said he didn't mind waiting 10 years, well good on you, but I am an old dude and might be 6 feet under by that time, LOL
I can’t help it if some people haven’t managed to get anything going and are now putting everything on one card… Like I said, if it shoots up, I’ll be happy for you and for me… . If not, then it just wasn’t meant to be. I don’t see what the problem is. And again.. we can not change anything anyway


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This is how they've been progressing apparently!

View attachment 73639

Hi Bravo,

BH started out as a Princeton spinoff developing photonic NNs



An optical system includes an optical integrator, a readout mechanism, and an optical thresholder. The optical integrator is configured to perform temporal integration of an optical input signal having a first wavelength received at an input. The readout mechanism is coupled to the optical integrator and provides optical signals having a second wavelength to the optical integrator for measuring a state of the optical integrator. The optical thresholder is coupled to an output of the optical integrator and is configured to receive a signal representing a temporal integration of the optical input signal from the optical integrator and produce an optical signal identifying if an amplitude of the signal representing the temporal integration of the optical input signal is above or below a threshold value.

They still develop photonic NNs:
US2021406668A1 Integrated Neuromorphic Computing System 20200629


A hybrid neuromorphic computing device is provided, in which artificial neurons include light-emitting devices that provide weighted sums of inputs as light output. The output is detected by a photodetector and converted to an electrical output. Each neuron may receive output from one or more other neurons as initial input. Interconnects between neurons may be optical, electrical, or a combination thereof. The neurons also may provide imaging sensor and/or display capabilities.

So it's very affirmative to see they are producing a board with five Akida 1000s. That's a very powerful NN array. I guess, as well as the functions listed, that it also provides a degree of redundancy.

The board is military hardened. That would cover EM radiation and nuclear explosion radiation.
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Hi Bravo,

BH started out as a Princeton spinoff developing photonic NNs


View attachment 73640

An optical system includes an optical integrator, a readout mechanism, and an optical thresholder. The optical integrator is configured to perform temporal integration of an optical input signal having a first wavelength received at an input. The readout mechanism is coupled to the optical integrator and provides optical signals having a second wavelength to the optical integrator for measuring a state of the optical integrator. The optical thresholder is coupled to an output of the optical integrator and is configured to receive a signal representing a temporal integration of the optical input signal from the optical integrator and produce an optical signal identifying if an amplitude of the signal representing the temporal integration of the optical input signal is above or below a threshold value.

They still develop photonic NNs:
US2021406668A1 Integrated Neuromorphic Computing System 20200629

View attachment 73641

A hybrid neuromorphic computing device is provided, in which artificial neurons include light-emitting devices that provide weighted sums of inputs as light output. The output is detected by a photodetector and converted to an electrical output. Each neuron may receive output from one or more other neurons as initial input. Interconnects between neurons may be optical, electrical, or a combination thereof. The neurons also may provide imaging sensor and/or display capabilities.

So it's very affirmative to see they are producing a board with five Akida 1000s. That's a very powerful NN array. I guess, as well as the functions listed, that it also provides a degree of redundancy.

The board is military hardened. That would cover EM radiation and nuclear explosion radiation.

Hi Diogenese,

To secure partnerships with NASA, ESA, Airbus, Bascom Hunter, etc. the technology must be exceptional! The fact that it is military and space-hardened should serve as a major confidence booster for all shareholders. Considering that renowned, world-class companies such as these are endorsing BrainChip's technology speaks volumes and should inspire total confidence IMO.

Historically, innovations in space and defense technology often transition to automotive and consumer electronics on Earth.

B x
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Anybody seen this?… or any comments?..
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I can’t help it if some people haven’t managed to get anything going and are now putting everything on one card… Like I said, if it shoots up, I’ll be happy for you and for me… . If not, then it just wasn’t meant to be. I don’t see what the problem is. And again.. we can not change anything anyway
You really rub people up the wrong way with comments like this.
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
I noticed an article in the Sydney Morning Herald today describing the environmental impacts of generative AI.


Screenshot 2024-12-02 at 9.17.39 am.png

The article outlines views expressed by Professor Kate Crawford, who was recently named on Time magazine’s list of the 100 most influential people in AI. She spoke before a lecture this week at Victoria’s State Library about the environmental, political and social impacts of generative AI where she said "I think personally the No.1 priority for the sector should be sustainability. Not the AI race.”

This mirrors the views of Faith Taylor, the executive in charge of sustainability for Kyndryl, the world’s largest IT services provider.

