BRN Discussion Ongoing

is @Porn down under = deleted member 118?
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A bit hard to get revenues in prior 4Cs when they are receipts based not revenue based, and the product they’re working with just got released in at the end of the last qtr in Sep..

H2 2023 report will reveal 3months opportunity for Gen 2 revenue, and H1 2024 9 months opportunity.. The quarterlies in that period being receipts only will depend on payment terms which could be 90days plus..
Do companies selling IP for royalty payments also provide length payment terms, or are the payment terms to which you refer those for companies using the IP to deliver to their customers? At least one thing that Sean did acknowledge is that by going the route of marketing IP, things were going to take some time to start seeing the results; if there are multiple levels of delay in receiving payments (depending on what tier the product is), it could take several quarters to start seeing that revenue.

While there are benefits to selling IP, such as lower overhead, the ability to be more flexible with designs, etc., customers are the ones that are doing the R&D to incorporate that into their product or meeting any regulations for their industry (adding further to the timelines).

I feel that we are getting close to seeing some things come to fruition from the 1st generation of Akida, and some of the delays for the 2nd generation will be shortened by the amount of time they were working with potential customers before the announcement of its availability.
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Learning to the Top 🕵‍♂️
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I agree with robsmark and we have to face the reality of our current situation. The first generation didn’t meet the expectations and it failed commercially. Any anticipated revenue deriving from the first gen is therefore non-existing. It was our only product meant to yield significant revenue and it completely changes the anticipated need for funding.
It’s unlikely that we’ll see significant revenue anytime soon and we can be certain that our first gen hasn’t been used by Valeo for the Scala 3. On one hand we can see it on the factual side of not receiving any preliminary payments on the other hand won’t any company use a product that’s “not robust enough” to risk people’s lives at high speeds relying on this technology.
What’ll come next most likely is some kind of funding. Wether it’ll be a private placement, a cap raise or another deal like the one with LDA Capital, only time can tell.
We will hit lows, probably even new lows as soon as this happens. Even holders who entered sub 10ct will end up In the red.
From there on it’s just gambling. We’ve made a lot of dot joining, analysed every sentence made by the management so far but no dot, connection or promise made by the management turned into something material. Collaborations, partnerships, university programs and presentations are all useful to spread the word. However, as a listed company this simply isn’t enough. We’re not a university or government department. All that matters at this point of time is revenue.
Will the management finally deliver or are these statements made in the podcast hollow words once again?
Our only hope left is that the second gen is too good to fail. So good that other companies decide to adopt and to integrate it. Not evaluating it, not doing joint developments, or creating toolkits. Adopting and integrating it. If this isn’t the case BRN is one more failed unicorn that couldn’t live up to its promises.
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Hi Chris B,

as I’ve said before, I personally haven’t written off NaNose Medical’s DiaNose device, yet, which would be a truly wonderful application for Akida, benefitting humanity.

I just wanted to remark that while the video was indeed uploaded last month, it was actually recorded a year ago, at the Bengaluru Tech Summit in mid-November 2022 (see screenshot). This begs the question, of course, why the Israeli company would upload two one-year old videos to their YouTube channel (that only had a single two-year-old video upload until then) at this point in time. Their website looks refreshed, too. Maybe an update on the breathalyzer is indeed on the cards, in time for the 2023 Bengaluru Tech Summit (Nov 29 - Dec 1)?

Two weeks ago, NaNose Medical took part in the first round of an entrepreneurship competition for promising Israeli med tech start-ups (organised as an online pitching event), sponsored by Dongsheng International Science Park, a Beijing tech incubator, that organises these kind of tech startup competitions all over the world:



October 18, 2023

2.11.23 Staying strong with Israeli Startups. Dongsheng Cup roadshow​

Dear MedTech community,

In these challenging times, as Israel grapples with an unprecedented situation, it’s even more important than usual to stand behind, support, and empower Israeli startups that advance innovation in Healthcare.
With the support of our partners Brooks-Keret, Hadasit and Hadassah Accelerator are delighted to introduce the Med-Tech Startup Roadshow, featured by the worldwide Dongsheng Cup Entrepreneurship Competition, with a chance to win up to NIS500,000 (*).

