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Check this out. Wevolver conducted a full demo based on Akida 1.0 and proves it works with a testing accuracy of 100% for traffic object detection. I'm not experienced with the technical coding here however it is clear on this demo the Akida 1.0 has been proven to work with Akida 2.0 just an upgraded version with more capability


Real-Time Traffic Monitoring with Neuromorphic Computing​

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David Tischler
14 Sep, 2023
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Real-Time Traffic Monitoring with Neuromorphic Computing

Article #5 of Spotlight on Innovations in Edge Computing and Machine Learning: A computer vision project that monitors vehicle traffic in real-time using video inferencing performed on the Brainchip Akida Development Kit.​

Artificial Intelligence
- Edge Processors
- Embedded Machine Learning
- Neural Network
- Transportation
This article is part of Spotlight on Innovations in Edge Computing and Machine Learning. The series features some unique projects from around the world that leverage edge computing and machine learning, showcasing the ways these technological advancements are driving growth, efficiency, and innovation across various domains.
This series is made possible through the sponsorship of Edge Impulse, a leader in providing the platform for building smarter, connected solutions with edge computing and machine learning.

In the ever-evolving landscape of urban planning and development, the significance of efficient real-time traffic monitoring cannot be overstated. Traditional systems, while functional, often fall short when high-performance data processing is required in a low-power budget. Enter neuromorphic computing—a technology inspired by the neural structure of the brain, aiming to combine efficiency with computational power. This article delves into an interesting computer vision project that monitors vehicle traffic using this paradigm.
Utilizing aerial camera feeds, the project can detect moving vehicles with exceptional precision, making it a game-changer for city planners and governments aiming to optimize urban mobility. The key lies in the advanced neuromorphic processor that serves as the project's backbone. This processor is not just about low power consumption—it also boasts high-speed inference capabilities, making it ideal for real-time video inferencing tasks.
But the journey doesn't end at hardware selection. This article covers the full spectrum of the project, from setting up the optimal development environment and data collection methods to model training and deployment strategies. It offers a deep dive into how neuromorphic computing can be applied in real-world scenarios, shedding light on the processes of data acquisition, labeling, model training, and final deployment. As we navigate through the complexities of urban challenges, such insights pave the way for smarter, more efficient solutions in traffic monitoring and beyond.

Traffic Monitoring using the Brainchip Akida Neuromorphic Processor​

Created By: Naveen Kumar
Public Project Link:


A highly efficient computer-vision system that can detect moving vehicles with great accuracy and relative motion, all while consuming minimal power.

By capturing moving vehicle images, aerial cameras can provide information about traffic conditions, which is beneficial for governments and planners to manage traffic and enhance urban mobility. Detecting moving vehicles with low-powered devices is still a challenging task. We are going to tackle this problem using a Brainchip Akida neural network accelerator.

Hardware Selection​

In this project, we'll utilize BrainChip’s Akida Development Kit. BrainChip's neuromorphic processor IP uses event-based technology for increased energy efficiency. It allows incremental learning and high-speed inference for various applications, including convolutional neural networks, with exceptional performance and low power consumption.

The kit consists of an Akida PCie board, a Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 with Wi-Fi and 8 GB RAM, and a Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 I/O Board. The disassembled kit is shown below.
Hardware UnassembledThe Akida PCIe board can be connected to the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 IO Board through the PCIe Gen 2 x1 socket available onboard.
Hardware Closeup

Setting up the Development Environment​

After powering on the Akida development kit, we need to log in using an SSH connection. The kit comes with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and Akida PCIe drivers preinstalled. Furthermore, the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 Wi-Fi is preconfigured in Access Point (AP) mode.
Completing the setup requires the installation of a few Python packages, which requires an internet connection. This internet connection to the Raspberry Pi 4 can be established through wired LAN. In my situation, I used internet sharing on my Macbook with a USB-C to LAN adapter to connect the Raspberry Pi 4 to my Macbook.
To log in and install packages execute the following commands. The password is brainchip for the user ubuntu.
$ ssh ubuntu@<ip-address>
$ pip3 install akida
$ pip3 install opencv-python
$ pip3 install scipy
$ pip3 install Flask

