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Foolhardiness mostly. That, and the gifs.
I'm glad some of us got out in time - FF, uiux, zeebot and others. What fun we had over the years!
But I'm more the bunny in the headlights now, with the odd recollection of inexplicable voting at the AGM's.
Personally I hope Anil takes over. I've pretty much given up on Sean, RobT, and the 100 employees. Move it all to India and start again.
I always loved the idea of what we made, but never thought we had a clue financially.
That is just rubbish, you have no proof regarding those LTHs. Sometimes you make sense with the current situation then you come unstuck with this kind of post. 😡
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Just saw a new AWS advertisement comes on the tv talking about AI and machine learning, then right there before my eyes , a club wielding ogre busts through the wall before the ad continues on discussing their services. Very uncanny 🤔🤔
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Just saw a new AWS advertisement comes on the tv talking about AI and machine learning, then right there before my eyes , a club wielding ogre busts through the wall before the ad continues on discussing their services. Very uncanny 🤔🤔
I've seen that ad few times on the telly in the last week and some other ad offering ai services.
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I only appear to be on a pedestal because you and your mates are standing in a cess pit. I'd give you a hand up but you have sunk so low you have it all over your hands.
There is so little understanding by the market and even a lot of holders what BRN's product AKIDA is about, what it does, its so called competition and its material advantages.
I do not have the smarts to understand the tech so i figured the big picture is enough.
AI at the Edge is looking down the barrel of exponential growth.
There are 2 distinct Industry approaches at the moment. Players such as NVIDIA get to the Edge via the cloud.
AKIDA on the other hand handles all on the chip avoiding a costly visit to the cloud.
At the moment some data is more suited to the Cloud and other data suited to AKIDA (avoiding the cloud).
Both approaches ATM complement each other rather than compete.
The exponential Edge growth expected will be in the week by week, day to day, minute by minute things we humans do. Sounds scary but nothing ever stays the same.
The type of coming growth will be way more suited to the AKIDA approach as its cheaper, quicker and secure. Health, Auto and Industrial will be the first line of attack by BRN.
Buying BRN looks like buying a slice of the future.
For those pursuing access to the Edge via the cloud their days of dominance are nearing an end. In the meantime however they are building up huge piles of cash so they will not be concerned. When the time is right they will make their moves.
From my point of view the value of BRN's patent portfolio is growing and that is our safety net.
Laggards with $$ wanting a slice of the Neuromorphic approach to the Edge will be interested in our patents.
If we can hold without being bought out Sean's aim is to be one of the 2 or 3 leaders of a giant industry in the next decade.
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Unfortunately for my fellow wrinklie”s and I , our age is only a factor for us. 🤣
For some unfathomable reason it has no bearing or influence on the popularity of BrainChips technology, it’s commercial uptake nor the variable price of our shares.


It strikes me as both strange and funny when investors get exercised because reality is not meeting either their expectations or timelines.

Where is it written that investing in the stock market was guaranteed to conform with any fantasy of wealth creation within any particular time frame?

Having found both tea leaves and goat entrails unreliable why would charts illustrating past performance or the prognostications of fast talking experts be any better at predicting future outcomes.

When I first started buying BrainChip 8 years or so ago I could not have predicted exactly where we are now, the contracts we would have nor the partnerships and relationships that have eventuated .
I certainly didn’t foresee our share price fluctuating from 4 cents to $2.38 and back down to current levels.

Wow eh, if only we’d known 🤣

So, as someone has famously said “ the share price will do what the share price will do. “
In essence this is an acknowledgment that they have no direct control over it.
Certainly their actions have influence and ultimately provide a scaffolding for success but they are building a business, not engineering a particular price.