Speed round dates:
When: Thursday, 2/11/2023, 14:00–15:00 (GMT+2)
Where: Zoom online session
Applications closing: 29/10/2023

Paticipation requirements:

Selected companies will have the opportunity to deliver a concise 4-minute pitch to a panel of experts from Israel and China followed by a Q&A session.
Companies with the highest scores will progress to the semi-final phase.
The finalist startups will enjoy the following benefits (*):

For further details, please visit the provided link.

In these challenging times, we firmly believe in the resilience, creativity, and innovation of Israeli startups. This event reflects our unwavering support for the entrepreneurial spirit that defines our nation.
Together for a better world,
The Hadasit, Hadassah Accelerator, and Brooks Keret teams

The prize money (up to 1,000,000 CNY or 500,000 NIS) amounts to roughly 203,000 AUD / 121,000 EUR / 131,500 USD…
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I agree with robsmark and we have to face the reality of our current situation. The first generation didn’t meet the expectations and it failed commercially. Any anticipated revenue deriving from the first gen is therefore non-existing. It was our only product meant to yield significant revenue and it completely changes the anticipated need for funding.
It’s unlikely that we’ll see significant revenue anytime soon and we can be certain that our first gen hasn’t been used by Valeo for the Scala 3. On one hand we can see it on the factual side of not receiving any preliminary payments on the other hand won’t any company use a product that’s “not robust enough” to risk people’s lives at high speeds relying on this technology.
What’ll come next most likely is some kind of funding. Wether it’ll be a private placement, a cap raise or another deal like the one with LDA Capital, only time can tell.
We will hit lows, probably even new lows as soon as this happens. Even holders who entered sub 10ct will end up In the red.
From there on it’s just gambling. We’ve made a lot of dot joining, analysed every sentence made by the management so far but no dot, connection or promise made by the management turned into something material. Collaborations, partnerships, university programs and presentations are all useful to spread the word. However, as a listed company this simply isn’t enough. We’re not a university or government department. All that matters at this point of time is revenue.
Will the management finally deliver or are these statements made in the podcast hollow words once again?
Our only hope left is that the second gen is too good to fail. So good that other companies decide to adopt and to integrate it. Not evaluating it, not doing joint developments, or creating toolkits. Adopting and integrating it. If this isn’t the case BRN is one more failed unicorn that couldn’t live up to its promises.
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Fascinatingly Intuitive.
Morning Frangipani ,

Good find.

Pretty sure financial backing is not an issue with Nanose , last time I looked thay had backing from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Something is amiss with this mob , Great idea with huge benefits to society yet seemingly fail to commercialise the product .

Having access to the above foundation would open up many avenues to expediat a product to market yet two to three years later still diddley.

Great idea with massive potential, but....???

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Morning Frangipani ,

Good find.

Pretty sure financial backing is not an issue with Nanose , last time I looked thay had backing from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foumdation.

Something is amiss with this mob , Great idea with huge benefits to society yet seemingly fail to commercialise the product .

Having access to the above foundation would open up many avenues to expediat a product to market yet two to three years later still diddley.

Great idea with massive potential, but....???


Hi Esq.111,

thank’s! Check out Deena’s post above…

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Hi Esq.111,

thank’s! Check out Deena’s post above…

I’ve been checking daily as it can’t be to long until the Nanose is approved
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Smart Image Recognition Sensor with Ultralow System Latency and Power Consumption​

Department of Defense
Program | Phase | Year:
STTR | BOTH | 2022
Topic Number:
NOTE: The Solicitations and topics listed on this site are copies from the various SBIR agency solicitations and are not necessarily the latest and most up-to-date. For this reason, you should use the agency link listed below which will take you directly to the appropriate agency server where you can read the official version of this solicitation and download the appropriate forms and rules.
The official link for this solicitation is:
Release Date:
December 01, 2021
Open Date:
January 12, 2022
Application Due Date:
February 10, 2022
Close Date:
February 10, 2022
OUSD (R&E) MODERNIZATION PRIORITY: General Warfighting Requirements (GWR);Microelectronics;Quantum Science


OBJECTIVE: Develop a novel smart visual image recognition system that has intrinsic ultralow power consumption and system latency, and physics-based security and privacy.