Data Collection​

Capturing video of moving traffic using a drone is not permitted in my area so I used a license-free video from (credit: Taryn Elliot). For our demo input images, we extracted every 5th frame from the video using the Python script below.
import cv2
import sys

if __name__ == '__main__':
video_path = './traffic-3840x2160-24fps.mp4'
videoCapture = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path)
if not videoCapture.isOpened():
logging.error("Cannot open video file")
i = 0
j = 0
while True:
ret, frame =
if ret:
img = frame[440:440+1280, 1280:1280+1280]
cv2.imshow('Frame', img)
i = i + 1
if i % 5 == 0:
j += 1
cv2.imwrite(f'./data/images/img_{j:04d}.jpg', img)

key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
if key == ord('q'):
print('Exited gracefully')
We will use Edge Impulse Studio to build and train our demo model. This requires us to create an account and initiate a new project at
To upload the demo input images extracted from the video into the demo Edge Impulse project, we will use the Edge Impulse CLI Uploader. Follow the instructions at the link: to install the Edge Impulse CLI on your host computer.
Execute the command below to upload the dataset.
$ edge-impulse-uploader --category split images/*.jpg
The command above will upload the demo input images to Edge Impulse Studio and split them into "Training" and "Testing" datasets. Once the upload completes, the demo input datasets are visible on the Data Acquisition page within Edge Impulse Studio.


Now we can label the data with bounding boxes in the Labeling queue tab as shown in the GIF below.

Model training​

Go to the Impulse Design > Create Impulse page, click Add a processing block, and then choose Image. This preprocesses and normalizes image data, and optionally allows you to choose the color depth. Also, on the same page, click Add a learning block, and choose Object Detection (Images) - BrainChip Akida™ which fine-tunes a pre-trained object detection model specialized for the BrainChip AKD1000 PCIe board. This specialized model permits the use of a 224x224 image size, which is the size we are currently utilizing. Now click on the Save Impulse button.

On the Image page, choose RGB as color depth and click on the Save parameters button. The page will be redirected to the Generate Features page.

Now we can start feature generation by clicking on the Generate features button:

After feature generation, go to the Object Detection page and click on Choose a different model and select Akida FOMO. Then click on the Start training button. It will take a few minutes to complete the training.

The FOMO model uses an architecture similar to a standard image classification model which splits the input image into a grid and runs the equivalent of image classification across all cells in the grid independently in parallel. By default the grid size is 8x8 pixels, which means for a 224x224 image, the output will be 28x28 as shown in the image below.

For localization, it cuts off the last layers of the classification model and replaces this layer with a per-region class probability map, and subsequently applies a custom loss function that forces the network to fully preserve the locality in the final layer. This essentially gives us a heat map of vehicle locations. FOMO works on the constraining assumption that all of the bounding boxes are square, have a fixed size, and the objects are spread over the output grid. In the aerial view images, vehicles look similar in size hence FOMO works quite well.

Confusion Matrix​

Once the training is completed we can see the confusion matrices as shown below. By using the post-training quantization, the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are converted to a low-latency and low-power Spiking Neural Network (SNN) for use with the Akida runtime. We can see in the below image, the F1 score of 94% of the Quantized (Akida) model is better than that of the Quantized (int8) model.

Model Testing​

On the Model testing page, click on the Classify All button which will initiate model testing with the trained model. The testing accuracy is 100%.


We will be using Akida Python SDK to run inferencing, thus we will need to download the Meta TF model (underlined in red color in the image below) from the Edge Impulse Studio's Dashboard. After downloading, copy the ei-object-detection-metatf-model.fbz model file to the Akida development kit using command below.
$ scp ei-object-detection-metatf-model.fbz ubuntu@<ip-address>:/home/ubuntu
Block Output