Screenshot 2024-12-02 at 9.15.14 am.png

I reckon it would be a great idea for someone from BrainChip HQ to contact both Professor Kate Crawford and Faith Taylor to describe the sustainability benefits of BrainChip's technology with them. Both of these women are hugely influential and their endorsement of what we are trying to achieve would be a phenomenal promotional vehicle.

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I noticed an article in the Sydney Morning Herald today describing the environmental impacts of generative AI.


View attachment 73653

The article outlines views expressed by Professor Kate Crawford, who was recently named on Time magazine’s list of the 100 most influential people in AI. She spoke before a lecture this week at Victoria’s State Library about the environmental, political and social impacts of generative AI where she said "I think personally the No.1 priority for the sector should be sustainability. Not the AI race.”

This mirrors the views of Faith Taylor, the executive in charge of sustainability for Kyndryl, the world’s largest IT services provider.

View attachment 73652

I reckon it would be a great idea for someone from BrainChip HQ to contact both Professor Kate Crawford and Faith Taylor to describe the sustainability benefits of BrainChip's technology with them. Both of these women are hugely influential and their endorsement of what we are trying to achieve would be a phenomenal promotional vehicle.

May I suggest that you contact Tony as I 100% agree with you, we need to engage a lot more from within our own country, the best people
who are based here, would be either Adam or Pia....they both have numerous contacts within the right sectors, in my sole opinion of course.

Why not pump our own company ? we have the technology to deliver major improvements for all !

"Beneficial AI" and "Essential AI" that really sums up what you have suggested Bravo.

Cheers.....Tech (y):coffee:
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
May I suggest that you contact Tony as I 100% agree with you, we need to engage a lot more from within our own country, the best people
who are based here, would be either Adam or Pia....they both have numerous contacts within the right sectors, in my sole opinion of course.

Why not pump our own company ? we have the technology to deliver major improvements for all !

"Beneficial AI" and "Essential AI" that really sums up what you have suggested Bravo.

Cheers.....Tech (y):coffee:

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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
What's interesting is that this Bascom SBIR (July 2023) has the same tracking number (N202-099) as a Blue Ridge Envisioneering SBIR as posted by Fact Finder in Feb 2024.

Parsons Defense and Intelligence Business Unit has only recently been acquired BlackSignal/Blue Ridge Envisioneering.

Perhaps I shouldn't keep digging any further.


Screenshot 2024-12-02 at 11.26.43 am.png

Screenshot 2024-12-02 at 11.27.17 am.png

Screenshot 2024-12-02 at 11.37.48 am.png

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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
I wonder whose GPU they're referring to here?

BrainChip's Akida 1000 (x5) is "300x more. efficient than GPU".

Screenshot 2024-12-02 at 11.51.23 am.png
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I wonder who's GPU they're referring to here?

BrainChip's Akida 1000 (x5) is "300x more. efficient than GPU".

View attachment 73658

Considering the main two GPU companies are NVIDIA and AMD... Would more than likely go with NVIDIA, in my slight opinion. ;)
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Considering the main two GPU companies are NVIDIA and AMD... Would more than likely go with NVIDIA, in my slight opinion. ;)

Sir, would you like this ridiculously expensive power guzzling GPU or would you prefer BrainChip's highly efficient AKIDA?🤣😂🤣

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@7für7 should have sold all my BRN for more XRP congrats on holding for a long time like me. ATH incoming.

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Considering the main two GPU companies are NVIDIA and AMD... Would more than likely go with NVIDIA, in my slight opinion. ;)

A number of interesting deductions can be arrived at, first off, I and many others must be quietly thinking, "Isn't AKD 1000 doing us
all proud" I fully understand what Sean was implying when he said that AKD 1000 was too narrow in it's offering, and to really put a
stamp on our leadership in this Edge AI space we had to keep driving forward with more iterations and fast, which the Brainchip team
has delivered in spades, and is still doing so, both Peter and Anil were under the pump to get AKD II over the line and nearly had to be
wheelchaired out of Sean's office from exhaustion (joke) :ROFLMAO:

Second point, what company would choose to go with technology that was 300x worse off, and I'm obviously referring to Jensen
and his mob.

Final deduction, as I have for years suggested IF a suitor appeared on the horizon, my pick would be Jensen, but because of his
stubbornness not to make an honest play for us, say in the $20 USD + range, our market price (despite what the share price indicates)
will be steadily rising over the coming years.

The above is a mixture of fact and tongue n' cheek.

Tech (y)
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