BRN Discussion Ongoing

Hi 7.
LDA are not long term investors with very limited capital resources like you and me.
They provide a service whereby they undertake to market stock for particular companies and make they're money on a margin of the turnover.
Of course they make more margin if the amount they sell for is significantly higher, and that would be they're preference, but the way the deal is structured they get paid even if the difference is only in pips. Like Traders, they thrive and profit best on volatility, but will settle for bread and butter money as the occasion dictates. This is my understanding anyway.
LDA Capital receive a flat 8.5% of every dollar worth of shares sold.

If the dell one share for a dollar they receive 8.5 cents.

If they sell ten shares at 10 cents which equals a dollar they receive 8.5 cents.

If Brainchip wants to raise $1.00 and the current share price is one cent they give LDA enough shares to sell that based on current price expectations it will achieve this outcome. So 100 shares plus for safety sake another 10 shares to cover the 8.5% commission.

One dollar ten cents less 8.5% which is 9.35 cents leaving Brainchip with just over $1.00.

My opinion only DYOR
Fact Finder
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Hi all,

Here are the changes to the top 20 from 3rd quarter to 4th quarter 2023:

1. PVDM (founder) - same
2. Citi - up about 1 million shares.
3. BNP - up about 8.5 milions shares. They have accumulated large amounts throughout all of 2023.
4. Merril - up around 300k shares. They have been in the +/- 1 million shares all year. The real HODLers.
5. HSBC Australia - down 8 million shares. They have been selling off lostly in 2023.
6. JP Morgan - Been up all year but down about 11 million this quarter.
7. BNP (2) - down 3 million.
8. Certane - Down 5 million.
9. BNP (3) - up 1.5 million.
10. Certane (2) - up 1.8 million.
11. HSBC (2). up 96k shares only.
12. Osserian fam - same
13. National Nominees - down about 100k.
14. Finclear (new) - up about 400k.
15. Crossfield - same.
16. Paul (retail) - same.
17. Jeff (retail) - same
18. David (retail) - same
19. BNP (4) - (NEW). Could have bought 500k or more.
20. The Stardust Super Fund (NEW). Hard to say their change seeing the floor of the top 20 shareholders is now 5 million.
Couldn't find anything online about these guys.

Warbont nominees are out. Sold 800k or more to leave the top 20.
LDA are out. They were 9 million odd shares, so they have sold around 4.5 million shares or more to get out the top 20 ranking.

Consider that it was tax time in the the US as well and in my experience, there is always lots of movement in the markets before the New Year.

Good luck all shareholders,
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
microsoft collaborating with arms




Microsoft and Arm Holdings are two technology giants whose partnership is expected to shape the future of artificial intelligence (AI) significantly. While Microsoft is a global leader in software and cloud services, Arm Holdings is a renowned semiconductor and software design company. Together, their collaboration promises to revolutionise AI technologies and propel the industry to new heights.


Microsoft is making significant strides in its in-house chip development strategy, focusing on custom AI and cloud chips to stay at the forefront of technological innovation. By creating AI-specific processors, the company aims to improve performance and efficiency in various AI applications, including natural language processing and computer vision tasks.
At the core of this strategy are the Azure Maia AI Accelerator and Azure Cobalt CPU. The Maia AI Accelerator is designed to power language model training and inferencing, providing an efficient and scalable solution for AI workloads. Key features of this accelerator include its advanced design and capabilities, such as support for various precision levels, high-throughput compute, and large memory bandwidth. On the other hand, the Azure Cobalt CPU is an Arm-based processor focused on general-purpose compute workloads. This processor offers high-performance capabilities along with energy efficiency, making it a suitable choice for data centre environments.
The transition to Arm-based designs is another crucial aspect of Microsoft’s chip development strategy. As Arm Holdings’ technology gains traction in various computing segments, Microsoft is embracing these designs to stay competitive and provide diverse solutions to its customers. The shift towards Arm-based processors has significant implications for the industry, as it challenges the long-standing dominance of x86 architecture and opens up new possibilities for more efficient and versatile computing solutions.
Microsoft's In-House Chip Development Strategy


Microsoft’s collaboration with NVIDIA, AMD, and other tech giants reflects the company’s commitment to providing diverse infrastructure options to its customers. By working together with industry leaders, Microsoft aims to offer a range of high-quality AI and cloud computing solutions that cater to the varied needs of different businesses and sectors.
One example of this collaboration is the inclusion of NVIDIA H100 and H200 Tensor Core GPUs and AMD MI300X accelerated virtual machines (VMs) in Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform. These advanced GPUs and VMs provide increased computational power and versatility, helping to drive innovation in AI and cloud-based services.
Microsoft’s goal to provide customers with infrastructure choices is rooted in its vision of fostering a multi-vendor ecosystem for Windows PCs with Arm-based processors. This strategy aims to reduce reliance on a single supplier and compete with Apple’s custom Arm-based chips, ultimately benefiting the end users by offering them a wider variety of high-performance computing options.