I hope we all live long enough and enjoy good health enough to benefit directly from our expectations of and for our company, but, as with growing trees it’s oft the next generation who’ll benefit most from the shade, fruits and blossoming potential.
Bring it, BrainChip!
Oddly enough endless patience is not just the domain of BRN. Many EV material socks have seen investors waiting eons for revenues to appear.
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Just saw a new AWS advertisement comes on the tv talking about AI and machine learning, then right there before my eyes , a club wielding ogre busts through the wall before the ad continues on discussing their services. Very uncanny 🤔🤔
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Just saw a new AWS advertisement comes on the tv talking about AI and machine learning, then right there before my eyes , a club wielding ogre busts through the wall before the ad continues on discussing their services. Very uncanny 🤔🤔
I have an alibi.
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There are 2 distinct Industry approaches at the moment. Players such as NVIDIA get to the Edge via the cloud.
AKIDA on the other hand handles all on the chip avoiding a costly visit to the cloud.
At the moment some data is more suited to the Cloud and other data suited to AKIDA (avoiding the cloud).
Both approaches ATM complement each other rather than compete.
To fullfill the picture, the rise of In Memory Computing will enable On Device processing with conventional CPUs and GPUs. Maybe there is more competition on the horizon than the actual state suggests.
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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
I had to look it up which is becoming more and more "a thing" for me these days. 🤣
Thank goodness for google. 🤣
For other "over the hill gang" members I'll save you 2 thrippence worth of electricity by posting my findings below.

'With all that in mind, crypto enthusiasts may say “wen moon” as a shorthand for “When are we going to the moon?” In other words, “wen moon” is a question crypto and Bitcoin fans ask when they want to know when the best time to sell their digital currencies is before prices make a downturn.'

Without meaning to "meatride" you or anything (God I hope I've got that right🤣), shooting for the moon just seems to me to be ordinary, everyday, run of the mill impatience and fear/hope suffered more or less by anyone foolhardy enough to trust their cash to the uncertainties of the market.🤣

I was more referring to that special sense of entitlement that us oldies get as we age and feel that cold clammy hand of mortality twitching in our thoughts between too frequent pee calls in the wee hours. That line of thought that realises time is running out. That thinks that the world knows or cares anymore about us than the billions who've gone afore.....

Still, having said all that, it's a beautiful arvo here in Melbourne with a warm sun in a blue in blue sky.
A cool breeze is blowin', birds singin' in the trees and I've food in the fridge and no ones taking pot shots at me.......
Mondays another day on the markets and we've got good news coming......
I'm sure I heard that somewhere.......🤣

Love ya work Hoppy .... you are a solid rock on this forum.... a great mediator! (y) (and many others too!) ...luv reading your posts :love::cool:

Looking forward to the day we ALL meet up and celebrate 🥂🍾🥂 (where ever it may be??) for a milestone moment that will be well and truly DESERVED!!

Good luck to all ... It has been and still is one serious roller coaster ride and I'm staying onboard!!!!!!


Cheers from Cab Sav central .. 🍷🍷🍷✌️:love:
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Unfortunately, introducing radically new paradigms and their adoption or adaptation to practical everyday use takes time. The amount of time varies, probably based on the novelty, usefulness, or current awareness of its existence by the industry that will benefit from it.

If BrainChip's Akida product line delivers on performance and power savings, I believe it will gain a foothold in the consumer industry. At a time when companies and individuals are trying to achieve more with fewer resources and at a lower cost, it makes sense. Those who question "if" the technology will be adopted are possibly not looking at the various use cases or long-term benefits and savings it will bring to both companies and individual consumers.

As an example, LED light technology has been around since 1962. It wasn't until 2009 that Phillips created the LED-based light bulb. That took years for people to adopt, and I'm certainly glad I did. About three or four years after that, when less expensive LED bulbs were being produced, I took the plunge and replaced all of my incandescent bulbs at home with them. I am glad I did, having experienced a 36.8% decrease in my electric bill. I think this was a combination of the power savings of the LED bulbs and the A/C running less due to less heat generated by the incandescent bulbs.

The savings eventually paid for the bulbs themselves and helped offset the inability of my annual salary increase to offset the rising cost of inflation. I believe the younger generation is waking up to the benefits of using green energy and finding ways to stretch how far renewable resources and battery technology will go.

