BRN Discussion Ongoing



Just came across this, I haven't read it in detail, though it talks Nvidia up big in auto and ADAS markets where we know AKIDA will excel. For what its worth, the whole partnership or use of our IP makes a whole lot of sense IMO.
Can Nvidia use brainchip IP through a third party so its not disclosed?? and all of a sudden Nvidia is a lot smarter, quicker, cheaper and uses way less power than before??

Lots of reading to devour, given todays news and announcement. Enjoy all
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Some here will recall the former CEO Mr. Dinardo speaking in a webinar about a project/experiment in China using AKIDA technology to monitor and improve electricity use in a cities power grid.

The following article explains this use and how and why it is being considered in the USA:

Zapped: The grid is under respiratory assistance. Can AI solve this problem?​

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America’s electrical system has long been waiting for an overhaul. With a 2021 report from the American Society of Civil Engineering indicating that 70% of T&D lines are over 25 years old, it’s no surprise that large and sustained outages are occurring with increased frequency across the country.
Last year, major blackouts in California and Texas were both triggered by extreme weather events, causing local electricity demand to exceed supply. As climate change fuels extreme weather events, factory and city officials are increasingly turning to artificial intelligence technologies to predict energy consumption levels days in advance, mitigating the potential for power outage incidents and increasing the overall reliability of the power system.
To understand the problems facing today’s power grid, which by one design is the world’s largest and most complicated machine, I contacted Steve Kwan, director of product management at Beyond Limits, which develops industrial AI for growth in a variety of industries.
GN: Can you explain some of the challenges currently facing grid operators in the United States?
Steve Kwan: The aging power grid is being tested as it expands to support a much higher volume of users than it was designed for under much more difficult circumstances. Historically, electricity has been delivered from large generators, such as power stations, to consumers. Under normal conditions, the weather does not play a big role in the decisions network managers have to make.
However, the explosion of distributed energy resources such as rooftop solar, commercial solar, and wind installations creates many other scenarios that grid managers need to consider when deciding how best to operate the grid. Now, with solar power on rooftops, energy can flow “backwards” in certain situations. This means that the cost of production can be greatly affected by weather and sunshine conditions.
These additional parameters greatly influence network manager decisions on how best to operate the network. As a result, there is a clear need for a more resilient power grid, especially as climate change experts indicate that global warming will lead to an increase in natural disasters in the years to come. The call for carbon neutrality and net-zero emissions has also bolstered efforts to transition to green energy, and as new regulations spread, industry will need to adapt to changes in standards that could significantly alter the operations.
GN: Within the network management ecosystem, where are we seeing the penetration of AI and ML technologies? What is the use case here?
Steve Kwan: AI and ML technologies are superior in their ability to learn from past behaviors and predict future needs. One of the most critical elements of grid management is the need to ensure that electricity is delivered efficiently and available at the lowest cost. As such, it is always a matter of verifying that there is sufficient power supply to meet the demand.
However, electricity supply and demand are constantly changing. Electricity demand fluctuates throughout the day due to human needs and activities. Supply and demand are influenced by weather conditions. The proliferation of electric vehicles and IoT devices is also changing energy consumption patterns. On the supply side, changes in the way we produce electricity make it much more difficult to match supply and demand. From declining fossil fuel generation to increasing renewables and climate change, grid management has become a headache both in real time and when planning for the future.
AI and ML technologies are entering the network ecosystem due to their ability to learn usage patterns and provide accurate predictions of future needs, making this technology the ideal solution for network management. AI can analyze the masses of data produced by factories and accurately predict when there will be an abundance of energy to charge the batteries versus when to drain them.
Artificially intelligent time horizon analytics will lead to dramatic improvements, allowing manufacturers to see the big picture of their operations. AI can be used to sift through all data points, including past weather conditions, current network status, and potential points of failure. As such, electricity providers use AI and ML technologies to optimize their dispatch and scheduling activities, forecast market demands, plan future business expansion, and more. Consumers use these technologies to plan and optimize their energy consumption behaviors to take advantage of excess energy and prices.
For example, consumers decide when to charge their electric vehicle based on time-of-use pricing, and in some cases can even meet grid demand by returning electricity from home batteries. to the network.
GN: When we talk about energy, we are obviously also talking about environmental concerns. What improvements can AI bring to waste and carbon emissions?
Steve Kwan: Today, the largest source of carbon emissions comes from burning fossil fuels. Fortunately, AI technologies can be harnessed to reduce these emissions in several ways. AI can reduce energy waste by helping factory and city officials predict energy consumption levels days in advance. With this foresight, producers can plan their operations based on anticipated demands and produce energy with precision. AI can also help grid managers know when to store energy or cut off in micro-grids to achieve a constant flow of energy and meet consumption demand. This not only saves energy, but also reduces stress by imposing restrictions and limitations on the network that take line capacity and congestion into account.
In addition to predicting consumption levels, AI technologies are reducing carbon emissions by helping industry switch to renewable energy sources like solar and wind. By anticipating weather conditions using historical data and impending weather patterns, these solutions can predict the availability of naturally generated energy. This allows managers to forecast the mix of renewables and traditional fossil energy needed to meet anticipated demand while maximizing the use of renewables. It also makes renewable energy sources more attractive in the energy sector, as this previously unpredictable source of energy becomes increasingly reliable.
GN: Are there any concerns about these new AI technologies or that adoption is happening too quickly?
Steve Kwan: As with all technologies, digital AI technologies need to be checked and checked from time to time, as they are often “black box” applications that are highly dependent on the implementation and data quality of the whole system. training data. When human knowledge and expertise are incorporated into digital AI technologies, they are dramatically enhanced, which can dramatically change results and generate better predictions and recommendations.
GN: What future for AI in network management? 
Steve Kwan: With continued improvements in AI and ML technologies, we will be able to increase the dataset size, frequency, speed, and accuracy of model predictions. Together, this would provide better tools for network operators to optimally match supply to demand in an unprecedented way. This creates the opportunity for optimal network and generation investments in areas that would provide the most benefit. For example, AI and ML technologies can be used to optimize the placement and installation of renewable energy such as solar and wind farms. Better network modeling will help operators route energy more efficiently and allow network operators to reduce the total cost to consumers by minimizing congestion. The more accurate the models, the better network operators will be able to plan their operations and put in place mitigation measures in anticipation of impending problems”