Arm Holdings is experiencing significant growth, thanks to its partnerships with Microsoft and other cloud giants. These strategic collaborations are helping the company expand its reach and influence within the tech industry.
Microsoft’s new CPU, which uses Arm technology, is one example of how the partnership benefits both parties. By incorporating Arm’s cutting-edge technology, Microsoft can develop innovative solutions that meet the evolving demands of the computing world. This collaboration not only enhances Microsoft’s product offerings but also raises Arm Holdings’ profile in the market.
The future prospects for Arm Holdings are promising, with the potential to impact the tech industry significantly. As more companies embrace Arm-based designs for their computing solutions, the demand for Arm’s technology is expected to grow exponentially. This growth will not only strengthen Arm Holdings’ position in the market but also contribute to the overall advancement of AI and other cutting-edge technologies.


Microsoft envisions artificial intelligence as an integral part of the Windows experience, transforming how users interact with their devices and applications. As a result, the company is working closely with Arm Holdings to develop processors with dedicated on-chip resources for AI functionalities.
These custom chips aim to provide a seamless and efficient AI experience across various platforms, benefiting users and developers alike. In addition to enhancing the performance of AI applications, these chips also contribute to the overall revolution of AI and cloud computing, enabling more powerful and accessible solutions for a wide range of industries.
By incorporating AI into the core of their processors, Microsoft and Arm are setting the stage for a new era in technology, where AI becomes an essential component of personal computing and cloud services. This collaboration will not only drive innovation in AI but also create new opportunities for businesses and consumers worldwide.


The transition from x86 architecture to Arm-based designs is a significant shift in the computing industry. This change not only affects hardware manufacturers but also presents challenges for software developers. As Arm-based processors become more prevalent in Windows PCs, developers need to adapt their code for compatibility with the new architecture.
One of the primary concerns for software developers is ensuring that their applications run smoothly on both x86 and Arm-based systems. This requires a deep understanding of the differences between the two architectures and an ability to optimise code for each platform. Moreover, developers need to consider the performance implications of their code changes, as Arm-based processors may have different performance characteristics than their x86 counterparts.
Microsoft’s promotion of Arm-based processors for Windows PCs is a clear indication of the company’s commitment to creating a multi-vendor ecosystem. This strategy aims to reduce reliance on a single supplier and compete with Apple’s custom Arm-based chips. However, this also means that software developers must be prepared to support multiple hardware architectures, which can increase development complexity and maintenance costs.
In conclusion, the move towards Arm-based designs in personal computing presents both opportunities and challenges for software developers. As the industry continues to evolve, it is crucial for developers to stay informed of the latest trends and adapt their code accordingly to ensure compatibility and optimal performance across different hardware platforms.
Challenges for Software Developers and Adapting Code


As the partnership between Microsoft and Arm Holdings continues to flourish, plans are underway for the design and development of second-generation versions of the Azure Maia AI Accelerator Series and Azure Cobalt CPU Series. These next-generation chips aim to further enhance the capabilities of AI cloud services and general-purpose compute workloads, bringing even more innovative solutions to the market.

With the introduction of second-generation Azure chips, significant impacts on AI Cloud Services and server pricing are expected. By leveraging advanced technology from Arm Holdings and the expertise of Microsoft, these chips can potentially lead to more cost-effective and efficient cloud solutions. This, in turn, may enable businesses to scale their operations more effectively and access advanced AI functionalities at a lower cost.
Furthermore, Microsoft plays a crucial role in standardising data formats for AI models, ensuring seamless integration and compatibility across different platforms and applications. By promoting a unified approach to data formats, Microsoft is not only simplifying the development process for AI applications but also fostering collaboration and innovation within the industry.
In conclusion, the future developments of second-generation Azure chips, combined with Microsoft’s role in standardising data formats for AI models, will undoubtedly shape the future of AI and cloud services. As this partnership between Microsoft and Arm Holdings progresses, we can expect more groundbreaking advancements in AI technology and its applications across various industries.