Thanks to Open AI's ChatGPT, training large models and using them for inferencing is on the radar of many companies and individuals today. With copyright and security concerns, training models on one's private data and using them on local, inexpensive hardware is now focusing on Edge AI.

It took many years to get where they are now. BrainChip has already made some good inroads with its EAP program, promotion through educational institutions, partners that can provide Akida IP in their offerings, and the foundry services to manufacture them. Being a small company (although growing), they can be more flexible in their change of direction and changes to product design based on customer feedback much quicker than large corporations against which they compete.

BrainChip cannot and should not manipulate the share price. They can influence it by making substantive announcements that will have a direct and material effect on their revenue, even if those revenue streams have not yet been realized to their full potential. All other announcements BrainChip chooses to share on its website are not fluff but proof that they are working on penetrating the market and growing the ecosystem of partners and potential customers.

My attention is on the technology and how it will be used in the future; I try not to be concerned about the stock price that, for transparency, is substantially below my average buy-in. One could go mad reading some of the posts on different forums or comments on social media about a company's stock. However, I believe one should also be aware there are people out there, if not attempting to manipulate one into buying or selling a stock, who love to push buttons and watch peoples' reactions when they let their emotions swing with a price change. That door swings both ways, just as in sports, there are poor winners as much as there are poor losers.

Anyhow, enough of the segue. I hope that one day, those invested in BrainChip will live to see the potential benefits it could bring to the medical industry, find that their life expectancy is increased by an invention using the technology in which they invested and that they may live longer to enjoy the rewards of their investment. Cheers!

Great post @JDelekto! Thank you. 👍👍👍
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Hi Deena,

I am wondering what your thoughts are re: the adoption of Gen 2 Akida..

Are you expecting any new IP licensees this year?

What’s your view on performance of management? And how do you measure that?

If positive, would you be expecting early adopting partners like Valeo, Socionext, Ford, Vorago, Renesas to be producing revenue with Gen 2 by the next AGM?

I’m asking because as we stand, it is difficult to quantify for most retail shareholders based on revenue and number of Licencees of Akida, whether the last 12-18 months performance by management could be considered a success or not..

And based on voting at the last two AGMs, it seems shareholders are growing impatient with our Founder and not unanimously accepting of the remuneration report last year.. There seems to be negative consequences of keeping the status quo if so by the next AGM..

So I’m wondering what gives you confidence that I and others have been unable to sustain? Because the only thing I can really come up with is that you know more than most retail shareholders..

The caveat on that if it were true, having known some people on boards of companies myself, I’m of the opinion that “knowing more” rarely translates to successful outcomes with investing..

Therefore I’m curious as to your research and potential connections giving you more conviction, or have you fallen ill of believing a narrative that to others seems to have too many contrarian red flags to become an eventual success..

I’m just an anonymous poster with an opinion on a chat forum…
In my opinion it is a mistake to view the slow uptake of a nascent technology as poor management. BrainChip has a very experienced management for semiconductor commercialisation. No one can predict how long the world will take to turn on the nueromorphic tap. BrainChip have made things as easy as possible for this tap to be turned by making Akida work with conventional algorithms - this is crucial to their success.. but still it is taking longer than anyone including those in management could have foreseen. I for one am getting tired of reading whinging posts about managements performance. I agree with many that the most they are guilty of is improving communication with SHs, but on the business side I don’t see any inadequacy. If we let the SP dictate our sentiment then we will never have enough patience to hold for long enough to reap success. Is the company in a better position commercially than they were when the SP was $2.34? Yes absolutely they are. Would anyone here disagree with that statement? If you can’t disagree then you may need to admit to yourselves that the SP action needs to be decoupled from anything the company is doing. I’m hurting like everyone here. I could have made millions if I had sold out rather than just a 100k when the price was $2.13.. now I have a liquidity problem - which I intend to solve without selling down a single share. I still own as many shares as I’ve ever owned and do a little trading (of 5-10%) to make ends meet and I intend to continue doing that until the ducks really line up and we see the sustained success that we all deserve to see. It just gets up my clacker the amount of bagging directed at managements performance. Could any here doing the bagging do any better? Could anyone name replacements for management after a second strike who could actually do a better job? If you can then let’s hear of them. AIMO.
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Uuuuuuummm, read this........

