BRN Discussion Ongoing


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As a project and product manager as as well as a technical accounts manager in a leading digital company, a lot... but thanks.

This place is becoming a cult. I won't sell, but I also won't be visiting here anymore. As anyone with some concerns get shots down for not understanding this and that. And on the other hand there have been some outrageous claims that we will be this and that, with zero proof and its applauded and everyone is close to ecstasy...

Anyways... we wait.
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Something that has been particularly frustrating for me is prior to the launch of 2.0 it was repeated that EAP customers had already been actively evaluating 2.0, and the official release of 2.0 marked its general availability.

When the release came out it said 2.0 was available for ‘early access’ only.

Now in this 4C: “focusing on the ongoing development and availability of the 2nd Generation Akida technology platform to lead customers”.

I'm skeptical that they have a fully developed second-generation product, and the suggestion that customers were delaying decision on IP deals for the 2.0 release seems quite misleading.
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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
All in my opinion only....Been here since 2015 and I'm going nowhere!

Dissapointing........ Yes!!

Happy with the progress with many new partnerships coming on board........ Yes

Still have total confidence in Brainchip being world leaders......... Yes

Total confidence with the BOD getting us out of this dark tunnel........ Yes

Do I think there is so much going on under the radar soon to be revealed........ Yes

Will great news with a price sensitive announcement follow this very poor 4C ........ I really hope so!!!!

Do I think we are still strong partners with MB (The question that is being asked many times) personally I think ........ Yes

Staying for the entire (lumpy) journey and topping up again........ Yes

SP ...Holding up?!


Last Price (AUD)$0.185

Today's ChangeNo Change$0.000 (0%)
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Certainties in life:



Complaints about little revenue from a tech company in the introduction stage of their product life cycle.

Looks like the market cares little as well now about low revenue.
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For every 1 seller, there are 2 buyers. .. this has been the trend over the last couple of weeks... this is why it's holding. Revenue has been factored in. Insto's suspect this is the last bad news quarter and now we are set to fly💸💸...
Short sellers WILL close... perhaps before the end of the year. Products entering market and confirmed by CEO...
Let's go chippers!!!!
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Ratshit!!!! Vlad
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I don’t agree.

This product was always intended for programmers to get a sense of the technology, and it's not mass-produced. Additionally, it does require a certain level of programming knowledge to make use of it. You can't just plug it in and get started, which already limits its mass appeal. What Mercedes, BMW, etc., are doing is beyond Brainchip's control. There are other areas where Akida can be applied, and this will become apparent in the next 1-2 years. If someone has no interest in continuing to invest, they can sell. If they believe there's no future here, they might as well cut their losses. That's why I don't understand why some forum members attack others as if they can change the situation. There are people who believe in a future with Brainchip and, as a result, see the positive side of these numbers. This perspective should be acknowledged, and there's no need to constantly attack, insult, or blame those individuals for the situation.
Tend to agree.

I was just reading this thesis last night actually where the author utilised AKD1000 for the studies. From Mar 2023 out of the Uni of Oslo.

I would suggest if people are inclined, that a read through at least by just searching Akida as a keyword you can get to the relevant sections. About 116+ mentions.

What I found enlightening was it is written obviously by an end user, designing an experiment for their thesis using our 1.0.

So, no PR fluff or dots in it.

Whilst I felt it overall positive and they outline all the benefits of the tech, results, its potential (current & future), they also give some insights into shortcomings, hurdles in implementing etc that need to and can be overcome.

It is viewed from utilisation and implementation around algos, CNN/SNN and even HW highlighting how new it essentially is for programmers and developers.

Hopefully with the 2.0 and Uni Accelerator programs I feel this will address some of that in time.

Full paper here.

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Price seems to be holding well. Hopefully this means 17/18c is the bottom.
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I don’t agree.

This product was always intended for programmers to get a sense of the technology, and it's not mass-produced. Additionally, it does require a certain level of programming knowledge to make use of it. You can't just plug it in and get started, which already limits its mass appeal. What Mercedes, BMW, etc., are doing is beyond Brainchip's control. There are other areas where Akida can be applied, and this will become apparent in the next 1-2 years. If someone has no interest in continuing to invest, they can sell. If they believe there's no future here, they might as well cut their losses. That's why I don't understand why some forum members attack others as if they can change the situation. There are people who believe in a future with Brainchip and, as a result, see the positive side of these numbers. This perspective should be acknowledged, and there's no need to constantly attack, insult, or blame those individuals for the situation.
I certainly hope you're wrong when you say "This product was always intended for programmers to get a sense of the technology, and it's not mass-produced". If Akida is not mass produced in one form or another we're sunk...............

And its probably best not to make comment on my discussions with BRN about product because you have no idea what they entailed.