Application Development​

The application loads the MetaTF model (*fbz) and maps it to the Akida neural processor. The inferencing is done on the images from a video file. We have converted several Edge Impulse C++ SDK functions to Python to preprocess FOMO input. Below is the main code for inferencing.
import akida
import cv2
import math
import time
import signal
import threading
import numpy as np
from queue import Queue
from scipy.special import softmax
from flask import Flask, render_template, Response

app = Flask(__name__, static_folder='templates/assets')

categories = ['Vehicle']
inference_speed = 0
power_consumption = 0

def ei_cube_check_overlap(c, x, y, width, height, confidence):
is_overlapping = not ((c['x'] + c['width'] < x) or (c['y'] + c['height'] < y) or (c['x'] > x + width) or (c['y'] > y + height))

if not is_overlapping:
return False
if x < c['x']:
c['x'] = x
c['width'] += c['x'] - x
if y < c['y']:
c['y'] = y;
c['height'] += c['y'] - y;
if (x + width) > (c['x'] + c['width']):
c['width'] += (x + width) - (c['x'] + c['width'])
if (y + height) > (c['y'] + c['height']):
c['height'] += (y + height) - (c['y'] + c['height'])
if confidence > c['confidence']:
c['confidence'] = confidence

return True

def ei_handle_cube(cubes, x, y, vf, label, detection_threshold):
if vf < detection_threshold:
has_overlapping = False
width = 1
height = 1
for c in cubes:
# not cube for same class? continue
if c['label'] != label:
if ei_cube_check_overlap(c, x, y, width, height, vf):
has_overlapping = True

if not has_overlapping:
cube = {}
cube['x'] = x
cube['y'] = y
cube['width'] = 1
cube['height'] = 1
cube['confidence'] = vf
cube['label'] = label

def fill_result_struct_from_cubes(cubes, out_width_factor):
result = {}
bbs = [];
results = [];
added_boxes_count = 0;

for sc in cubes:
has_overlapping = False;
for c in bbs:
# not cube for same class? continue
if c['label'] != sc['label']:
if ei_cube_check_overlap(c, sc['x'], sc['y'], sc['width'], sc['height'], sc['confidence']):
has_overlapping = True

if has_overlapping:

'label' : sc['label'],
'x' : int(sc['x'] * out_width_factor),
'y' : int(sc['y'] * out_width_factor),
'width' : int(sc['width'] * out_width_factor),
'height' : int(sc['height'] * out_width_factor),
'value' : sc['confidence']
added_boxes_count += 1

result['bounding_boxes'] = results
result['bounding_boxes_count'] = len(results)
return result

def fill_result_struct_f32_fomo(data, out_width, out_height):
cubes = []
out_width_factor = EI_CLASSIFIER_INPUT_WIDTH / out_width;
for y in range(out_width):
for x in range(out_height):
for ix in range(1, EI_CLASSIFIER_LABEL_COUNT + 1):
vf = data[y][x][ix];
ei_handle_cube(cubes, x, y, vf, categories[ix - 1], EI_CLASSIFIER_OBJECT_DETECTION_THRESHOLD);

result = fill_result_struct_from_cubes(cubes, out_width_factor)
return result

def capture(video_file, queueIn):
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_file)
fps = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)
num_frames = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)
if not cap.isOpened():
print("File not opened")

while True:
ret, frame =
if ret:
#cropped_img = frame[0:720, 280:280+720]
#resized_img = cv2.resize(frame, resize_dim, interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA)
resized_img = cv2.resize(frame, resize_dim)
img = cv2.cvtColor(resized_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
input_data = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0)
if not queueIn.full():
queueIn.put((frame, input_data))

def inferencing(model_file, queueIn, queueOut):
akida_model = akida.Model(model_file)
devices = akida.devices()
print(f'Available devices: {[dev.desc for dev in devices]}')
device = devices[0]
device.soc.power_measurement_enabled = True
i_h, i_w, i_c = akida_model.input_shape
o_h, o_w, o_c = akida_model.output_shape
scale_x = int(i_w/o_w)
scale_y = int(i_h/o_h)
scale_out_x = 1280/EI_CLASSIFIER_INPUT_WIDTH

global inference_speed
global power_consumption

while True:
if queueIn.empty():
#print("queue empty, wait a while")
img, input_data = queueIn.get()

