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Why Fear The Artificial Intelligence Revolution?​

Peter van der Made
Forbes Councils Member
Forbes Technology CouncilCOUNCIL Post

Peter van der Made is the founder and CTO of BrainChip Ltd. BrainChip produces advanced AI processors in digital neuromorphic technologies.


There has been much talk, even at top-level conferences, about the perceived dangers of artificial intelligence. In this article, I want to clarify and confront some of those fears from a purely technical point of view. Please bear with me, as this discussion is a little technical.

First, let's examine what a computer is and how it differs from the brain.

A digital computer is using a processor that runs programs that are stored in memory. These programs have to be meticulously constructed using human intelligence and can do clever things. Ever since the dawn of the computer, they have been better than humans at storing massive amounts of data and performing fast calculations.


The human brain is very different in construction. There is no central processor, and there is no separate memory unit. The brain consists of a 3-D maze of billions of cells, called neurons, that have thousands of connections to other cells. It is those connections that store information in an analog electrochemical way throughout the brain. Eighty-six billion neural cells constantly process this information.

The brain has many modules that perform different functions and are integrated into a functioning entity. This is a highly simplified concept of the brain. Trillions of signals are transmitted and processed at the same time. The information contained in the connections between cells is constantly updated as we perceive the world through our senses and as we learn. This vast number of connections, signals and cells makes the brain difficult to understand, although a lot of progress has been made over the last 10 years. The brain is very efficient, consuming the equivalent of 20 watts of energy.

Computer programmers have been trying to emulate the processes of the brain by developing a software algorithm called a neural network. These programs create abstract emulations of the cells and connections of the brain but at significantly lower complexity and scale. The storage of the brain is distributed throughout, but computers have a central memory. This is one of the major bottlenecks; Each of the many thousands of virtual connections must be accessed at every cycle, thus causing memory access contention.

Next, the stored data needs to be processed together with input sensory information that is received from a camera or by other means, such as text. The next bottleneck is computing power and power consumption. Computing this many values takes a lot of power, thousands to millions of times more than the brain consumes.

Neural network programs do not learn how the brain learns by constantly updating itself. Instead, they must be trained using another algorithm called backpropagation. In this algorithm, the values stored in the virtual connections between simulated neurons are first estimated and then refined again and again until the output error is minimized. The larger the network, the more values need to be computed in this elaborate way.

This process requires massive amounts of hand-labeled training data. The labels are needed to compute the error during training. For example, ChatGPT3 used 175 billion parameters and was trained using massive amounts of text over several months until it learned the order of words in a sentence. It is artificial, but it is not intelligent.

What is intelligence anyway? It is more than acquiring and applying knowledge and includes the ability to create, invent, imagine and find new solutions. It is the ability to adapt to new challenges, finding solutions with incomplete data, imagination and creativity, and is central to human survival. Current artificial intelligence systems do not adapt. They do not learn beyond their initial training. They are cause-and-effect machines; the same set of input features results in the same or very similar output.

What about the future? Will neural networks evolve to the complexity of the human brain? This is not possible with the current technology. There are several limiting factors. The model used to emulate neural cells is too simple. Brain neurons are complex computational units that integrate thousands to hundreds of thousands of inputs over spatial and time dimensions, with predictive functions essential to learning. Those functions are completely missing in artificial neural networks.

To evolve artificial neural networks to the next level, a whole new model needs to be developed that more closely resembles the function of biological neural cells and the structure of the brain. Neural network models are getting larger and larger, requiring incremental computing and electrical power and cooling. While the brain, with 86 billion neurons and 100 trillion parameters, uses the equivalent of just 20 watts of energy, these large artificial neural networks consume megawatts.

There is no need to fear the evolution of artificial intelligence. Just like the introduction of the small computer in the 1970s caused a shift in the way we do things, the broader use of artificial intelligence will cause a shift as well. Some jobs will be automated and disappear, while new jobs will be created, and many jobs will become more efficient because of AI tools.

Any new technology can be used and abused and can be used for peaceful purposes and for warfare; that is just human nature. With the current lack of intelligence in artificial intelligence, discussions about when these systems become smarter than humans are just so much hot air.

Generative AI systems are trained to perform a single task. ChatGPT generates text, and Dali generates images from text; that is all they can do. Artificial intelligence can be used to create interesting and useful tools, but it is not capable of spontaneously learning a new task or having any desire or emotion. Those are reserved for human intelligence, which we can and should direct to make the world a better place.
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Why would he sell at this price. Likely he could have found other financial ways to pay.

