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Hi again @Baisyet,

hmm, I gave you a 2.5 hour head start, but since you haven’t reacted and it is already past midnight on parts of the East Coast, you are possibly already asleep. So let me share this then, before somebody else does:

Yesterday, I spotted this LinkedIn post by Pablo Miralles Roure:

View attachment 70808

… and sometime later these comments:

View attachment 70809

When I went back earlier today to check out any replies by Laurent Hili, I did indeed find one, but also a new question for Pablo:

View attachment 70814

And checking back an hour or so later - voilà, there was the reply I had been hoping for and in fact suspecting… 😊
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By the way, interesting company Pablo Miralles Roure works for:

View attachment 70818
Why suspecting, you may ask?

Because I had right away recognised the name of the BrainSat paper’s main author, Raphaël Mena Morales, formerly with Airbus Defence and Space (UK) and now with MDA Space (UK): 😊

(Only the paper’s first page including the abstract is accessible on this website)

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Eight months ago, I drew attention to a reading-between-the-lines comment Raphaël Mena Morales had made under a LinkedIn post by EDGX from Belgium, announcing their first collaboration with ESA regarding their project “Onboard Neuromorphic Acceleration” (by then, we had already been aware of the EDGX / BrainChip collaboration for four months) and had (rightly, as it now turns out) assumed he and his potential collaborators were not exactly unfamiliar with Akida either… 😉

View attachment 70838

Now does that mean that Pablo Moralle Roure’s reveal is solid evidence that all the co-authors’ employers are somehow involved and we should rush to add all of them to the list of companies or institutions “confirmed as being engaged with BrainChip”?

Of course not.

Five months ago, Raphaël Mena Morales posted the following about the BrainSat project, literally stressing it started out as a wild idea between friends and former [Airbus] colleagues, calling it an “entirely independent initiative”:

View attachment 70831

Obviously, it is still worthwhile to take notice of the BrainSat paper’s co-authors’ current employers, as these young engineers are now definitely confirmed to have first-hand experience with AKD1000, whether or not the companies, unis or research institutions they work for have ever been engaged with our company.

Interesting double-reference to BrainChip: Before joining BAE Systems (UK), Diviya Devani was the Mission Manager and Systems Engineering Lead for Space Machines Company’s Optimus-1, the Australian satellite that was launched on March 4, with the ANT-61 Brain (and hence Akida) onboard, which sadly got lost in space before communication could be established…

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(Since I can only attach a maximum of 10 files, I will post info about the remaining co-authors in another post)
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While the submitted BrainSat paper now lists Prerna Baranwal as one of the co-authors, who was also tagged in yesterday’s LinkedIn post by Pablo Miralles Roure…

View attachment 70842

… the five month old LinkedIn post by Raphaël Mena Morales didn’t tag her, but instead Alex Yiannakou:

View attachment 70843

Further to my recent posts 👆🏻 about the team around Raphaël Mena Morales, first author of the paper Brainsat: Hardware Development of a Neuromorphic On-board Computer applied to Methane Detection from Low Earth Orbit, which is being presented at the ongoing IAC2024 (International Astronautical Congress) in Milan. Thanks to @Baisyet, who had asked one of the authors in a LinkedIn comment about the neuromorphic hardware they had used, it was confirmed it had indeed been AKD1000.

As suspected, I might add… 😉 👇🏻


Now here comes the software design team around Andrew Karim 👆🏻, who collaborated with them - we had already heard about that second group of enthusiastic young members of the Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) Small Satellite project group through my previous post:


Their paper - also presented at IAC2024 in Milan - is called Spiking Neural Network Design for on-board detection of methane emissions through Neuromorphic Computing.



So that makes another eight young space enthusiasts from three continents who recently had exposure to AKD1000 and will hopefully become Akida ambassadors (isn’t that catchy?! ☺️) to their present or future employers.

Two of them do not appear to have a LinkedIn profile, here is the rest:






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Part II:






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Lol. What about the people who sell in a long to those that buy at 2.34. Benefits the seller, buyer is now at a massive loss. Everything goes two ways.

Comparing it to what you've just compared it to is quite far fetched lol.

Anyways, entitled to your opinion.
Yes, we all have our opinions.

Personally I think they are unscrupulous scum and may as well sit at the same table with the aforementioned, at a function.

Do you think shorters are respectable honest type folk?

They are manipulative opportunists, who relish the manner in which they make money.

Dishonesty is their credo and that is a vein that would run through their lives and interpersonal relationships, it's an unavoidable aspect of their character.

Profit and money is their God and holds importance above all else.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with trading, as long as it's done as it is.

So called "Market Movers" fit in the same bin, they manipulate, purely to profit.

People that attempt to pump a stock (whether or not you believe sentiment affects perceived value) and then sell and reverse to downramping, are just as low life as shorters, in my opinion.

I'm sorry, but disingenuous, dishonest people and even corporations/entities with concern only for themselves and profit, above all else, just disgust me.

Honestly, in all things is a rare quality these days, some seem to think, it's an old fashioned concept.

You're welcome to think, they are just regular good folk, who you may enjoy sharing a beer with.
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Hi Dio Ive had no luck as yet , found this from a few months ago I’ve only listened to the first couple of minutes and sounds great so far

Driving a car is going the way of horse riding ...
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Yes, we all have our opinions.

Personally I think they are unscrupulous scum and would be sitting at the same table with the aforementioned, at a function.

Do you think shorters are respectable honest type folk?

They are manipulative opportunists, who relish the manner in which they make money.

Dishonesty is their credo and that is a vein that would run through their lives and interpersonal relationships, it's an unavoidable aspect of their character.

Profit and money is their God and holds importance above all else.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with trading, as long as it's done as it is.

People that attempt to pump a stock (whether or not you believe sentiment affects perceived value) and then sell and reverse to downramping, are just as low life as shorters, in my opinion.

I'm sorry, but disingenuous, dishonest people and even corporations/entities with concern only for themselves and profit, above all else, just disgust me.

Honestly, in all things is a rare quality these days, some seem to think, it's an old fashioned concept.

You're welcome to think, they are just regular good folk, who you may enjoy sharing a beer with.
Hi DB,

Shorting per se is legal. As you point out, it is the manipulation which is contemptible. The problem is that it seems that shorting in frequently associated with manipulation,.

Personally I think shorting should be banned because the ASIC are unwilling/incapable of preventing the manipulation.

Shorting is also contary to the raison d'etre of the stock market, which is to facilitate investment in wealth/employment-creating companies. Shorting serves as a means of draining capital from the invetment pool, but as long as Dracula is in charge, it's no surprise that honest investors are bled dry.
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View attachment 71269
I understand and thought, more car manufacturers, would move towards producing humanoid robots, because it just makes so much sense.

The profit margins would be higher and the supply chains, componentry and interconnected systems would be lower (on a whole).

It's also an untapped market, with massive potential.

But isn't Boston Dynamics owned by Hyundai?

Why would they now be working with Toyota, unless Hyundai and Toyota, are also collaborating?..

"Toyota is Japanese and Hyundai/Kia is Korean. They are rivals and at this stage Toyota sells vastly more vehicles and has vehicles in just about every category"
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