start_time = time.perf_counter()
logits = akida_model.predict(input_data)
end_time = time.perf_counter()
inference_speed = (end_time - start_time) * 1000

pred = softmax(logits, axis=-1).squeeze()

floor_power = device.soc.power_meter.floor
power_events =
active_power = 0
for event in power_events:
active_power += event.power

power_consumption = f'{(active_power/len(power_events)) - floor_power : 0.2f}'

result = fill_result_struct_f32_fomo(pred, int(EI_CLASSIFIER_INPUT_WIDTH/8), int(EI_CLASSIFIER_INPUT_HEIGHT/8))

for bb in result['bounding_boxes']:
img =, (int((bb['x'] + int(bb['width']/2)) * scale_out_x), int((bb['y'] + int(bb['height']/2)) * scale_out_y)), 14, (57, 255, 20), 3)
img =, (int((bb['x'] + int(bb['width']/2)) * scale_out_x), int((bb['y'] + int(bb['height']/2)) * scale_out_y)), 8, (255, 165, 0), 3)

img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)

if not queueOut.full():

def gen_frames():
while True:
if queueOut.empty():
img = queueOut.get()
ret, buffer = cv2.imencode('.jpg', img)
yield (b'--frame\r\n'
b'Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n\r\n' + buffer.tobytes() + b'\r\n')

def get_inference_speed():
while True:
yield f"data:{inference_speed:.2f}\n\n"

def get_power_consumption():
while True:
yield "data:" + str(power_consumption) + "\n\n"

def video_feed():
#Video streaming route. Put this in the src attribute of an img tag
return Response(gen_frames(), mimetype='multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=frame')

def model_inference_speed():
return Response(get_inference_speed(), mimetype= 'text/event-stream')

def model_power_consumption():
return Response(get_power_consumption(), mimetype= 'text/event-stream')

def index():
return render_template('index.html')

if __name__ == '__main__':
video_file = './video/aerial_1280_1280.avi'
model_file = './model/ei-object-detection-metatf-model.fbz '

queueIn = Queue(maxsize = 24)
queueOut = Queue(maxsize = 24)

t1 = threading.Thread(target=capture, args=(video_file, queueIn))
t2 = threading.Thread(target=inferencing, args=(model_file, queueIn, queueOut))
t2.start() = '', port = 8080)

Run Inferencing​

To run the application, login to the Akida development kit and execute the commands below.
$ git clone
$ cd vehicle_detection_brainchip_edge_impulse
$ python3
The inferencing results can be accessed at http://:8080 using a web browser. The application also displays the model summary mapped on the Akida PCIe neural processor on the console.

Available devices: ['PCIe/NSoC_v2/0']
Model Summary
Input shape Output shape Sequences Layers NPs
[224, 224, 3] [28, 28, 2] 1 8 21

Layer (type) Output shape Kernel shape NPs

====== HW/conv_0-conv2d_1 (Hardware) - size: 261248 bytes ======

conv_0 (InputConv.) [112, 112, 16] (3, 3, 3, 16) N/A
conv_1 (Conv.) [112, 112, 32] (3, 3, 16, 32) 4
conv_2 (Conv.) [56, 56, 64] (3, 3, 32, 64) 6
conv_3 (Conv.) [56, 56, 64] (3, 3, 64, 64) 3
separable_4 (Sep.Conv.) [28, 28, 128] (3, 3, 64, 1) 3
(1, 1, 64, 128)
separable_5 (Sep.Conv.) [28, 28, 128] (3, 3, 128, 1) 2
(1, 1, 128, 128)
conv2d (Conv.) [28, 28, 32] (1, 1, 128, 32) 2
conv2d_1 (Conv.) [28, 28, 2] (1, 1, 32, 2) 1
Notice there is no Softmax layer at the end of the model. That layer has been removed during model conversion to run on the Akida processor. The Softmax operation is performed in the application code, rather than in the model..


The video used for the demonstration runs at a framerate of 24 fps, and the inferencing takes approximately 40ms per frame, resulting in real-time inferencing.


