Thanks Lampy...
An interesting take on the current landscape, whilst the presenter wasn't there to sell or promote any one company over
another, it was clear to me at least that he definitely isn't up to speed with Brainchip's technology.
Intel has a chip that can "smell" fantastic..... we have had a chip that covers all 5 modalities since around 2020, that is,
smell, feel, hear, taste and see...then there's the comments about scalability, we do that in spades, then there's the comment
about training the chip to learn, once again, Peters secret sauce achieved this "magical science fiction" back in 2019 ?
Our patents currently protect us, one-shot/few shot learning on-device, meaning NO RETRAINING THE ENTIRE NETWORK.
To me, it just reinforces what I and many others have believed, that we are well ahead of the mob, especially at the "far edge"
where our senses react in real time with our environment, one can only imagine when not if, when we enter the server farm
market, because I'm sure the company has invested time into this sector as well, but for now it's important to focus on our
strengths, which are, engaging with companies in a professional manner, driving home why potential customers should
consider intertwining with us at the edge, that's where the general consumers are in abundance, smartphones, gadgets etc.
Good morning to All....Tech.