Founding Member
I agree with robsmark and we have to face the reality of our current situation. The first generation didn’t meet the expectations and it failed commercially. Any anticipated revenue deriving from the first gen is therefore non-existing. It was our only product meant to yield significant revenue and it completely changes the anticipated need for funding.
It’s unlikely that we’ll see significant revenue anytime soon and we can be certain that our first gen hasn’t been used by Valeo for the Scala 3. On one hand we can see it on the factual side of not receiving any preliminary payments on the other hand won’t any company use a product that’s “not robust enough” to risk people’s lives at high speeds relying on this technology.
What’ll come next most likely is some kind of funding. Wether it’ll be a private placement, a cap raise or another deal like the one with LDA Capital, only time can tell.
We will hit lows, probably even new lows as soon as this happens. Even holders who entered sub 10ct will end up In the red.
From there on it’s just gambling. We’ve made a lot of dot joining, analysed every sentence made by the management so far but no dot, connection or promise made by the management turned into something material. Collaborations, partnerships, university programs and presentations are all useful to spread the word. However, as a listed company this simply isn’t enough. We’re not a university or government department. All that matters at this point of time is revenue.
Will the management finally deliver or are these statements made in the podcast hollow words once again?
Our only hope left is that the second gen is too good to fail. So good that other companies decide to adopt and to integrate it. Not evaluating it, not doing joint developments, or creating toolkits. Adopting and integrating it. If this isn’t the case BRN is one more failed unicorn that couldn’t live up to its promises.
God that was depressing to read, I bet you’re the life of the party.
You sound like such a wingy whiny cry baby that didn’t get his milk ……..what’s the matter mate is your wife giving you a hard time because brainchip hasn’t delivered in your expected time frame.
Get over yourself and stop trying to bring everyone else down to your depressive hateful sad and vengeful state.