Every missed opportunity is just that.................
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Something that has been particularly frustrating for me is prior to the launch of 2.0 it was repeated that EAP customers had already been actively evaluating 2.0, and the official release of 2.0 marked its general availability.

When the release came out it said 2.0 was available for ‘early access’ only.

Now in this 4C: “focusing on the ongoing development and availability of the 2nd Generation Akida technology platform to lead customers”.

I'm skeptical that they have a fully developed second-generation product, and the suggestion that customers were delaying decision on IP deals for the 2.0 release seems quite misleading.
Probably similar to BRN talking up the heavy recruitment in sales and having a wordlclass new leader jumping on board in head of sales. Then you find out through Linked in he's jumped ship after 1 year. No mention by BRN as to why he's moved on and who's replacing him.

Picking and choosing by the looks.

With all the evidence in front, I'm happy to sit on the sidelines until theres at least price confirmation. If there's money to be made we should be getting a 3-6 month lead on price confirmation.

Current action is quite solid with some signs of a bottom forming, but it still has to regain the 20c level in my view before I get interested at all.
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16.5c was retested and holding. Volume drying up a bit is a good sign in my view also. I'll be watching 16.5c to hold and a push above 20c as a guide to re-enter.

Obviously, if a new IP deal comes out of the blue then anything is possible, depending on who the cutomer is. But, the possibilty of that alone isn't enough for me to FOMO buy back in.

I certainly hope you're wrong when you say "This product was always intended for programmers to get a sense of the technology, and it's not mass-produced". If Akida is not mass produced in one form or another we're sunk...............

And its probably best not to make comment on my discussions with BRN about product because you have no idea what they entailed.

Every missed opportunity is just that.................
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1.8 approx billion shares on issue, after today's news barely 3 mill shares traded.... no one gives a shit. Everyone is waiting.... most will jump in when rises to 20c by the looks of it and it will just snow ball up... hang in there guys.
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1.8 approx billion shares on issue, after today's news barely 3 mill shares traded.... no one gives a shit. Everyone is waiting.... most will jump in when rises to 20c by the looks of it and it will just snow ball up... hang in there guys.
Been doing that for 7 loooong years
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Heating up in this space now. Enter NVIDIA with arm IP!... very interesting... lots of money to be thrown around and they will want nothing but the best tech ARM has to offer .... we are definitely on their radar....

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On the bright side, it seems the bottom is in.
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Top 20
I still hold and remain optimistic Brainchip can be successful. But there's nothing lumpy about this, flat lining is more apt.

Looking forward to the day we get a quarterly result that we can be ecstatic about.
Just run Snicko by me a couple more times.
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Timing is a funny thing. None of us, either as individuals or corporations can be all things to all people at all times.
That's just how it gets portrayed in movies where we watch representations of edited lives enacted over 90-120 minutes.

This extra time its taking for the share price to be at the levels I want or expect it to be is bloody inconvenient for me and my plans. 🤣
And some of my other investments are not acting as I wished either. 🤣

Damn, but it'd be nice if reality conformed to my expectations and demands! 🤣

But life runs its own race and our illusions of control sometimes need must be tailored to suit the cut of our cloth.

I'm glad they elected to pull the 4C bandaid off early and just move on.
Nothing terribly surprising, but we'd be surprised if there was. 🤣

It's all continuing and happening just as fast as they can engineer it, but, at this point in our evolution much is outside of their direct control.
All they can realistically do is continue forging ahead building relevant relationships and embedding themselves within the growing but as yet still nascent ecosystem. The world will eventually catch up with what we have on offer.
Until then, we persist and endure.
That's all good and fine Hoppy, I get it that we weren't really expecting a great deal on this 4C, but 30K is pretty lumpy (if you want to call it that) and worse than the 40K earlier this year, but I have to admit that I was hoping for something better than the 30K, but "you can't always get what you want" as the Stones sing so well.

I have to take my consolation in the following:
Screenshot 2023-10-24 at 12.44.08 pm.png

I repeat part of the above "These goals were achieved in the final days of September."

I would love to know what the goals were, I mean come on BRN, feed us some morsels, - the said nebulous goals give me something to grasp for, but I'd like to know what I'm grasping at.
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I certainly hope you're wrong when you say "This product was always intended for programmers to get a sense of the technology, and it's not mass-produced". If Akida is not mass produced in one form or another we're sunk...............

And its probably best not to make comment on my discussions with BRN about product because you have no idea what they entailed.

Every missed opportunity is just that.................
Did you read the posting I was responding to? He pointed to the physical product and not the akida license
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Today I was looking at the market cap for 3 companies.
4DS $201 million
BRN $331 million
WBT $813 Million

And I got to thinking. Despite the current market cap, which of these companies would I like most to own? You can make your own decision, but I pick the middle one! Deena
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