Sorry wasn't directed at you. Yours was relevant. It's for those trigger happy members who will think Brainchip is involved in all Tata Elxsi projects.Do I understand you right that you did not want me to share this LinkedIn post from Rob Telson?
It is not just one of Rob's Likes which are posted here so often.
Or am I misunderstanding you?
For some interest: Digitate's flagship product, ignio.
Thanks mate. Probably worth having a dig around those companies and bookmarking them and do some recon every now and then.
Seek helpI dunno folks.
Maybe I've just finally gone fully batshit crazy, but the more they push our price down, the more confident I feel, and the more I want to buy.
It's almost like the fear they seek to engender and which my intellect tells me I should be feeling has swapped polarity and instead makes me more determined than ever to ride this thing either straight on up to heaven or into the dirt.
It's like when I was a kid and someone dared me to do something.
No advice intended for any soul out there.
Just where I'm at atm.
Come on mate. He/she is giving the best they have, however limited that is…I’ll tell you what Wilzy, why don’t you just ignore me, and I’ll ignore you. It’s not like I’d be missing much, I genuinely cannot think of a single post you’ve made in all these years that add a particle of value anyway.
Another $2.8mill I believe before Dec 31st.."Now we have to hope that a cap raise won’t be coming and that the management team chooses action over words. Something up until this point they were never able to do."
LDA are our finance partners. We still need to make another call to satisfy our obligation before the end of the year. That's why so many shorts are hanging around, a near guaranteed supply of new shares from the company itself as there is no revenue to pay the bills.
Not popular but a reality of business. There is no free lunch.
I dunno folks.
Maybe I've just finally gone fully batshit crazy, but the more they push our price down, the more confident I feel, and the more I want to buy.
It's almost like the fear they seek to engender and which my intellect tells me I should be feeling has swapped polarity and instead makes me more determined than ever to ride this thing either straight on up to heaven or into the dirt.
It's like when I was a kid and someone dared me to do something.
No advice intended for any soul out there.
Just where I'm at atm.
Don't know..Not sure what this Telsa stuff is about. 12 months ago Samsung got a $3-4B contract to supply "traditional" cameras to Telsa. Not an event driven device in sight so very unlikely we're involved there.. And in another twist, Tesla changed their chip foundry for the new FSD chips to TSMC from Samsung. That initially got me interested due to our historic relationship with TSMC and my own conjecture that Akida1500 was developed to "fit in" to a specific configuration with a separate CPU - maybe the new Tesla FSD chip. However, the new FSD chips are being fabbed by TSMC at 4nm. If Telsa was the target end user, why did we fab Akida1500 in 22nm??
Perhaps Tata were waiting for AKIDA1500?
Does anyone else get the feeling there's going to be a lot more happening soon now this has been announced.Perhaps Tata were waiting for AKIDA1500?
Would be nice if it did... as mentioned elsewhere, picked up 16500 extra today (and then it dipped more, ah well)... I will wait and see.Does anyone else get the feeling there's going to be a lot more happening soon now this has been announced.
One of these might just be a contract signing instead of a partnership.
I was looking into Tata Elxsi a few weeks ago thinking that this could be the relationship with a major communications company which was mentioned a few podcasts back. There were a few posts here on TSE earlier in the year I believe relating to Tata Elxsi as well. Well done to those dot joiners. Well done management. Tata is a bohemoth......
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Happy as Larry