Hi all,
Disappointing about revenue, but it seems a lot is still going on behind the scenes. My time-horizon has moved along seeing there is a lot of tension in the macro environment such as international conflcts and stagflation. To produce a disappointing result when times are booming, then other opportunities would be more desirable. But for now, I have adjusted to a longer timeframe.
Would still like to see the company to improve its communication to SHs. But that has been discussed to death. I still hope it changes nonetheless.
Interesting to include a top 50 this time. Anyway, here are the movements from the top 20:
1. PVDM (founder) - same
2. Citi - down about 1 million shares (they zig zag up and down every quarter).
3. BNP - up about 7 milions shares. They have accumulated large amounts throughout all of 2023 and keep on doing so into this year.
4. Merril - down 10 million shares. This is by far the biggest drop for them after keeping more or less the same amount for a long time.
5. HSBC Australia - up 15 million shares. Massive turnaround.
6. JP Morgan - up 8 million. Since 2023 all together they are up around 20 million shares.
7. BNP (2) - down 600k.
8. LDA Capital (NEW). As the announcement I guess.
9. National Nominees - up 7 million.
10. BNP (3) - up 400k.
11. HSBC (2). up 1 million.
12. Certaine - Down 800k.
13. Osserian fam - sold 600k. First time they have sold since I have been tracking.
14. Finclear - Down 100k
15. Crossfield - down 150k.
16. BNP (4) - up 1 million.
17. Paul (retail) - same.
18. Jeff (retail) - Little sell
19. David (retail) - same
20. The Stardust Super Fund - same.
So in the top 20 alone there was an addition of about 26 million shares bought (not including LDA's entry). This is positive.
Lots of retail in the top 50. I did a few Google searches on some of them. Just seem like ordinary hard working folks mostly (not naming names). Two I found had an engineering background like
@Diogenese .
It will be interesting if they include the top 50 next time and see the sentiment down there after the AGM and the next quarterly.
Fair enough to those who need to vent. We will get there... One day.