Glad you explained I had a vision of a disgruntled 3,000 pound Squirrel crushing your nuts because he didn’t like the working conditions.

Hi @FactFinder
Not sure if this has been discussed already.
In light of the recent connection between Nividia and Brainchip, Alex the Tech Guy’s video comparing Nividia and Tesla, that was posted by a chipper a few days ago, (sorry I can’t find the original poster) seems more pertinent. Following are some interesting points from the video.
‘Nvidia’s Drive Hyperion 8 can achieve full self driving with a 360 degree camera, radar, lidar and ultrasonic sensor suite. Hyperion 8 will start shipping in Mercedes Benz cars in 2024 followed by Jaguar Landrover in 2025.’
'Hyperion 9 supports up to 14 cameras, 9 radars, 3 lidars and 20 ultrasonic sensors and it doubles the speed of their current system which is the Hyperion 8'
This is from Nividia’s blog:
'Introducing NVIDIA DRIVE Hyperion 9: Next-Generation Platform for Software-Defined Autonomous Vehicle Fleets
Scalable and programmable platform features redundant Atlan computers and next-generation sensors to deliver full self-driving, software-defined experience in vehicles starting production in 2026.'
There are certainly a lot of opportunities for AKIDA in these systems.