I'm surprised how many people are shocked he has not sold.

He was given 2 million part of his package at 20 cents so say half is tax then he needs to come up with 200 k

He is not a stupid man he I will say that. So say the SP at the AGM is 60 cents will that be a win for him absolutely. And he is genuinely in the belief the SP is bellow real value. I don't want to argue about SP that's dictated by the market be it this or that.

But last year he got shares at 80 cents paid tax selling it would have cost him 800 k to keep all. If you go with the theory at that time the sp may have still been high then no kidding he sold his tax portion.

Today he gets them at 20 cents 4 times cheaper so if say the value of the company IP is somewhere between 20 and 80 lets say 50 cents what would you do finance the tax and keep the shares.

Sean is putting his money in the game I'm surprised many don't see this while your all looking at the flaws and looking to hang a person he quietly put skinning the game. Yes that's putting skin in the game.

My opinion and personal view is do as smart money not as what agenda driven unknown posters vent when mad or are trying to block validated clear news that is interested.

Forget the old past look to the future.

Sean did buy yes at a discount part of his payment but likely he put quite a bit of his money now in the form of tax to me that's confidence that SP is below what the guy that knows all that is happening at BRN.
I don't think he's rich. What's BRN paying him as salary? 400k? After Fed and state taxes and Ca are hefty, he doesn't have much left to live a high flying life.
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As I recall it, BRN have not put anything on the ASX platform other than mandatory notices such as Director Interests Notices, 4C's, Application for quotation of securities, and other such, for a good number of years now.

So all of the Technology Partners - ARM, Intel, Prophesee, SiFive etc,

the Enablement Partners - AI Labs, Edge Impulse, NViso, Emotion3D, CVEDIA, GMAC Intelligence,

the Integration Partners - Teksun, Lorser, Quantum Ventura, Tata..........

NONE of these have been announced on the ASX (again as I recall it - please correct me if I am wrong) there are a large number of other companies which BRN are working with that I didn't mention above and most of these were not announced on the ASX either.

This is my biggest annoyance with the company (although now after, over more than 8 years, my forebearance with regard to some things BRN related have to be looked at in a more critical light), a number of years ago BRN made a mess of not announcing Ford as a partner (because of NDA responsibilities) and received a "notice" from the ASX demanding clarification regarding their mistake in putting the announcement together according to ASX rules.

Since then BRN have had their heads up their arses' with regard to using the ASX announcement platform, BRN made a mistake with the Ford ann., all BRN has to do is follow straightforward ASX rules to use the ASX platform (which virtually every other listed company does) to keep the Australian investment community informed on any progress they are making, why BRN continue to have their heads buried where they should not be is beyond belief.

It militates against the best interests of the company, and therefore it is not working in the best interests of share holders, my position is that BRN management are in denial on this subject, and they need to get over it, it is not as if they are hitting a lot of home runs lately. Regardless of whether Sean Hehir is talking up "a lot of excitement", the SP is literally in the gutter, and IMO some good advertising (which is free on the biggest platform in Australia) should be used to our advantage, if they have an NDA then we know they cannot talk about it, but all the companies in the "eco-system" are on the BRN website - so why are NONE of them on the ASX .........go fucking figure. Obviously I am not happy about this subject, or BRNs' evasive tactics when SHers try to broach the matter with them (2023 AGM for instance)

To add insult to injury, they continue to make basic errors with so many of their announcements, where they don't seem to understand what a calendar is, and how dates need to be included for the purposes of proper account keeping and administration, and ASX rules, which most other public companies seem to be able to understand. This is, as I said basic stuff, and Kim Clark (company Secretary) needs to get a rocket from someone at headquarters because the mistakes keep coming.
Fair criticisms there McHale 👍

As Diogenese has said, the starting game is the NASDAQ.

I understand the Company's restraint in making unnecessary announcements, with that goal in mind.

But as you have stated and is bleeding obvious, is that the silly errors that keep happening, in the announcements they do make, is a running joke now and goes against their very desire, to portray a good reputable, professional image.

They need to implement some kind of basic checking procedure.

The whole of the World, will see any announcement once submitted, so I see no reason, why any announcements shouldn't be shown to staff first, as many as possible.

It sounds like a joke, but something as simple as offering a meat tray, to the first one who spots any errors.
Let their kids read them and if they find a mistake, they get ice cream.


