Again, great, at least we are discussing. So my question to you, what are your thoughts on what is acceptable from here? CEO's love to talk, love to say we are doing this and doing that, the challenges, but won't actually tell you what the metrics are, that's all inside the company not for SH to know. . The man is paid well, and so he should be if he can get the job done. But what are your thoughts on this. What year is good for you, 2030? Well if thats the case, great, well done for you. I would have thought being an market in love with AI, we'd see better results to this point. As I said, many kicking the tyres, looking in side and willing to partner up with us, just in case there is something in it for them?
I don't won't to see another strike against the company, in fact my posts are for it not to happen, how? By opening up discussions and talking about it, not sweeping it under the carpet for all to make their own minds up. Lets talk all aspects of the company, not just the fluffy stuff that makes us all feel good.
We can all post back at me and say, give it a rest, shut up
@skutza, oh look at the downramper. Or we can talk like adults and have meaningful discussion. Up to all of us.
Hi Skutza.
In my opinion you have a valid position and I think most of us here would have preferred earlier evidence of traction and revenue and more signed contracts already.
It is indeed frustrating just how long it's all taking and many of us assumed we would have been further progressed by now.
For many, until we have tangible results in the form of contracts and revenue and the concomitant increasing share price that should induce, there will be an element of doubt about the Companies viability, our products usefulness and/or our current managements ability to succeed.
All these factors are discussed and used as ammunition by both the yay and nay sayer's.
However, none of us, who are not privy to the actual situational awareness of an employee of the company, can ever really know just "where we are at", at any given point in time.
For all you or I know, they may have 15 contracts in various stages of negotiation in the hands of lawyers as we speak.
Some of them may be revealed tomorrow, or in six months time or they maybe still 12 to 18 months away from being revealed.
From the outside, trying to look in, we can only speculate.
The whole field is evolving rapidly and what we are offering is merely a component whose utility and worth is still being evaluated by current real world users.
It appears the properties and expertise of our product should find a place in some "initially" niche areas at the edge (notably space), but it may turn out that our "killer app" is still a gleam in some inventors eye currently studying both Akida and the larger field at one of our University partnerships.
None of us can ever really "know" this.
Some "dots" will turn to dust and others like a searching axons tendril may snag our Moby Dick.
I guess what I'm saying is, that
we as investors, are unfortunately, always going to be somewhat "in the dark" when it comes to the hard data we would wish to have access to in helping us in making our individual determinations to Buy, Hold or Sell, and that ultimately we rely upon our management and our BOD's to run the show on our behalf.
For each of us, our investment here will have differing repercussions according to our individual circumstances and must be evaluated accordingly, along with our judgement of our managements competence and ability to both steer and build our company.
So, whilst apparently, we have not at this stage achieved sufficiently desired results, are you satisfied with the known strategy in place, building out the ecosystem and partnerships with other known players in the field?
Given that this moves much of the determination of product release dates to other Company's decision maker's and the shrouding of much of our combined activities behind NDA's, just what timeframes are acceptable to you, personally?
These are all valid questions that will vary from one individual investor to another, each according to their appetite for risk versus their savouring of reward.
Until, and if, we reach that point of "knowing" we are all just guessing and the weight we allow lists and icebergs is not fixed by any authority in stone.
Personally, I'm still on the bus, but I will admit to being not quite so one eyed as in the past.
But hey, you do you.