In summary, the partnership between Microsoft and Arm Holdings is a significant development in the technology industry, particularly with respect to AI’s future. Both companies are working together to create powerful, efficient, and versatile chips that leverage Arm’s technology. This collaboration has the potential to reshape the landscape of AI and cloud computing as we know it.
As AI continues to advance, its impact on various industries is becoming increasingly apparent. The collaboration between Microsoft and Arm Holdings is an excellent example of how tech giants are joining forces to shape AI’s future. By developing custom chips and processors that integrate AI capabilities, these companies are enabling a new generation of intelligent applications and services. This partnership not only strengthens both companies’ positions in the tech industry but also demonstrates the vital role AI advancements play in shaping the future of various sectors.
Overall, the Microsoft and Arm Holdings partnership highlights the significance of AI advancements in shaping the future of technology and various industries. As we continue to see more collaboration and innovation in this space, it’s evident that AI will play an increasingly crucial role in our lives and the world around us.


As Microsoft and Arm Holdings redefine the AI landscape, stay updated on the latest developments by visiting AutoGPT’s blog for more insights into AI advancements and industry news. Explore the capabilities and potential of AutoGPT , an AI system that can self-improve, and participate in AI challenges and hackathons with AutoGPT Arena Hacks . Discover the differences between Auto-GPT and ChatGPT and their respective roles in AI evolution by visiting AutoGPT vs ChatGPT . Embrace the future of AI and unlock its potential with AutoGPT.

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I'm Spartacus!
LDA Capital receive a flat 8.5% of every dollar worth of shares sold.

If the dell one share for a dollar they receive 8.5 cents.

If they sell ten shares at 10 cents which equals a dollar they receive 8.5 cents.

If Brainchip wants to raise $1.00 and the current share price is one cent they give LDA enough shares to sell that based on current price expectations it will achieve this outcome. So 100 shares plus for safety sake another 10 shares to cover the 8.5% commission.

One dollar ten cents less 8.5% which is 9.35 cents leaving Brainchip with just over $1.00.

My opinion only DYOR
Fact Finder
Thanks for that explanation FF.
I had been under the impression it was a more complicated scenario.
It then appears that whenever LDA are selling BRN shares it would tend to have a depressing effect on the share price as they have no incentive to hold in expectation of a higher price such as a retail or corporate investor might be inclined to do?
I understand that the Company needs to raise capital from time to time and I suppose this is a relatively easy and cheaper method for them rather than a traditional credit raising from their existing share holders and the broader market.
I expect too that any suppressive effects on the share price will also tend to be short lived.
Are you happy with the present LDA arrangement?
From memory the last time they held a CR it was well subscribed?
I certainly took advantage at the time and applied for and received some above my allotment.
That too had a somewhat short term depressing effect on the share price but not long after it took off.
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It now makes sense that LDA has sold. I had previously included LDA as an investor, which is, of course, incorrect. LDA operates based on different interests. My mistake! Additionally, the shares have now moved into other portfolios.
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Thanks for that explanation FF.
I had been under the impression it was a more complicated scenario.
It then appears that whenever LDA are selling BRN shares it would tend to have a depressing effect on the share price as they have no incentive to hold in expectation of a higher price such as a retail or corporate investor might be inclined to do?
I understand that the Company needs to raise capital from time to time and I suppose this is a relatively easy and cheaper method for them rather than a traditional credit raising from their existing share holders and the broader market.
I expect too that any suppressive effects on the share price will also tend to be short lived.
Are you happy with the present LDA arrangement?
From memory the last time they held a CR it was well subscribed?
I certainly took advantage at the time and applied for and received some above my allotment.
That too had a somewhat short term depressing effect on the share price but not long after it took off.
If I had my preference I would have companies be required to go to existing shareholders first on every capital raise.

As you will recall despite the fact you and I took up the opportunity the last time Brainchip included shareholders it was not fully subscribed. I would think that given current economic conditions it would be the same today unfortunately.

Moving on to LDA Capital I like it because Brainchip gets to set a minimum sale price.

When Institutional raises take place they usually get a significant discount to the market price and so can sell at or below market and still make substantial profit. This selling can continue for quite some time artificially suppressing the price.

Worse still these institutions can decide not to sell but to immediately lend to short sellers. You know what happens then.

Whereas a term of the LDA Capital agreement is that they cannot lend the shares to short sellers.

So on balance LDA Capital’s business model is definitely better for companies and retail shareholders.