It has sadly gotten to that stage..
Person who makes the mistake, pays for it.

As well as..
"Hey Sean would have just sold some shares and there wasn't an ASX announcement? Does that mean I get a meat tray too?"..

Yes, yes you do 😉

Also, the Company's strategy on announcements and keeping low key, has obviously not helped in stabilising the share price and as @Perhaps has said, it will not go well, if things don't start falling into place this year and additional funds are needed.

The fact that they aren't beating the drum, as much as they could, possibly indicates confidence in where we are going and what's happening, behind the scenes.
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For the life of me I could,not figure out who Sean H reminded me of,it’s been bugging me for weeks, a male version of Cindy Brady!! for a moment there I forgot about the share price and had a chuckle to myself.
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Please stop. i think we all recognise that you're a flog...
First, I'm a shareholder of Brainchip and got a right to have a different view than you, stop that dictatorship.
Second, instead of stupid dot joining and the voodoo of likes I'm busy with the facts. My decision, not yours.
If you want all to sing the same Hallelujah, try a church.
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Exclusive: Arbe releases 48 RX x 48 TX production radar processor​

November 27, 2023 Nitin Dahad
Arbe Robotics said its radar processor is used for OEM development projects and Tier-1 B-Sample radars, and expects revenue for the year to be in $5-7 million range.


Arbe Robotics has exclusively revealed to that it has released a production version of its radar processor used for OEM development projects and B-Sample radars. The radar processor, which the company said demonstrates an improvement of 10X in processing power compared to the current strongest radar processor alternatives, complements the company’s production chipset portfolio which already includes production RF chips.
The radar processor’s computational abilities enables real-time processing of massive amounts of raw data generated by Arbe’s 2,304 virtual radar channel array (48 receive and 48 transmit) in 30 frames per second. The chip can handle raw data input in a max rate of 28.8 Gbps, which is pre-processed in the processor; Arbe said the internal processing is equal to the rate of 3Tbps while the processor’s output reach point-cloud is provided at a rate of up to 1Gbps. This massive amount of data required building a dedicated processor optimized for radar processing while maintaining low power consumption and offering the lowest price per channel.
Arbe Robotics radar processor_2023_nov
Arbe’s radar processor.
Arbe said its processor offers advanced hardware acceleration to offload and optimize the massive radar calculations. With the launch of the new processor, the company claimed it supports four times better range resolution with up to 2K range bins, in comparison to the most advanced solution on the market, one mode configuration for short, mid, and long ranges, and scalability to support both surround imaging radars as well as long range front perception radars.

The processor is designed to support software defined architecture that enables control over radar parameters like modulation, pre-processing flow, and post processing. A dual core application processor and a dual core DSP with vector unit of 512 bits are available to implement Tier 1 and OEM algorithms. The processor includes a built-in hardware security module, with encryption accelerators, and key management in a secured island. Additionally, the processor provides AI perception capabilities for hardware that can run perception algorithms on the radar, which includes tracker, preparation for sensor fusion, and free space mapping.

The chief executive officer at Arbe, Kobi Marenko, commented, “Our powerful perception radar solution requires the strongest processing chip on the market today, which we designed at Arbe. Our patented processor has the richest point cloud output that supports the OEMs perception needs while maintaining low power consumption, a feat no other company was able to achieve. Arbe’s sophisticated perception radar remains the only solution that can support the needs of hands-free driving at an affordable price, providing unmatched safety that can scale the industry to autonomy.”

In its Q3 results for the quarter ending 30 September 2023 announced this month, Arbe said it expects full year revenue (ending 31 December 2023) to be in the range of $5 to $7 million. The company is in the final selection stages with leading OEMs in Europe, the US, and Asia Pacific, a group of OEMs accounting for 31% share of the global passenger vehicle market.

The Q3 announcement added that Magna, HiRain, Weifu and Sensrad, Arbe’s Tier 1s, keep progressing towards radar system production based on the Arbe chipset. The Tier 1 radar “B Samples” (production intent systems) utilizing Arbe’s chipset were delivered to car manufacturers (OEMs), an OEM pre-selection condition, allowing the OEM perception teams to collect data for their L2+ and L3 applications.

The company stated, “Tests conducted on the Tier 1s׳ radar systems show that the performance achieved by the Arbe chipset aligns with target benchmarks, demonstrating the superiority of our technology.”