DESCRIPTION: Image-based recognition in general requires a complicated technology stack, including lenses to form images, optical sensors for opto-to-electrical conversion, and computer chips to implement the necessary digital computation process. This process is serial in nature, and hence, is slow and burdened by high-power consumption. It can take as long as milliseconds, and require milliwatts of power supply, to process and recognize an image. The image that is digitized in a digital domain is also vulnerable to cyber-attacks, putting the users’ security and privacy at risk. Furthermore, as the information content of images needs to be surveilled and reconnoitered, and continues to be more complex over time, the system will soon face great challenges in system bottleneck regarding energy efficiency, system latency, and security, as the existing digital technologies are based on digital computing, because of the required sequential analog-to-digital processing, analog sensing, and digital computing.

It is the focus of this STTR topic to explore a much more promising solution to mitigate the legacy digital image recognition latency and power consumption issues via processing visual data in the optical domain at the edge. This proposed technology shifts the paradigm of conventional digital image processing by using analog instead of digital computing, and thus can merge the analog sensing and computing into a single physical hardware. In this methodology, the original images do not need to be digitized into digital domain as an intermediate pre-processing step. Instead, incident light is directly processed by a physical medium. An example is image recognition [Ref 1], and signal processing [Ref 2], using physics of wave dynamics. For example, the smart image sensors [Ref 1] have judiciously designed internal structures made of air bubbles. These bubbles scatter the incident light to perform the deep-learning-based neuromorphic computing. Without any digital processing, this passive sensor can guide the optical field to different locations depending on the identity of the object. The visual information of the scene is never converted to a digitized image, and yet the object can be identified in this unique computation process. These novel image sensors are extremely energy efficient (a fraction of a micro Watt) because the computing is performed passively without active use of energy. Combined with photovoltaic cells, in theory, it can compute without any energy consumption, and a small amount of energy will be expended upon successful image recognition and an electronic signal needs to be delivered to the optical and digital domain interface. It is also extremely fast, and has extremely low latency, because the computing is done in the optical domain. The latency is determined by the propagation time of light in the device, which is on the order of no more than hundreds of nanoseconds. Therefore, its performance metrics in terms of energy consumption and latency are projected to exceed those of conventional digital image processing and recognition by up to at least six orders of magnitude (i.e., 100,000 times improvement). Furthermore, it has the embedded intrinsic physics-based security and privacy because the coherent properties of light are exploited for image recognition. When these standalone devices are connected to system networks, cyber hackers cannot gain access to original images because such images have never been created in the digital domain in the entire computation process. Hence, this low-energy, low-latency image sensor system is well suited for the application of 24/7 persistent target recognition surveillance system for any intended targets.

In summary, these novel image recognition sensors, which use the nature of wave physics to perform passive computing that exploits the coherent properties of light, is a game changer for image recognition in the future. They could improve target recognition and identification in degraded vision environment accompanied by heavy rain, smoke, and fog. This smart image recognition sensor, coupled with analog computing capability, is an unparalleled alternative solution to traditional imaging sensor and digital computing systems, when ultralow power dissipation and system latency, and higher system security and reliability provided by analog domain, are the most critical key performance metrics of the system.

PHASE I: Develop, design, and demonstrate the feasibility of an image recognition device based on a structured optical medium. Proof of concept demonstration should reach over 90% accuracy for arbitrary monochrome images under both coherent and incoherent illumination. The computing time should be less than 10 µs. The throughput of the computing is over 100,000 pictures per second. The projected energy consumption is less than 1 mW. The Phase I effort will include prototype plans to be developed under Phase II.

