If I'd invested my $250K into Crypto instead of brainchip I would have been a millionaire by now.... opportunity cost hurts...
Many keep saying and perhaps even believing stuff like this, which is of course true, but neglecting the major issue that it is a view illuminated by hindsight.
Of course it is easy to be wise
after the fact.
You could state the same about real estate or toilet paper and masks during the pandemic, or numerous other stocks and shares which have benefited by circumstance, fortuitous management or both.
We are all here because we chose, using the best information available to us at the time, and our deductive reasoning, that Brainchip as technology was likely to be ready and available and in demand in due course.
This was ours and other's opinion that we backed in the hope or belief that we had correctly divined the future.
It has not come to pass in the timeframe expected, but that doesn't mean it still won't.
I continue to hold but do not try and second guess decisions I have made in the past.
It is a pointless and profitless waste of time as they cannot be revised or undone.
By all means review them and try to learn from any perceived errors in either their formulation or execution for future use, but I think it mere fantasy, and perhaps even folly, to engage in speculation that you had walked a different path than the one beneath your feet.
We cannot act in either the past or the future, only within the ever present now.