On the current situation in Israel, it added: “Arbe’s manufacturing and production are performed in Germany, by GlobalFoundries. As a result, the company doesn’t expect any change in product availability. While 20% of Arbe’s team was called for military duty, this primarily affects long-term projects, and has no impact on our short-term commercial and client support capabilities.”

The CEO, Kobi Marenko, added, “We’re very pleased with the progress by our team and Tier-1s during the third quarter, including the significant milestones we’ve surpassed with leading OEMs. Arbe is now in the concluding stages of various OEM selection processes. The market is signaling the rising significance of imaging radars as a backbone of the automotive sensor suite, and Arbe’s cutting-edge technology is uniquely positioned to meet this demand. I’d like to extend my gratitude to our team, whether they are currently serving in Israel’s armed forces or fully dedicated to ensuring Arbe continues to execute our business priorities as planned.”
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  • Have you ever imagined getting satellite data on demand in real time? Whether it’s for monitoring farmlands and forest areas or getting weather updates, satellite data provides a wealth of information.
  • Satellite constellations used for Earth observation transmit high data volumes to Earth stations. These hold limitations such as data storage, latency, and lack of high computing capabilities.
  • TCS Research believes a satellite-sensing architecture can offer space-sensing-as-a-service benefits to get data in real time.
  • TCS’ proposed architecture would facilitate hosting business applications that require satellite-sensing data.
  • The futuristic mechanism will enable on-demand data gathering, onboard space computation, and timely information sharing.


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Enterprises can leverage quality data using space sensing services to build innovative applications.
Space is a subject that intrigues everyone. Artificial satellites placed in the Earth’s orbit are not only used for space exploration but also for communication, observation, navigation, and broadcasting.
The evolution of satellite systems in the form of clusters has enhanced the capability and quality of Earth observation. A cluster of small satellites can revisit a specific point on the Earth multiple times a day to gather higher spatial and temporal resolution images. Compared to the traditional large satellites, these clusters obtain data at frequent intervals. This helps to monitor troop and maritime movements, detect and warn against toxic leaks in chemical plants, locate forest fires and damages caused by them, alert about oil spills, as well as provide weather updates.
However, managing a satellite constellation is not easy—it involves mission planning, satellite coordination, manual operations (that come with a human cost Opens in new tab and effort), and the need to deliver data to an Earth station in a timely manner. Executing these tasks simultaneously is even trickier for applications that require real-time or near-real-time information, like disaster management.
To address these challenges, TCS Research recommends a satellite-sensing architecture that offers space-sensing-as-a-service. Such a platform would facilitate hosting business applications that require satellite-sensing data, enabling on-demand data gathering, onboard space computation, and timely information sharing.
Space-sensing infrastructure must be flexible, scalable, and smart.
Satellites currently transmit a high amount of data to Earth stations, processing it via cloud computing services. These systems have limitations, such as data storage, latency, and the lack of high-computing capabilities to process information in real time.
A satellite’s system architecture, therefore, must be flexible and intelligent to support high-end computational technology for onboard data analytics. It should also only activate communication channels to ground stations when required. It must also be scalable to accommodate high-volume data when constellations expand to integrate a growing user base. And it should be agile to ingest and process real-time data.
Orbital edge computing is one such emerging technology that can be integrated to support onboard computation, wherein a constellation analyzes sensor data Opens in new tab in space using machine learning (ML) capabilities. It sends only quality data to Earth, making the process energy-, time-, and cost-efficient.
Moreover, satellite infrastructures should be modular so newer interfaces and protocols for command and communication can be adopted, as well as the ability to install hardware developments, such as neuromorphic chips to run ML models.

The need for space-sensing architecture.
Space-sensing architecture needs to be designed to offer modern resources, technology, and infrastructure to capture and access remote sensing data.
Generally, accessing sensor data and computations are managed as two discrete services due to the separation of sensing equipment in space and computer infrastructure on the ground. Data from multiple sensor sources are required to perform advanced data analytics. Collecting information from varied sources may cause latency in processing quality outcomes when using data to address real-time challenges.
A space sensing-as-a-service platform could synergize data acquisition, communications, and computational services to facilitate real-time satellite information.
Let’s look at its functions and features:
The platform could support dual objectives/functionalities, empowering application developers as well as users who consume sensor data. A programming framework can help design software by selecting services for data ingestion and computation, uniting them via an application. And a hosting platform could help end users request data through queries based on specific inputs. Such an application could then generate data requests that analyse information and process the final output.
A graphic depicting a space sensing-as-a-service architecture