My opinion only DYOR


A related retweet by BonsApps


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Was thinking of getting a t-shirt printed for myself. Couldn't upload robot logo to the generator :confused:

Thoughts :ROFLMAO:

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At the end of the video it shows "NVISO visual intelligence technology use cases for Automotive Powered by H2020 Bonseyes AI Marketplace".

So I did some snooping around and discovered that NVISO was the coordinator of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Bonseyes project which closed on 31 January 2021.

Anyhooo, to cut a long story short, BonsAPPs is the continuation of the EU-funded 2020 Bonseyes project and it looks VERRRRY INTERESTING!


The future of AI in Europe​

The problems with AI implementation in Europe are clear, but the Bonseyes Project has created a solution. Enter the new European Commission-funded project, BonsAPPs. Supporting AI4EU, BonsAPPs aims to build on the Bonseyes project results in order to put Europe on the map in the future of AI-as-a-Service.
BonsAPPs will deliver ready-to-integrate solutions that work alongside the AI4EU platform. These solutions will increase AI usage by SMEs lacking innovation capabilities internally. Users will be able to engage with data sciences, developers and integrators, creating an open innovation cycle that is easy to use and allows for seamless deployment of AI solutions.
Further pursuing the goal of European-based publicly developed AI solutions, BonsAPPs allows users to develop AI solutions to solve industry challenges. Leveraging on the Bonseyes AI Marketplace to deliver integrable solutions, AI developers and platform providers are accessible within BonsAPPS. This gives SMEs the opportunity to use advanced tools and services based on their personalized needs, reducing costs and challenges in implementation.
BonsAPPS seeks to increase SMEs’ understanding of artificial intelligence in order to reduce skill gaps at both a managerial and operational level. Offering training and workflows for AI system integrations, BonsAPPs delivers a fully automated AI procurement process. The project provides an AI-as-a-Service Platform for users across a wide range of industries such as healthcare, automotive, manufacturing and smart cities. Aiming to help SMEs fully digitalize, BonsAPPs will grant access to AI solutions that are cost-efficient and effective.