This project highlights the impressive abilities of the Akida PCIe board. Boasting low power consumption, it could be used as a highly effective device for real-time object detection in various industries for numerous use cases.

Thanks buddy, could you perhaps edit some of that out?? Lol kinda hard to read
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October 12th, Renesas AI live
'join us at AI Live to Innovations in Edge and End point Deployment'

Sailesh Chittipeddi will be giving a keynote talk How AI is Disrupting the IoT from the Infrastructure to the Edge

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Yeah I left the coding there as thought maybe those technical gurus here could make use of it. I've now removed it
❤️ 😆 thanks , yeah cause i was like
200w (2).gif
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"here we go!"


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So are we getting the Elxsi deal next week? Timing should be good.

Should be ''imminent'' 🥰

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In my opinion it is a mistake to view the slow uptake of a nascent technology as poor management. BrainChip has a very experienced management for semiconductor commercialisation. No one can predict how long the world will take to turn on the nueromorphic tap. BrainChip have made things as easy as possible for this tap to be turned by making Akida work with conventional algorithms - this is crucial to their success.. but still it is taking longer than anyone including those in management could have foreseen. I for one am getting tired of reading whinging posts about managements performance. I agree with many that the most they are guilty of is improving communication with SHs, but on the business side I don’t see any inadequacy. If we let the SP dictate our sentiment then we will never have enough patience to hold for long enough to reap success. Is the company in a better position commercially than they were when the SP was $2.34? Yes absolutely they are. Would anyone here disagree with that statement? If you can’t disagree then you may need to admit to yourselves that the SP action needs to be decoupled from anything the company is doing. I’m hurting like everyone here. I could have made millions if I had sold out rather than just a 100k when the price was $2.13.. now I have a liquidity problem - which I intend to solve without selling down a single share. I still own as many shares as I’ve ever owned and do a little trading (of 5-10%) to make ends meet and I intend to continue doing that until the ducks really line up and we see the sustained success that we all deserve to see. It just gets up my clacker the amount of bagging directed at managements performance. Could any here doing the bagging do any better? Could anyone name replacements for management after a second strike who could actually do a better job? If you can then let’s hear of them. AIMO.
Alan Joyce
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!

Oh wow....old news huh? I hadn't seen it before 🤔.

So let me get this straight, has been a known fact by many here for " a few months " that BRN, SONY AND INFINEON have been collaborating to make San Jose a smarter safer city???

And yet i and others have had to endure an ungodly amount of pissing and moaning on this forum in that same time period about the short term sp and progress of the company????!


View attachment 45373

And it's not just San Jose either. It's intended to be utilized throughout the United States AT SCALE to make intersections safer.

But no doubt some poor sods on here are going to find something disappointing about this too. What can you do?

B 💋

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Pretty simple really, we'll wait for the end of Oct, then we'll see if anyone is actually using Akida or just talking about it. 4c will tell us all the research needed. But we'll likely hear that royalties take time and wait for the following 4c, or the one after that. Or the following one after that, echo, echo,echo.....
Simon Thorpe’s recent lecture on neuromorphics ends with a surmise that GPU’s, using forward projection and block processing, could overcome a capacity limit for Loihi and Akida, predicting capacities like 16 billion neutrons, recurrent connectivity and on-line JAST. His lab used an Nvidia Geoforce GPU in experiments..

I thought Brainchip has a lock on JAST, through patents acquired, but, whatever we must see Akida 2000 out and in use, or the “three year lead” will evaporate.
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Who says the company doesn't listen to its shareholders? He-he-he! 😝

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I don't use any social media platforms (unless this is classified as social media) therefore I love the research and information that gets put up here but I do wish something came in the way of an ASX announcement because if it wasn't for this site I would only find out 4 times a year how bad out financials look.

I hope the royalties start pouring in before a capital raise is needed cause I can't afford to join in on it even at the low share price we have now.

Based on where I see this company right now I feel we are about 1 year behind where I thought we would be. I don't know a thing about our patents but I really hope they are airtight to keep other companies chasing.

If people think the announcement of version 2 is going to help I believe it might be more of a pump and dump since there is no monetary value attached to it.