The space sensing-as-a-service architecture
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A graphic depicting a space sensing-as-a-service architecture that could synergize data acquisition, communications, and computational services to facilitate real-time satellite information. The platform supports dual objectives or functionality: a programming framework to help design software by selecting services for data ingestion and computation, uniting them via an application, and a hosting platform to help end users request data through queries based on specific inputs.  A service bus moderates, controls, and optimizes resource access, establishing a network between the user application or developer and satellite infrastructure components. Uniform interfaces are be used to access system resources that call for services through virtual or digitalized layers. A software stack is used to facilitate three services supported by underlying infrastructure components: 1.Satellite-borne sensors that serve as the system’s data sources. 2.Cloud-based computational and storage components organized as cloud services. 3.A communication system to power connection and control between the first two.
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A service bus is a layer that helps establish a network between the user application or developer and satellite infrastructure components. The layer functions as an arbitrator, conveying user demands to resources—image or thermal sensors, computation machines, and networking channels—available in the infrastructure's back end. Uniform interfaces can be used to access system resources that call for services through virtual or digitalized layers. In short, the service bus moderates, controls, and optimizes access to resources.
To make the application perform well, a software stack is used to facilitate the three services, supported by underlying infrastructure components: Satellite-borne sensors that serve as the system’s data sources; cloud-based computational and storage components organized as cloud services; and a communication system to power connection and control between the first two.
Data acquisition service: This service serves data requests for data that is live or stored. The component can be equipped with a virtual sensor—an abstract entity that dynamically gathers data from different sensing devices based on inputs from the user application. It can combine various images acquired from a constellation of satellites, stitch them together, and present them in a single image. It can also request and deliver a data source to reduce the image resolution if the application so requires. Virtualization allows the reuse of sensor data for different purposes based on the types of requests from users, or it can incorporate a new sensing device into the system, bolstering flexibility, agility, and scalability aspects.
Computational service: Computational resources of satellite systems are usually operated from the ground. In contrast, the infrastructure component here supports a virtual machine providing cloud computing services. This virtualization powers the system with real-time computing features. Likewise, it also supports machine learning capabilities to execute analytical workflows on-board via the computing infrastructure.
Communication services: Satellite communications have several interfaces or communication channels (such as radio or microwave) through which information is passed. Software-defined networking (SDN) is a virtualization feature that accommodates multiple communication interfaces. SDN here functions as a virtual entity that ensures the desired message is transmitted to its destination irrespective of the communication medium.

The proposed mechanism will help organizations get real or near-real-time satellite-sensing data.
Currently, there is no comprehensive service or application that provides remote sensing information that is required by industries in real-time. The mechanism proposed is therefore futuristic in its design and purpose.
Typically, requests are sent to space agencies to collect or share downloaded data housed in their data centers. This routine can affect the research or purpose for which the information is sought, as the data ends up being dated by the time it is analyzed. Also, relying only on ground-based sensing systems is inadequate to study topographical changes, natural disasters, climate change, and monitoring landscapes. Therefore, the proposed architecture is invaluable in terms of assimilation and access to real-time satellite data.
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Founding Member
First, I'm a shareholder of Brainchip and got a right to have a different view than you, stop that dictatorship.
Second, instead of stupid dot joining and the voodoo of likes I'm busy with the facts. My decision, not yours.
If you want all to sing the same Hallelujah, try a church.

I'd be mad too if every single one of my investments were substantially down ytd.


Then again, perhaps you are not........
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I'd be mad too if every single one of my investments were substantially down ytd.

View attachment 52261

Then again, perhaps you are not........
Phew, really? Just forgot about it. That was when I joined here in February 2022. Out of most with a small win for a long time. Only BRN and ARR are in my actual portfolio. Sorry, wrong guess.
By the way, arguments would do it better than searching for weak points of the posters.
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Founding Member
As I recall it, BRN have not put anything on the ASX platform other than mandatory notices such as Director Interests Notices, 4C's, Application for quotation of securities, and other such, for a good number of years now.

So all of the Technology Partners - ARM, Intel, Prophesee, SiFive etc,

the Enablement Partners - AI Labs, Edge Impulse, NViso, Emotion3D, CVEDIA, GMAC Intelligence,

the Integration Partners - Teksun, Lorser, Quantum Ventura, Tata..........

