I'm Spartacus!
I reckon that by now, most of us have had our say, bitched our bitch and speculated our opinion ad nauseam.

Those that could not/ would not wait have sold up and moved on (no judgement from me), or put them in the bottom drawer for now and either are just waiting, or watching those who've embraced the dark side do their damnedest to sow FUD in a bid to push the share price lower so they can get in again.
Without new information what more is there to say?
The Company is progressing as fast as it can and I have no doubt they want success and sales and revenue at least as much as any of us.
But they are remaining tight lipped about virtually everything we want to know.
How many chips produced? How many sold? For how much? Progress regarding known IP sales? How many new engagements over the past year? Our questions are endless and firm, predicted timelines from the Company are few and far between.
For the present this is the style of management at BrainChip driven in large part by Sean I suggest.
Whilst many will argue against it, I think it driven by the exigences of the sector and particularly for those wanting to play right out where we are.......on the bleeding edge.
No-one promised us a comfortable ride.
Success or not will appear in it's own good time.