I see that Fact Finder - as to be expected - has updated his personal list of ‘companies and institutions which have been confirmed as engaged with Brainchip’ to include Boston Dynamics.
Now, the question is, do BD really measure up to his stringent selection criteria?!
View attachment 68477
“Confirmed as engaged with BrainChip” is of course a rather nebulous concept.
Does that include companies and institutions whose testing of Akida was made aware to BrainChip solely by virtue of an academic paper, detailing specific research our company had no idea was happening, as opposed to companies and institutions engaging with BrainChip openly or behind NDAs on a mutual basis? Personally, I’d rather not refer to the former as being “engaged with BrainChip”, since to me “engaged with” implies more than a one-time sales transaction via shop.brainchipinc.com - I’d much prefer categorising them as “companies and institutions researching Akida” (or similar) in order to differentiate.
As I laid out previously, Ericsson could possibly fall into that category: Although a December 2023 academic paper revealed that six Ericsson researchers had experimented with AKD1000 and “developed a solar-powered AI-enabled ZE-IoT camera device with neuromorphic computing”, there has been no solid evidence to date we are actually engaged with them in that wider, mutual sense, as neither company has publicly confirmed such an engagement.
According to FF’s own words here on TSE (Feb 27), he was disappointed that “my questions as to whether Brainchip was aware of Ericsson’s 2023 published paper ‘Towards 6G Zero-Energy Internet of Things: Standards, Trends, and Recent Results’ , and if they had confirmed or verified the results covering the use of energy harvesting from typical indoor lighting to run AKIDA, went unanswered.” [the context being the February 2024 Virtual Investor Roadshow].
But regardless of how we define “confirmed as engaged with BrainChip”, you gotta wonder how Boston Dynamics made FF’s list at all:
Was there any press release? NO.
Any academic papers involving Boston Dynamics or Hyundai researchers? NO.
Any ASX announcement? NO.
Any direct communication with Tony Dawe or Sean Hehir? NO.
Any wild speculation by Fact Finder after he had rehashed info - first posted here on TSE - about the Fraunhofer HHI researchers using an Akida Rasperry Pi in their neuromorphic wireless cognition video, which resulted in him drawing hasty conclusions that this research was about a potential neuromorphic model upgrade of Spot, the iconic Boston Dynamics robot dog (basing his assumption solely on the fact that the Berlin researchers had used one of their Spot robot dogs for that demo) and subsequently posting unsupported claims that Fraunhofer must be doing contract research for Boston Dynamics/Hyundai? YES.
Please read this post of mine
to find out it was actually the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung aka BMBF) that financed the Fraunhofer HHI research resulting in the development of said neuromorphic wireless cognition PoC for remote robot control via 6G.
Alternatively, to cut a long story short, you may simply want to have a look at the following LinkedIn post by Mehdi Heshmati - one of the Berlin researchers - reposting a post by his employer confirming the public funding source (the same info can be found in the YouTube video’s description box, btw):
View attachment 68478
To date, there is no solid evidence that we are engaged with Boston Dynamics, and while absence of evidence does not equate to evidence of absence, FF fails to stick to his self-declared selection criteria by adding BD to his personal list.
How does that align with his recent pompous words over on HC (July 3)?
“It is obvious from the comments of some that my posting is being attacked. I don’t care and neither should you. If these anonymous posters can show that what I post is factually incorrect I am sure this will be broadcast far and wide but I try to take care to ensure that I only post as the name implies Facts. Let the Facts speak for themselves and just ignore the abusers. These posters only become relevant when someone responds otherwise they remain the drunk at the end of the bar.”
IMO, the best piece of advice that FF has ever given is that you should not give any weight to unsupported claims by anonymous forum posters until you have verified them for yourselves.
And indeed, let the FACTS speak for themselves…