PHASE II: Design image recognition devices for general images, including color images in the visible or multiband images in the near-infrared (near-IR). The accuracy should reach 90% for objects in ImageNet. The throughput reaches over 10 million pictures per second with computation time of 100 ns and with an energy consumption less than 0.1 mW. Experimentally demonstrate working prototype of devices to recognize barcodes, handwritten digits, and other general symbolic characters. The device size should be no larger than the current digital camera-based imaging system.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Fabricate, test, and finalize the technology based on the design and demonstration results developed during Phase II, and transition the technology with finalized specifications for DoD applications in the areas of persistent target recognition surveillance and image recognition in the future for improved target recognition and identification in degraded vision environment accompanied by heavy rain, smoke, and fog.

The commercial sector can also benefit from this crucial, game-changing technology development in the areas of high-speed image and facial recognition. Commercialize the hardware and the deep-learning-based image recognition sensor for law enforcement, marine navigation, commercial aviation enhanced vision, medical applications, and industrial manufacturing processing.
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Let’s face it, the chance of success now is slim to none.

I hold this stock not on the remote chance that it bounces coupled with the fact that I’m that far in the red that I’m not quite ready to materialise the loss. But in my head, it’s gone.

I’m not going to explain my reasoning and to be honest, I really don’t need too. The tech is good, but the market leaders are never going to allow it to happen, and our management just aren’t up to the task of outsmarting them with a decent strategy. I’m happy to be proven wrong here, but find it increasingly unlikely.

Don’t waste your time baiting me, as I’m just not interested.
I wonder why vanguard and other big institutions keep buying then..
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Very good podcast for me and I thank the CEO for the information, he clearly gave positive vipes about the business model now and in the near to medium term future.

Thanks also for the explanation of the edge boxes with VVDN...
I as a small investor wonder why this is only done for development engineers and not as a finished end product for the end could it mean that it is also an important customer request of already existing customer relationships? Hopefully this will result in products for the mass market.

As an investor, I don't want to hear a publicly presented strategy as to what tactics we can use against our competitors, in my opinion this should remain secret and only touch the internal circle of the company.
Patent protection is welcome.

My appetite for information was well satisfied.

The podcast should be maintained in these early stages of a growing company seeking the world market and the mass market as a source of revenue.

The Jedi Knights also need to meet in their circle to discuss ways forward and stay together.

Well done.
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Recently saw a movie called dumb money about gamestop. What a wild ride that was :) . The asx tends to give speeding tickets i assume in order to limit this sort of thing.
Anyway i woke up this morning and was thinking about aud usd eur shareprices and ive come up with a reasonable theory in my opinion only. And that is i would not be at all surprised if brn reaches $10 in the near future that's a lousy $6usd. When i compare other companies nvidia $495 usd, intel 40usd, arm 53usd, amazon 146usd, softbank usd, ibm 150 usd etc etc you can't tell me that brn won't reach a lousy $6 usd and in my opinion that's ultra conservative.
This is my mornings opinion based on what ive researched and what i believe in not just because i like the stock!
Now let's see if im wrong and it surpasses 6 lousy usd. Prob will and my opinion will be wrong 🤣 happy hump day fellow brners
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Oh, and did I mention the researcher quoted in above article about the artificial nose developed at Seoul National University, study co-author Prof. Jong-Ho Lee, also happens to be South Korea’s Minister of Science and ICT?! 😉
(Lee Jong-Ho is the Korean way of putting the surname first, like with names in Chinese; Jong-Ho Lee is the Western way of putting the surname last.)