NONE of these have been announced on the ASX (again as I recall it - please correct me if I am wrong) there are a large number of other companies which BRN are working with that I didn't mention above and most of these were not announced on the ASX either.

This is my biggest annoyance with the company (although now after, over more than 8 years, my forebearance with regard to some things BRN related have to be looked at in a more critical light), a number of years ago BRN made a mess of not announcing Ford as a partner (because of NDA responsibilities) and received a "notice" from the ASX demanding clarification regarding their mistake in putting the announcement together according to ASX rules.

Since then BRN have had their heads up their arses' with regard to using the ASX announcement platform, BRN made a mistake with the Ford ann., all BRN has to do is follow straightforward ASX rules to use the ASX platform (which virtually every other listed company does) to keep the Australian investment community informed on any progress they are making, why BRN continue to have their heads buried where they should not be is beyond belief.

It militates against the best interests of the company, and therefore it is not working in the best interests of share holders, my position is that BRN management are in denial on this subject, and they need to get over it, it is not as if they are hitting a lot of home runs lately. Regardless of whether Sean Hehir is talking up "a lot of excitement", the SP is literally in the gutter, and IMO some good advertising (which is free on the biggest platform in Australia) should be used to our advantage, if they have an NDA then we know they cannot talk about it, but all the companies in the "eco-system" are on the BRN website - so why are NONE of them on the ASX .........go fucking figure. Obviously I am not happy about this subject, or BRNs' evasive tactics when SHers try to broach the matter with them (2023 AGM for instance)

To add insult to injury, they continue to make basic errors with so many of their announcements, where they don't seem to understand what a calendar is, and how dates need to be included for the purposes of proper account keeping and administration, and ASX rules, which most other public companies seem to be able to understand. This is, as I said basic stuff, and Kim Clark (company Secretary) needs to get a rocket from someone at headquarters because the mistakes keep coming.
I agree 100 percent.

Although besides these annoyances and failures I am 100% confident with the fundamental side of the company and can clearly see the potential that Brn holds.
Very exciting times!
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Fair criticisms there McHale 👍

As Diogenese has said, the starting game is the NASDAQ.

I understand the Company's restraint in making unnecessary announcements, with that goal in mind.

But as you have stated and is bleeding obvious, is that the silly errors that keep happening, in the announcements they do make, is a running joke now and goes against their very desire, to portray a good reputable, professional image.

They need to implement some kind of basic checking procedure.

The whole of the World, will see any announcement once submitted, so I see no reason, why any announcements shouldn't be shown to staff first, as many as possible.

It sounds like a joke, but something as simple as offering a meat tray, to the first one who spots any errors.
Let their kids read them and if they find a mistake, they get ice cream.

View attachment 52251

It has sadly gotten to that stage..
Person who makes the mistake, pays for it.

As well as..
"Hey Sean would have just sold some shares and there wasn't an ASX announcement? Does that mean I get a meat tray too?"..

Yes, yes you do 😉

Also, the Company's strategy on announcements and keeping low key, has obviously not helped in stabilising the share price and as @Perhaps has said, it will not go well, if things don't start falling into place this year and additional funds are needed.

The fact that they aren't beating the drum, as much as they could, possibly indicates confidence in where we are going and what's happening, behind the scenes.
IMO ..... Accordingly, if Co things don't start falling into place before May 2024 then this will make the next AGM a most interesting one, especially noting the potential of a Strike 2 situation arising.
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Founding Member
if Co things don't start falling into place before May 2024 then this will make the next AGM a most interesting one

What is it that you think needs to fall into place before May 2024? What happens in May 2024? Answers that don't use the word 'strike' only please and thanks.
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What is it that you think needs to fall into place before May 2024? What happens in May 2024? Answers that don't use the word 'strike' only please and thanks.
Did you attend the 2023 AGM Wilzy 124
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IMO ..... Accordingly, if Co things don't start falling into place before May 2024 then this will make the next AGM a most interesting one, especially noting the potential of a Strike 2 situation arising.
I'm completely against voting out current management Xray1.

I think overall, they are doing a good job, although It's completely understandable for some to be disgruntled with the share price and a lack of "perceived" progress.

I think we have a Great team and I don't think you realise, what the aftermath of such an event will be.

It is not likely to instill any confidence in customers, who for all we know are going ahead, or ready to go ahead.

I believe it will cause a capitulation in the share price and there is no telling, how the resulting restructure, will affect current share shareholders.