Just my random thoughts for the day.
Have a great weekend.
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I don't use any social media platforms (unless this is classified as social media) therefore I love the research and information that gets put up here but I do wish something came in the way of an ASX announcement because if it wasn't for this site I would only find out 4 times a year how bad out financials look.

I hope the royalties start pouring in before a capital raise is needed cause I can't afford to join in on it even at the low share price we have now.

Based on where I see this company right now I feel we are about 1 year behind where I thought we would be. I don't know a thing about our patents but I really hope they are airtight to keep other companies chasing.

If people think the announcement of version 2 is going to help I believe it might be more of a pump and dump since there is no monetary value attached to it.

Just my random thoughts for the day.
Have a great weekend.
Hi @Flenton, yes this forum can be very informative, but I would also suggest if you want to follow what the company is doing, then keep an eye on
There is way more than just 4 ASX announcements that you say keeps market informed there.
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Hi @Flenton, yes this forum can be very informative, but I would also suggest if you want to follow what the company is doing, then keep an eye on
There is way more than just 4 ASX announcements that you say keeps market informed there.
Cheers for the link.
The ASX remark was a little understatement 🙂 and I will pay more attention to that page for now on.
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In my opinion it is a mistake to view the slow uptake of a nascent technology as poor management. BrainChip has a very experienced management for semiconductor commercialisation. No one can predict how long the world will take to turn on the nueromorphic tap. BrainChip have made things as easy as possible for this tap to be turned by making Akida work with conventional algorithms - this is crucial to their success.. but still it is taking longer than anyone including those in management could have foreseen. I for one am getting tired of reading whinging posts about managements performance. I agree with many that the most they are guilty of is improving communication with SHs, but on the business side I don’t see any inadequacy. If we let the SP dictate our sentiment then we will never have enough patience to hold for long enough to reap success. Is the company in a better position commercially than they were when the SP was $2.34? Yes absolutely they are. Would anyone here disagree with that statement? If you can’t disagree then you may need to admit to yourselves that the SP action needs to be decoupled from anything the company is doing. I’m hurting like everyone here. I could have made millions if I had sold out rather than just a 100k when the price was $2.13.. now I have a liquidity problem - which I intend to solve without selling down a single share. I still own as many shares as I’ve ever owned and do a little trading (of 5-10%) to make ends meet and I intend to continue doing that until the ducks really line up and we see the sustained success that we all deserve to see. It just gets up my clacker the amount of bagging directed at managements performance. Could any here doing the bagging do any better? Could anyone name replacements for management after a second strike who could actually do a better job? If you can then let’s hear of them. AIMO.
Is their technology actually any good? And if yes, how can it proved at present? The proof is in the pudding, and there’s actually no visible pudding.

Most of these posts are just stating the obvious that they feel misled and misguided by management based on years of promises and hype.

How do you know the company is in a better position than at its highest valuation? You’re basing that assumption on the fact they have the best technology that it’s only a matter of time will make market penetration.. Is it really ? There’s no evidence to conclusively say that the technology is that good.

In my opinion management are responsible for statements regarding the technological lead in this industry, and have done so for multiple years.. But that is not matched with any revenue confirmation, and therefore unless and until there is evidence of that, I consider Brainchip an unproven AI meme company that has no market penetration and is over-valued. Even at this 90% below ATH valuation.

The reason Brainchip is so cautious to release any news to the market is because they’ve been red flagged for their history of over promising and delivering no meaningful revenue relative to their market valuation.

So how would any investor know if Brainchips technology is as good as is purported? If it’s so good, why has no bigger established player already bought them out, let alone made an offer to do so?

The cold reality is whether fair or not, this Gen 2 release will be judged by the market as a failure if management can’t show anything tangible of market sales, penetration or new licensing by the next AGM.. And management will be judged accordingly.. After all, if it is that good, will there not be experienced tech industry experts lining up to take a position as new management in Brainchip? Or is current management the best in the industry?

AIMO but seriously how long is a piece of string with this company. Show me the results and I’ll gladly shout out how wrong this post is..
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