Sony and Infineon collaborating with BRN for San Jose.......
the city....

View attachment 45336 – Learning Hardware Community


Sony Invests in Raspberry Pi, Aims to Add Its AITRIOS Edge AI Platform to the Ecosystem​

New expansion to an already-close relationship adds greater weight to suggestions of AI acceleration on the Raspberry Pi 5.​

Gareth HalfacreeFollow
5 months ago • HW101 / Machine Learning & AI

Sony Semiconductor Solutions has announced an investment in Raspberry Pi Ltd, the for-profit arm of the Raspberry Pi empire, telegraphing hopes that it will be able to make its AITRIOS edge artificial intelligence (edge AI) platform the go-to way to boost the single-board computers' capabilities for low-power on-device machine learning.
"Sony Group is a longstanding and valued strategic partner. Our pre-existing relationship encompasses contract manufacturing, and the provision of image sensors and other semiconductor products," explains Eben Upton, Raspberry Pi chief executive officer and co-founder, of the companies' relationship. "This transaction will allow us to expand our partnership, bringing Sony Semiconductor Solutions' line of AI products to the Raspberry Pi ecosystem, and helping our users to build exciting new machine-learning applications at the edge."
Raspberry Pi has received a financial shot in the arm from Sony's semiconductor division, with a view to pushing the AITRIOS platform. (📷: Gareth Halfacree)

Raspberry Pi has received a financial shot in the arm from Sony's semiconductor division, with a view to pushing the AITRIOS platform. (📷: Gareth Halfacree)

"Our goal is to provide new value to a variety of industries and support them in solving issues using our innovative edge AI sensing technology built around image sensors," says Terushi Shimizu, Sony Semiconductor Solutions' president and chief executive officer. "We are very pleased to be partnering with Raspberry Pi Ltd. to bring our AITRIOS platform — which supports the development of unique and diverse solutions utilizing our edge AI devices — to the Raspberry Pi user and developer community, and provide a unique development experience."
AITRIOS is Sony's edge AI sensing platform, designed to make it easier to develop vision-based machine learning applications which operate both on-device and with cloud computing capabilities where required. " The name 'AITRIOS' consists of the platform keyword 'AI' and 'Trio S,' meaning, 'three S's,'" Sony explains. "Through AITRIOS, SSS aims to deliver the three S's of 'Solution,' 'Social Value,' and 'Sustainability' to the world."
While perhaps a little overblown, the three-S pillar behind AITRIOS aligns well with Raspberry Pi's own stated goals surrounding computing education and accessibility. It also provides additional grist for the rumor mill surrounding the Raspberry Pi 5, a still-theoretical successor to the popular Raspberry Pi 4 single-board computer family and its potential to include on-device accelerators specifically targeting machine learning acceleration.
Eben Upton has already suggested the Raspberry Pi ASIC team, which designed the RP2040 pictured, may be adding machine learning acceleration to future devices. (📷: Gareth Halfacree)

Eben Upton has already suggested the Raspberry Pi ASIC team, which designed the RP2040 pictured, may be adding machine learning acceleration to future devices. (📷: Gareth Halfacree)

In 2021, Upton spoke at the tinyML Summit 2021 suggesting that the company's in-house application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) team may be working on compact accelerator cores — which would dovetail nicely with Sony's vision for AITRIOS.
For now, though, there's nothing confirmed about the Raspberry Pi 5 — and neither has Sony nor Raspberry Pi Ltd confirmed the value of Sony's investment, though Sony describes it as a "minority investment."
machine learning
computer vision
single board computer
artificial intelligence

Gareth HalfacreeFollow
Freelance journalist, technical author, hacker, tinkerer, erstwhile sysadmin. For hire:
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To fullfill the picture, the rise of In Memory Computing will enable On Device processing with conventional CPUs and GPUs. Maybe there is more competition on the horizon than the actual state suggests.
I think in memory computing uses the cloud. Check it out. Also not sure whether it has on chip learning capabilities.
A more tech savvy poster will know.
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Building on this ...