My opinion only DYOR
Fact Finder
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I'm Spartacus!
If I had my preference I would have companies be required to go to existing shareholders first on every capital raise.

As you will recall despite the fact you and I took up the opportunity the last time Brainchip included shareholders it was not fully subscribed. I would think that given current economic conditions it would be the same today unfortunately.

Moving on to LDA Capital I like it because Brainchip gets to set a minimum sale price.

When Institutuonal raises take place they usually get a significant discount to the market price and so can sell at or below market and still make substantial profit. This selling can continue for quite some time artificially suppressing the price.

Worse still these institutions can decide not to sell but to immediately lend to short sellers. You know what happens then.

Whereas a term of the LDA Capital agreement is that they cannot lend the shares to short sellers.

So on balance LDA Capital’s business model is definitely better for companies and retail shareholders.

My opinion only DYOR
Fact Finder
Thank you for your thoughts and explanation.
Yes, I have seen how the share price often falls to the CR price and sometimes significantly lower and have also seen shorter's exploiting perceived weakness. Think recent IMU CR which was also undersubscribed.
Good to know the Company sets a minimum sale price as well with LDA and so has more control of the process.
Again, thank you for spelling it out in layman's terms and hopefully we will be revenue positive soon eliminating the necessity for further routine raisings.
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If I had my preference I would have companies be required to go to existing shareholders first on every capital raise.

As you will recall despite the fact you and I took up the opportunity the last time Brainchip included shareholders it was not fully subscribed. I would think that given current economic conditions it would be the same today unfortunately.

Moving on to LDA Capital I like it because Brainchip gets to set a minimum sale price.

When Institutional raises take place they usually get a significant discount to the market price and so can sell at or below market and still make substantial profit. This selling can continue for quite some time artificially suppressing the price.

Worse still these institutions can decide not to sell but to immediately lend to short sellers. You know what happens then.

Whereas a term of the LDA Capital agreement is that they cannot lend the shares to short sellers.

So on balance LDA Capital’s business model is definitely better for companies and retail shareholders.

My opinion only DYOR
Fact Finder
Thanks for the insights FF. But the other things to consider here is there is a lot of retail shareholders. Unless institutions are interested and make a position it will be difficult to go directly to the the retail share holders.
So LDA is getting good benefit out of equation here.
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Thanks for the insights FF. But the other things to consider here is there is a lot of retail shareholders. Unless institutions are interested and make a position it will be difficult to go directly to the the retail share holders.
So LDA is getting good benefit out of equation here.
What im thinking is brainchip won't call on this until late very late 2024 when its in their best interest less shares for the money. My thoughts and my thoughts only as I am one person 🤣
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seeds have the potential to become trees.
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What's with the multiple BNP's and Certaine's? Same company? Different acounts? Can buy and sell to themselves? Influencing which way they want the market to go?
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Is it just me or has former CEO Louis Dinardo sold his shares? Anyways I like the look of this top 20 list. Wish I was on it… 😅
I’m not very familiar with this topic but as I remember from the past (really long time ago)
The regulations for CEOs leaving the company depend on various factors, including corporate policies, contractual agreements, and legislation. In many cases, there are specific rules and lock-up periods governing the sale of shares by former executives.

There are also lock-up periods during which former CEOs are restricted from selling shares after leaving the company. This is designed to prevent conflicts of interest and ensure that former executives do not immediately profit from insider information.

Sorry if there is a grammatical error… I made google translate 😂

Maybe here is something interesting about it'll%20lose%20all,nothing%20for%20those%20unvested%20units.

Edit sorry I forgot to translate

In terms of "Restricted Stock Agreements" there may be clauses requiring the former CEO to surrender or sell certain stocks.

These clauses aim to protect the interests of the company and ensure that the former CEO does not act in a way that could harm the company. For example, such agreements might stipulate that specific stock options must expire or be returned if the former CEO fails to meet certain conditions.

The exact terms depend on negotiations between the former CEO and the company.
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Is it just me or has former CEO Louis Dinardo sold his shares? Anyways I like the look of this top 20 list. Wish I was on it… 😅
I also queried this, had a look and he dropped off from the 24/10/23 list. Attached is page 2 from 22/07/23

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Top 20
Is it just me or has former CEO Louis Dinardo sold his shares? Anyways I like the look of this top 20 list. Wish I was on it… 😅

When LdN dropped off, didn't someone spot one of those nominee accounts for the same number of shares?
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