I am sure everyone knows that the EU Horizon project was the original funder of Nanose/Technion/Seimens/Seimens Medical research project to develop the SniffPhone for cancer diagnostics.

We all know how that ended up or should I say who that ended up embracing as no one else could provide the 'Brains" to run the show on a chip.

One gigantic spider web of connections starts to come together with todays announcement of Nviso and the almost absolute certainty that Nvidia has been working with Brainchip or side by side with Brainchip since at least 2020.

My opinion only DYOR

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A new research paper about a Neuromorphic nose.

"We constructed E-nose hardware based on a single-layer SNN, to classify two wines, “Shiraz” and “Merlot,” which are made with different red grape varieties." Isn't this what David Dawes demonstrated?

(Link doesn't work, if interested you will have to copy and paste into finder)

When I skimmed through and saw the equation below I decided against trying to read the whole document.
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Australia the economic miracle continues according to the IMF:

"Australia's GDP growth is expected to be faster and stronger than other major economies - including the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, France, Italy and Japan.

Australia is expected to receive a boost from the rising price of commodities such as gas, iron ore, coal and wheat.

The IMF predicts Australia will outperform its rich-country peers this year with output growth of 4.2 per cent."


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Fascinatingly Intuitive.
People are getting confused. Some of us were hoping Hey Mercedes infotainment only being released with Akida in new models not the full package with Nvidia to be released in 2024. Looking likely Mercedes will wait until 2024 before using Akida in any commercial model with Akida incorporated right throughout the car.

Also means no revenue from Mercedes until 2024.
Afternoon Proga,

I have only just sat down and started reading the great input from all.

I would have to disagree with your above post.

If AKIDA is only incorporated in new Mercedes Benz chariots from 2024 onwards, then from what I read somewhere ( was a Mercedes-Benz article kindly shared by a fellow Chipper, sorry cannot recall who.) Thay are using the full 60 neural cores of AKIDA chip.

This being the case, as in alleged useing of the chip as opposed to the Interlectual Property, would lead one to believe ither Brn or Mercedes-Benz would have to start producing physical chips , long whinded process as we all know, like right now , to be ready to insert into the new chariots as thay roll off the production line in 2024.

I would hope BRN get paid as soon as the chips are in Mercedes-Benz hot little hands, though I have a feeling payment will come when completed cars are sold to customer's.

This is my take on things, could be wrong .

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A new research paper about a Neuromorphic nose.

"We constructed E-nose hardware based on a single-layer SNN, to classify two wines, “Shiraz” and “Merlot,” which are made with different red grape varieties." Isn't this what David Dawes demonstrated?

(Link doesn't work, if interested you will have to copy and paste into finder)

When I skimmed through and saw the equation below I decided against trying to read the whole document.
View attachment 4648
Yes but try Tony Dawe. The equation is simple if you know how to read it. Firstly you put either wine 'in' the glass then you drink either wine to the 'bottom' of the glass job done while enjoying the bouquet. Simple.

Seriously though how did they train this single layer SNN that is where you will most likely will find the difference. If you decide later on that you only like Claret does it have to go back to the factory? If not then they are probably breaching Brainchip's patent.

My opinion only DYOR

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Not sure if it's been mentioned before, but just got my hands on a Macquarie research article on Brainchip (hard copy from a client).
Not sure if it's available to anybody, or just customers, but it's the most balanced assessment of BRN's outlook and risk assessment, that I've seen.

It paints us very well, I think and well worth the read.

We are now being, rightfully so in my opinion, treated as a serious consideration for investment.

At least that's what I took from it..
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Yes but try Tony Dawe. The equation is simple if you know how to read it. Firstly you put either wine 'in' the glass then you drink either wine to the 'bottom' of the glass job done while enjoying the bouquet. Simple.

Seriously though how did they train this single layer SNN that is where you will most likely will find the difference. If you decide later on that you only like Claret does it have to go back to the factory? If not then they are probably breaching Brainchip's patent.

My opinion only DYOR

Whoops, I actually know a David Dawes. Retired Englishman who is somewhat of a wine expert (drinking). Apologies to both Mr Dawes.
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A new research paper about a Neuromorphic nose.

