Good Afternoon MDhere ,Hey Esq, I know these people by be small fish but everything joins up sooner or later. I notice that our engineer Sasskia Bruers may or still involved? On the website we are still listed as Partners with them. I couldn't get the page to translate to english but it was a 3 yaar project finishing i think this year or may have just finished. So maybe they can get a lilttle mention on your famous scroll in case it resurfaces into a bigger fish oneday. Terroiko ( i know this company was mentioned back in 2022 but our resident sleuths as well)
TerrOïko | Psi-Biom : plateforme numérique de services intégrés pour le suivi de la biodiversité par les objets connectés et la modélisation
Développer une plateforme de traitement de données combinant l'internet des objets, l'intelligence artificielle et la modélisation des dynamiques é
Thankyou .
Don't recall reading about this group before.
Indeed thay shall be added to THE SCROLL.
* listening to the BBC radio some time ago there was a British firm on a oceanographic ship utilising cameras on submersible ROVs to meander around looking for new aquatic species both flora & fauna.
* also just recently , think it was a New Zealand Government scientific ship , had a look around the southern island, New Zealand , offshore ( there is a rather deep trench ) , Were thay discovered some 100 new creatures yet to be documented.
Would love to see our tech integrated into a few of these , Goverment funded , off shore expiditions, explorations.
From memory James Cameron , made a few bob in the movie game , has a private yacht together with a several person submersible.
This kind of recognition would be great for our company , probably more so than space endeavours, As more mere mortals relate to the world in which thay are immersed as opposed to far off planets etc.
Good find once again .
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