Tata, one of the most trusted corporate companies in India, and the 2nd largest, have been working on Neuromorphic computing, and Spiking Neural Networks, for several years.

View attachment 45332

There have been several white papers released by TCS scientists, such as

Some key scientists at TCS even have in built into their work title !

Sounak Dey
Senior Scientist, Neuromorphic Computing and Spiking Neural Network, TCS Research

And this forum has direct evidence of Akida being used in the development of various projects within TCS

Such as the ECG classifier for Wearable edge devices, published 10 months ago.

; View attachment 45333
We must also remember this LinkedIn commentary from 10 months ago

View attachment 45334
View attachment 45335

In response to a post by TCS on Neuromorphic Computing coupled with Spiking Neural Networks, our own Jesse Chapman got involved and made a comment about BrainChip to Arijit Mukherjee, TCS principal scientist.

Arijit's response :

Jesse : " Brainchip very far ahead of all companies working on neuromorphic, be interesting to see the adoption of neuromorphic architecture through their partners"

Arijit : " We have worked very closely and will continue to do so "

This is not dot joining , 10 months ago it was stated by TCS that they had been working very closely with BrainChip .
and recently they have taken this to the next level via the Tata Elxsi partnership.

The second biggest company in India is right behind creating commercial value via neuromorphic compute coupled with spiking neural networks using BrainChip as a partner.

The recent SP drop I see as more than our own "Black Swan" event manufactured by market manipulators.
But on the back of this Tata relationship alone, I have used this SP drop as an unexpected "opportunity" to increase my holding.

Please DYOR and this is not financial advice.
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Uuuuuuummm, read this........

Sony and Infineon collaborating with BRN for San Jose.......
the city....

View attachment 45336

Oh wow.. <3

Thanks for sharing!

This post is actually few months old, Iucky we had no idea... might have bought more (even though I might have got killed by my wife trying to convince her)...
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Pretty simple really, we'll wait for the end of Oct, then we'll see if anyone is actually using Akida or just talking about it. 4c will tell us all the research needed. But we'll likely hear that royalties take time and wait for the following 4c, or the one after that. Or the following one after that, echo, echo,echo.....
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Founding Member
Could anyone name replacements for management after a second strike who could actually do a better job? If you
So you want shareholders of the company to find employees?

Remind me why are we paying the board again?

Literally their job to find the right candidate for the role. Share holders are investors, not an employment consultancy. I'm sure they know this too.
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Uuuuuuummm, read this........

Sony and Infineon collaborating with BRN for San Jose.......
the city....

View attachment 45336


Oh wow.. <3

Thanks for sharing!

This post is actually few months old, Iucky we had no idea... might have bought more (even though I might have got killed by my wife trying to convince her)...
Oh wow....old news huh? I hadn't seen it before 🤔.

So let me get this straight, has been a known fact by many here for " a few months " that BRN, SONY AND INFINEON have been collaborating to make San Jose a smarter safer city???

And yet i and others have had to endure an ungodly amount of pissing and moaning on this forum in that same time period about the short term sp and progress of the company????!


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Pretty simple really, we'll wait for the end of Oct, then we'll see if anyone is actually using Akida or just talking about it. 4c will tell us all the research needed. But we'll likely hear that royalties take time and wait for the following 4c, or the one after that. Or the following one after that, echo, echo,echo.....
Perhaps, or not... let's see.
I keep asking myself, if this was a start-up owned purely by myself and 5 others would I hang on and continue to invest? Despite the low revenue, there is a lot of activity and excitement behind the scenes. Patents are precious. Technology IS superior, unique and cutting edge. Lesser companies are being taken over for billions... I would most definitely soldier on as the future is bright. What would you do at this stage? Cut your loses and move on? Go on then. I'll hold on thanks.
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Founding Member
ungodly amount of pissing and moaning on this forum in that same time period about the short term sp and
It's very therapeutic 😂😂😂
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