It is conflicting statements from Brainchip's team that absolutely do my head in sometimes as is the case when you say:
"Antonio covered this in the last podcast, where our IP may never again be recognised formally or explicitly in any product."
Now I haven't listened to that last podcast as I found part 1 quite pointless, personally. But this statement is much different to the tune Tony Dawe was singing in March 2023. In an emailed response to @alwaysgreen, Tony stated:
"It seems highly unlikely that a customer of one of our licencees would keep its use of neuromorphic AI secret for very long.
Such a company would almost certainly use the employment of Akida neuromorphic IP as part of its marketing pitch to attract customers by differentiating its product from its competitors. See Mercedes press release 4 Jan 2022."
Antonio's and Tony's comments are in stark contrast to one another.
I'd suggest you go and listen to the podcast, as I was simply paraphrasing.
He drew comparisons to the latest IPhone with many many chips and many many IP suppliers, with almost none of them on Apple's website.
They are simply inside the iPhone, fairly hush hush. Also the average consumer couldn't care less what IP is inside.
Again, I'd listen for yourself before trying to draw comparisons between management statements.
To speculate on the difference between the two statements you highlighted, I'd say Akida is always Neuromorphic, but in time, Neuromorphic is not always Akida.
Ai is extremely popular, so mentioning ML, SNN, CNN, Tenns, NM, Ai, Transformers etc would be buzz words.
At this stage we are the commercially available IP, but may not always be the case.
Basically I'm saying they may shout about Neuromorphic, but not Akida specifically.