It could very easily get ugly and does nothing, for the signing of IP deals.

Be careful what you wish for..
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Hi All
I know some like to rail against the corporate machine but it does seem that the majority of the anger is directed at Sean Hehir CEO.

The FACT of the matter is that he is clearly meeting the benchmarks given to him by the Board of establishing a global ecosystem of partners and sales opportunities supported by an experienced talented global sales and marketing team.

On the technology development side he has clearly accelerated the development timelines with the introduction of the 18 month development cycle for next generation product aligned with partner and customer requirements.

So from the Board’s perspective he is doing what he was employed to do and though some here and elsewhere are critical of the progress made on income growth the sales team has been booking deals such as EDGX/European Space Commission, VVDN EDGE Box, TATA Elxsi, Renesas, Unigen, MegaChips, Teksun, Socionext etc all of which are marketing AKIDA in the real world.

In short the bottom line is that looking from the outside it is difficult to see any basis for the Board to respond to the disgruntled and remove the CEO particularly when in the real world such action would likely lead to a significant payment for wrongful dismissal.

So what do these unhappy holders do. Threaten a second strike. But will this resolve their problem with the CEO.

Alas no because the pesky little CEO is not removed by a second strike it only affects the Directors.

Regardless in a spirit of butting their heads against the brick wall the second strike occurs and the same Directors are once again elected or even new Directors are elected they will still face a situation where the CEO is performant and his removal would be impossible.

To their dismay the disruption caused by the second strike and the 90 days at least of market uncertainty until the election of Directors takes place crushes the share price in an unprecedented fashion and their woes compound.

So what should these poor unhappy shareholders do?

1. They can write anonymous complaints on social media warning the public against investing because of the terrible CEO. This of course would not be a logical thing to do. It would be like advertising your car for sale and putting a sign on it saying don’t buy this car it’s a dog. No one would do this.

2. They could write to the company expressing their concerns privately in the hope that by pointing out their great expertise and qualifications in the commercialisation of world first technology the Company will take notice and implement their suggestions. Not an option for those who do not have this expertise of course.

3. They could decide to cut their losses and sell and move on to better performing investments.

4. They could as some investors claim to do put their shares in the bottom draw and forget about them on the basis that they have a belief that eventually the Company will prove to be the investment they hoped.

5. Cannot think of a fifth thing to do other than ignore this post and keep on doing what they are doing. Perhaps create some additional profiles on social media so they can appear to speak for a majority of shareholders. This of course would just further blunt market confidence so probably not a sensible option.

By the way Unigen is promoting yesterdays release on their website:

My opinion only DYOR
Fact Finder

Merry Christmas to all genuine shareholders
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I'm completely against voting out current management Xray1.

I think overall, they are doing a good job, although It's completely understandable for some to be disgruntled with the share price and a lack of "perceived" progress.

I think we have a Great team and I don't think you realise, what the aftermath of such an event will be.

It is not likely to instill any confidence in customers, who for all we know are going ahead, or ready to go ahead.

I believe it will cause a capitulation in the share price and there is no telling, how the resulting restructure, will affect current share shareholders.

It could very easily get ugly and does nothing, for the signing of IP deals.

Be careful what you wish for..
Could not agree more. IMO, if we were to have that happen, I would be kissing my investment goodbye and working until I'm 80.
That would be a disaster in my opinion. Shorter's may love it. Investers won't. Don't believe it will happen. It's like cutting your nose off to spite your face. Only one person's opinion but pretty sure I'm right.

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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip

I'm completely against voting out current management Xray1.

I think overall, they are doing a good job, although It's completely understandable for some to be disgruntled with the share price and a lack of "perceived" progress.

I think we have a Great team and I don't think you realise, what the aftermath of such an event will be.

It is not likely to instill any confidence in customers, who for all we know are going ahead, or ready to go ahead.

I believe it will cause a capitulation in the share price and there is no telling, how the resulting restructure, will affect current share shareholders.

It could very easily get ugly and does nothing, for the signing of IP deals.

Be careful what you wish for..
Totally agree with all of the above DB ......

Voting for a second 'strike' would be an absolute disaster!!!!!

Everyone will just have to kirb their frustrations/emotions for just that 'little bit longer' and good news is very close IMO!!

AGM still 5 months away!!!! A heap of positives can happen between now and then....Hold tight Chippers

Remember it's your hard earned $$$$$$$$$ that will take the knock out punch if that '2nd strike' happens!!!

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