"We constructed E-nose hardware based on a single-layer SNN, to classify two wines, “Shiraz” and “Merlot,” which are made with different red grape varieties." Isn't this what David Dawes demonstrated?

(Link doesn't work, if interested you will have to copy and paste into finder)

When I skimmed through and saw the equation below I decided against trying to read the whole document.
View attachment 4648
Hi Slade,

The link you posted is the file on your hard drive.
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Afternoon Proga,

I have only just sat down and started reading the great input from all.

I would have to disagree with your above post.

If AKIDA is only incorporated in new Mercedes Benz chariots from 2024 onwards, then from what I read somewhere ( was a Mercedes-Benz article kindly shared by a fellow Chipper, sorry cannot recall who.) Thay are using the full 60 neural cores of AKIDA chip.

This being the case, as in alleged useing of the chip as opposed to the Interlectual Property, would lead one to believe ither Brn or Mercedes-Benz would have to start producing physical chips , long whinded process as we all know, like right now , to be ready to insert into the new chariots as thay roll off the production line in 2024.

I would hope BRN get paid as soon as the chips are in Mercedes-Benz hot little hands, though I have a feeling payment will come when completed cars are sold to customer's.

This is my take on things, could be wrong .

Hi Esq,

I think it was @thelittleshort who posted the article.

The fact that they mention 80 NPUs indicates that they used the Akida SoC, not the Akida IP.

Word recognition uses less than a quarter of the Akida NPUs, so there would be plenty of reserve NPUs for another application*.

They would not use the Akida IP for a one-off concept car, sso they used the Akida SoC. The production run may see Akida IP incorporated in some other processor, but the future is opaque and nvidible.

*Remember the video with voice, face and presence recognition run on a single Akida chip.

PS: I have seen many articles stating that MBUX will be an option in EQS in 2023, so if they can make that display screen for next year, they may be able to get Akida incorporated in their AI partner's processor.
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Hi Esq,

I think it was @thelittleshort who posted the article.

The fact that they mention NPUs indicates that they used the Akida SoC, not the Akida IP.

Word recognition uses less than a quarter of the Akida NPUs, so there would be plenty of reserve NPUs for another application.

They would not use the Akida IP for a one-off concept car, sso they used the Akida SoC. The production run may see Akida IP incorporated in some other processor, but the future is opaque and nvidible.

PS: I have seen many articles stating that MBUX will be an option in EQS in 2023, so if they can make that display screen for next year, they may be able to get Akida incorporated in their AI partner's processor.
Hi D

Posted below prev and MB moving to MB O.S in near future instead older MBUX system. Maybe can be incorporated into the new system?

Post in thread 'BRN - Mercedes'
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Hi Slade,

The link you posted is the file on your hard drive.
Thanks for that Diogenese.

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Fascinatingly Intuitive.
Hi Esq,

I think it was @thelittleshort who posted the article.

The fact that they mention NPUs indicates that they used the Akida SoC, not the Akida IP.

Word recognition uses less than a quarter of the Akida NPUs, so there would be plenty of reserve NPUs for another application.

They would not use the Akida IP for a one-off concept car, sso they used the Akida SoC. The production run may see Akida IP incorporated in some other processor, but the future is opaque and nvidible.

PS: I have seen many articles stating that MBUX will be an option in EQS in 2023, so if they can make that display screen for next year, they may be able to get Akida incorporated in their AI partner's processor.
Evening Diogenese,

Cheers for clarification.

Tell you what , all us Chippers are so lucky having some one of your intellect disiphering all of this .

I am glad my last remaining , semi firing neuron , remembered the 60 neural bit .

Sorry not getting back to you , after you graciously supplied that info I requested 5 or six days ago. Still thinking , pondering.

On a compleetly different note , I manually moved over 11 tons of dirt today, by myself, with a wheelbarrow today.

The garden shed is almost finnished, and so is my back.

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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
A new research paper about a Neuromorphic nose.

"We constructed E-nose hardware based on a single-layer SNN, to classify two wines, “Shiraz” and “Merlot,” which are made with different red grape varieties." Isn't this what David Dawes demonstrated?

(Link doesn't work, if interested you will have to copy and paste into finder)

When I skimmed through and saw the equation below I decided against trying to read the whole document.
View attachment 4648

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