Hi Tech,
When you listen to the podcast, Jason describes an analog neuron with reference to an RC (resistor/capacitor) circuit, demonstrating the exponential decay after charging as the C discharges through R, He then shows how a number of spikes received in a specific time period dependent on the decay rate can add up to the firing threshold - leaky-integrate-and-fire (LIF). I think that this is what he considers "neuromorphic". Akida does the digital equivalent of this by counting the number of spikes within a time window.
Great answer, yes Peters tech doesn't use the leaky-integrate-and-fire...but if in fact he stated that Brainchip isn't neuromorphic, well that's
not factual and needs to be addressed by Peter and the Board, referencing Brainchip is fantastic, BUT, allegedly making false claims could
damage our company's image, that should be of certain to all...of course the above comments I own, not the company.
I'll listen to the podcast now, without jumping to any conclusions.
I am like you and many others whom think that our company manages day-to-day business dealings with absolute integrity and respect, and
if something needs addressing, it will be, quick smart...our track record has been pretty good for the most part, in my opinion.
Kind regards....Tech