Keep in mind who the South Korean Minister for Science is when reading the following article about the lunar lander mission…


(Fun fact: In 2020, Prof Lee and KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) won a lawsuit against Samsung Electronics who were ordered to pay US $ 200 million for patent infringement related to intellectual property (FinFET) he had developed in collaboration with KAIST)

Could this possibly be one of the non-NASA /ESA space projects that Sean Hehir was referring to in the latest podcast?
And also the reason why the decision was made to send him as the CEO to Seoul to speak at tinyML Asia on Nov 16 instead of Nandan Nayampally, as originally scheduled?

While South Korea is keen on doing everything homegrown, those local companies may still need help from overseas with part of their tech…

[Asia in Space] South Korea’s 1st lunar lander mission gets off the ground​

  • 기자명 박시수
  • 입력 2023.10.31 14:35
  • 수정 2023.11.10 16:57
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Seen is the structure of South Korea’s first planned robotic lunar lander. Credit: Korea Aerospace Research Institute

South Korea's science ministry said Oct. 30 its project to develop the nation's first robotic lunar lander has passed through a preliminary feasibility study and its development will officially begin next year.

With the passage of the 530 billion won ($392.9 million)-project, the ministry plans to develop a 1.8-ton spacecraft to land on the moon in 2032 as part of the country's plan to begin exploring lunar resources under its ambitious road map for a "future space economy."

The spacecraft is expected to be equipped with homegrown equipment to detect and avoid obstacles on the moon's surface for a successful landing.

The ministry said it will begin the project next year to complete the development of the spacecraft by 2028, test its soft landing in 2031 and officially launch the spacecraft in 2032 to land on the moon and explore its surface.

The spacecraft will be loaded on South Korea's homegrown next-generation space vehicle, the ministry added.

Last year, President Yoon Suk Yeol announced the country's plan to land a spacecraft on the moon in 2032 and on Mars in 2045.

The project would be South Korea’s second lunar exploration mission after its first robotic lunar orbiter, called Danuri, which is orbiting the moon.

In the August 2022 presentation, the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI), the mission’s lead manager, said the lander and payload would be built in collaboration with domestic institutes, universities and companies as part of an effort to nurture the nascent domestic space industry.

Aboard the lander would be a 13-kilogram detector of volatile substances in the regolith, a 27-kilogram autonomous navigation system for the lander’s soft-landing on the moon, a 0.75-kilogram nuclear power generator, and a 15-kilogram rover. The rover could carry a 5-kilogram payload: an electron gun designed to image and analyze lunar dust, and a high-resolution camera.
The octangle lander with four fixed landing gears would carry 1,210 kilograms of fuel and maneuver with three 420-newton thrusters, six 220-newton thrusters, and sixteen 20-newton engines for attitude control. While solar panels will be installed on the lander’s top and side, the rover’s deployment platform will be installed on one side of the lander.
The presentation didn’t identify organizations that would participate in the project.


#한국 #South Korea #달 #Moon #달 착륙선 #Lunar lander #달 탐사 #Lunar exploration
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I wonder why vanguard and other big institutions keep buying then..

Hi Mccabe84

seeing your avatar just now reminded me that I had totally forgotten to ask you what you were doing in Tradegate’s BRN chart last Thursday?! I just had to take a screenshot… 🤣


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Good morning, first off I'm not sure this will work, but the second interview down is with the Co-Founder, CEO of Syntiant Corp
Kurt Busch, secondly it may have already been posted, BUT this is an excellent interview, it contains a certain similarity to Brainchip,
including company culture, staff respect and big companies dealing with start-ups, it's only 21 minutes, it's definitely worth a listen.

Cheers Tech :cool:
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Founding Member
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With the current turmoil around the Globe its a certainty that AKIDA will be getting some interest from the Military via NDAs.
That is one area that definetly requires real time latency, low power and security.
In conflict areas internet/cloud access would not be reliable at times.
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Fascinatingly Intuitive.
Morning Chippers ,

US market had a good run last night.

Tasting notes.

I'm getting notes of truffles , dash of lobster , sprinkling of wagyu with lingering afternotes of fruity conyac on my palate rounding out with the crisp smell of $.

Should , in theory , be a POSITIVE DAY .




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